The study was conducted at Aarhus University using American date from more than 7000 subjects. The Danish professor is a highly controversial academician who has previously provoked outrage by concluding that White people are generally more intelligent than Black people, and in 2002 that men have a higher average intelligence than women – while there are more men than women with very low intelligence. Last year the professor was fired from Aarhus university following criticism from a panel of experts who criticised his research, but the verdict was changed to a correction for negligence after both Danish and American researchers argued that he was the victim of a witch hunt because his results were not “politically correct”. Helmuth Nyborg belongs to that branch of psychologists who believe that intelligence depends more on genetic factors than environment. The type of intelligence that he measures is the so-called g-factor, which is a measure of the ability of the brain to handle complex information. Other brain researchers and psychologists say that the brain changes over time, including the intelligence, and some also work with different categories of intelligence, such as social, creative and musical intelligence. Helmuth Nyborg says that the rankings from intelligence test made by the age of six usually still stands 60 years later regardless of the education the test subjects have achieved. Education does not influence intelligence, but intelligence often determines the length of the education, according to the professor. Not surprisingly, Helmuth Nyborg has been accused of being a Nazi, at one point over a statement saying that it may become a problem for the average intelligence of future societies that highly intelligent people produce relatively few children. The professor denies the accusation and says that he was taught from an early age to despise Nazism. He also says he will continue publishing his studies, regardless of controversies. ![]() Is atheism a new leap in evolution or is the concept of "god" a delusion as Dawkins claims? A controversial Danish professor now hints that people with lower intelligence may be attracted to religion. Mon Feb 5, 2007 4:50 PM EST | | | |
其中一些有趣的統計發現如下: (一)宗教的篤信程度和教育水平是負聯繫的,即受越高的教育其宗教信仰就越低或少; (二)宗教篤信程度也和對科學的興趣成反對比,但卻和政治寬容或政治自由成正比; (三)父母親的宗教虔誠和子女的宗教虔誠有正面聯繫,即若父母篤信宗教,其子女亦然。 有人說此類調查不公正也沒代表性。但根據美國Mensa(高智商者的組織)的統計,自1927年來所作的43宗統計調查有關宗教信仰和智能或教育水平的關係,其中39宗確認宗教信仰的篤信度和教育水平或智能是成反面關係的。 但至今還有許多教徒說科學和宗教是相容的,甚至進化論也和宗教是相容的。他們還說有許多科學家都是虔誠的教徒。 | |
講大話! 許多科學家是虔誠的教徒的話, 就全起碼會有一半人去晒做牧師啦! 有幾多個科學家放棄佢0地0既高薪厚職, 走去為 "耶神傳福音" ,讓更多人可以上天堂? | |
[url= ... ot-cross-frontiers/] ... ot-cross-frontiers/[/url] "In other words, the solution to war — that is, to move a society from a warlike existence to a peacelike existence — is not to be found in a particular type of government or religion or ideology or worldview; it is in a particular type of social process called trade. The evolutionary origin of trade may have been political alliances, but one of the unintended consequences is that trade produces a division of labor that generates more goods, for more people, more of the time." [ 本帖最後由 dye 於 2008-3-12 20:53 編輯 ] | |
原帖由 dye 於 2008-3-12 20:46 發表 Wooo.... page not found ![]() | |
Check under "Essay" I am unable to open many website in Mainland. The censorship here is crippling (I have this feeling every time I am here) [ 本帖最後由 dye 於 2008-3-13 10:58 編輯 ] | |
原帖由 dye 於 2008-3-13 10:47 發表 I am unable to open many website in Mainland. The censorship here is crippling (I have this feeling every time I am here) ThANKs 4////for thou////you////u art////are////'r in other words providing the evidence for that 離教者之家 's////has been recognised as o k after their scrutinisation 4//for ,,,,due-dilligence''''' ;--^) cheers ThANKye | |
林前1:26 弟兄們哪、可見你們蒙召的、按著肉體有智慧的不多、有能力的不多、有尊貴的也不多. | |
係咪咁解呀? | |
你唔好咁直啦,好唔好?咁樣會嚇到佢地放棄增進智慧既動機架。 ![]() | |
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原帖由 M2 於 2008-3-14 16:30 發表 教會既教導, 一向不鼓勵人用腦, 只要一咪地信; 又話叫人「不要依靠自己的聰明」 聰明都整到蠢啦! 離教後, 我真係執番個腦, 思考比以前敏捷咗好多! [ 本帖最後由 迷彩朱古力 於 2008-3-22 01:41 編輯 ] | |
你都係中咗耶教既毒! 希望你早日醒悟! | |
sorry , 1 of their quite possible answers4u : :::::::::: 說話難聽但真實︰ ![]() ![]() | |
中時電子報報道,北愛爾蘭歐斯特大學榮譽心理學教授李察‧林恩研究發現,智商較高的人比較不信神。過去百年來宗教信仰的衰落,與國民的平均智商提高有直接關聯。 林恩教授指出,有很多的「智識精英」階級認為自己是無神論者,這個比例要比全英國平均要來得高。 然而,林恩這個結論已被批評者貼上「過分簡化」的標簽。他這份研究報告是為學術刊物《智慧》(Intelligence)所撰。 林恩教授過去也曾因為將才智與種族、性別劃上等號,而激起爭辯。這一次他說,學術分子與任何其他人比起來,較不信神。 一個對英國「皇家學會」院士所做的民調發現,信神者只有3.3%。而當時有68.5%的英國人自稱信神。在1990年代進行的另一項調查發現,「美國國家科學研究院」院士中,信神的只佔7%。 林恩指出,大多數的小學生都信神,但是等到他們進入青春期之後,就開始懷疑了。這跟他們在青春期間智力增加有關。 但倫敦伯貝克學院的戈登‧林區教授反駁林恩的推論。他說,林恩之說未把社會、經濟、歷史等因素考量進去,「如此,將宗教信仰跟智商連結一起,是種危險的趨勢。」 |