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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occam%27s_razor 天主教發明之管理學圭臬,讀MBA實会教 http://mba.missouri.edu/blog/tag/occams-razor/ | |
原來晤淨止我唔識答 | |
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做參謀,就係要諗對手會點諗,先對手一步製定方略, 方為上策。以免教友提出嗰陣,您就O晒嘴。 杜特尔特一味話顛鼠教点衰点衰, 其實佢一定有用天主教剃刀原理治國。 as a matter of fact, 不論係咩主義的政府,天主教剃刀思想直情都deserves to 寫埋入憲法。 咁而家您諗唔諗到点樣拆解? | |
https://m.exchristian.hk/home/article/show/55 | |
譬如您,一味鬼屌咁聲唱衰天主教,您咪一様用天主教剃刀原理治網/持家。您唔矛盾咩? 天主教能夠發明令人離教的思想,您更不能否認佢導人向善。 | |
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所以教友痾屎施肥養到您肥屍大隻嘴jurjur, 乃為貢獻#2 貢獻#3 除痾屎之外, 生一個發明肋剪、流動輸血車嘅仔都得: | |
恢复了原貌。一楼是客厅、餐厅和书房。从房间的布置看,这是一个家境富裕、 品味高雅的家庭。白求恩的父母亲都是十分虔诚的基督徒,父亲是牧师,母亲是 传教士。“母亲给了我一个传道家的性格,父亲给了我一股要行动的热劲。”这 就是白求恩总结的家庭对他所产生的影响。" http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4b00cc920102dzs6.html | |
輸血車 | |
http://cbr.ubc.ca/dr-norman-beth ... sium-in-march-2012/ | |
維薩留斯(A. Vesalius, 1514-1564) 是解剖學家,發表了《人體的構造》。教會判他死刑,並通緝追捕。從此他就離開意大利,至老而不知所終。 塞爾維特(M. Servetus,1529-1553) 是解剖學家,發現人體血液大循環系統外還有小循環系統。 寫有《論三位一體的謬誤》。 逃往日內瓦時被捕,幾星期後被關在一個寒冷潮濕的地牢,手腳上被上了鐐栲。最後被加爾文下令用慢火燒烤二小時。 | |
"For many years it was assumed that Vesalius's pilgrimage was due to pressures of the Inquisition. Today this assumption is generally considered to be without foundation[10] and is dismissed by modern biographers. It appears the story was spread by Hubert Languet, a diplomat under Emperor Charles V and then under the Prince of Orange, who claimed in 1565 that Vesalius had performed an autopsy on an aristocrat in Spain while the heart was still beating, leading to the Inquisition's condemning him to death. The story went on to claim that Philip II had the sentence commuted to a pilgrimage. The story re-surfaced several times over the next few years, living on until recent times." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andreas_Vesalius 加尔文都反對對Michael Servetus判火刑 ...after he [Servetus] had been recognized, I thought he should be detained. My friend Nicolas summoned him on a capital charge, offering himself as a security according to the lex talionis. On the following day he adduced against him forty written charges. He at first sought to evade them. Accordingly we were summoned. He impudently reviled me, just as if he regarded me as obnoxious to him. I answered him as he deserved... of the man’s effrontery I will say nothing; but such was his madness that he did not hesitate to say that devils possessed divinity; yea, that many gods were in individual devils, inasmuch as a deity had been substantially communicated to those equally with wood and stone. I hope that sentence of death will at least be passed on him; but I desired that the severity of the punishment be mitigated.[32] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Servetus -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 而且,佢地唔係非教徒: "In 1564 Vesalius went on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, " (29 September 1509 or 1511 – 27 October 1553), was a Spanish theologian, physician, cartographer, and Renaissance humanist. 您所列舉的貢獻都係天主教的貢獻 | |
仲有,乜宗教裁判所既判詞都可信既咩? | |
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not to mention 再之前20年的欧洲、USSR | |
貢獻#2:教友痾屎做肥料,滋養萬物 貢獻#3:白求恩受父母宗教影響而發明肋剪、流動輸血車 貢獻#4:中世紀燒死咁多人,減少人口,係對地球生態既一大貢獻 | |
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