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for 離教百科's 離教名人 | | | | | v 沈 達 元 , theo , may b the exChristian , the head-mc of e 個 世 界 http://www.rthk.org.hk/rthk/program_archive.cgi?progdir=radio2/eworld&event_name=e+%E5%80%8B+%E4%B8%96+%E7%95%8C+%0A every saturnsday[saturday];--^), 18;00 , rthk2 .1. sorry , may be he not so renown .2. n'o no , i did n-ever hear he publiccly announcing himself as exChristian , i did n'ever hear he publiccly announcing himself as exChristian , i did never hear he publiccly announcing himself as exChristian , i did just hear him said that : ::::: ````` when i used to go church """" [[[[[[[[[ in cantonnese of course ]]]]]]]]] or something like that , + in his program e 個 世 界 , several times , he did interview some astrologists , + in his program e 個 世 界 , he had said : ::::: ````````` i dont believe in astrology too much [[.....]] but , i think the astrology is a kind of statisticcal science """"""""" [[[[[[[[[ in cantonnese of course ]]]]]]]]] or something like that , any incorrectness please dont hesitate2correct it cheers ThANKye , pendragon | |
劉婉芬 http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index. ... 1.E7.B6.93.E5.8F.B0 >> 刘婉芬 >> (现任新城财经台节目总监,曾于商台任职。 >> 现主持节目有 >> 《我的事务所》、 >> 《明茶馆》、 >> 《事业天梯》、 >> 《人生百味》、 >> 《饮食得喜》等) http://www.104metrofinance.com/schedule.html [[.....]] [[.....]] >>>> 星期六 >>>> 2000-2200 >>>> 健康地球人* >>>> Fitness for All >>>> 葉廣濤 劉婉芬 [[[[[[[[[ 21;00 - 22;00 , not-too-buddhistic time , done by 劉婉芬 + a nun ]]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[[[ 21;00 - 22;00 , 星期日 , replayed , 節目重溫 ]]]]]]]]] [[.....]] [[.....]] >>>> 星期日 >>>> 1100-1200 人生百味 >>>> Fill up Your Senses 劉婉芬 [[[[[[[[[ sponsorred by 居士林 , 'the LayBuddhist ]]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[[[ 節目重溫 http://www.LayBuddhist.com/main_activities.htm ]]]]]]]]] [[.....]] [[.....]] [[.....]] [[.....]] [[.....]] [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2007-12-26 09:39 編輯 ] | |
[[[[[[[[[ 新城财经台节目 , year2005 or year 2006 ]]]]]]]]] : ::::: ````` i used to believe in Christiannity , but , now , quit it """" [[[[[[[[[ in cantonnese of course ]]]]]]]]] [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2007-12-26 09:40 編輯 ] | |
葉廣濤 's mentionned in his own program , 新城财经台's 健康地球人 that : ::::: ````````` i did also use to be a Christian """"""""" [[[[[[[[[ in cantonnese of course ]]]]]]]]] http://www.104metrofinance.com/schedule.html [[.....]] [[.....]] >>>> 星期六 >>>> 2000-2200 >>>> 健康地球人* >>>> Fitness for All >>>> 葉廣濤 劉婉芬 葉廣濤 + 劉婉芬 , severral months b4 , year2007, @ their own program 新城财经台's 健康地球人 , have used up about 30 minutes , in introducing hk's old chinese temples | |
`````````announced""""""""" + `````````declared""""""""" in the above-introduction , sorry , ![]() 'the words 'r too heavy + unsuitable , 'the correct wording should b `````````mentionned""""""""" , sorry again , pendragon , ![]() | |
LayBuddhist = 居士林 | |
Prussianz 似乎是新城財經台的擁躉呢。 ![]() | |
>>>> 似乎是新城財經台的擁躉呢。 i stay tuned @ fm104[新城財經台] 24x7x366 , not so much 4 investment , but also 4 learning how2run a public listed co + corporate governance ![]() >> 謝謝介紹! >> 但似乎找不到有關人士的詳細宗教資料, >> 也想找他們公開明確說過的文章或錄音等。 .1. not even @ wikipedia e.t.c. .2. 'the recordings were used to be freely replayed 4free , but , now ......... .3. ye may contact them 4interview , but , i dont think they would dare2accept the interview by u ;--^), especially , expecially , +劉婉芬 , 现任新城财经台节目总监 , there4 , she cannot afford to get those Christians or Catholic custommers or audience mad in any way , + in her own programme , 健康地球人 , she did even say some sweet things for Christiannity , e.g. ````` u should embrace your own religion , Christiannity or Catholiccism """" ````` u should have a right religion , such as Christiannity or Catholiccism """" oh My God cheers ThANKye pendragon | |
> e.g. > ````` u should embrace your own religion , Christiannity """" > ````` u should have a right religion , such as Christiannity """" correction : ::::: 'the above-quoted speeches were indeed at that time said by 劉婉芬's partner , 'the nun , liu-yat // liao-yi , i do -n-o-t- think that liu-yat // liao-yi were to flatter any Christian @then i do -n-o-t- think that liu-yat // liao-yi were to flatter any Christian @then perhaps 100.000% caused by the open-mind of buddhism , perhaps 100.000% caused by the open-mind of buddhism , sorry4anyMistake , cheers ThANKye , pendragon [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2007-12-27 09:32 編輯 ] | |
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in order to protect the celebrities whom i have described as potential exChristians , hereby , i do solemnly expressively expressivly declare : ::::: my-comments-about-potential-exChristian-identity-of-these-celebrities 'r all nothing but 100.000.000% my own guestimate , + with out any solid proof + there may b fraught[full] of faults or incorrectness or subjectiveness so , there4 , dont believe in my words , ;--^) take my words with salts[discounts] , take care sorry4anyInconveniency , cheers ThANKye , pendragon [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2007-12-28 03:29 編輯 ] | |
李師成 , but , 李師成 , <----- not his real name ;--^), http://www.laybuddhist.com/main_activities.htm >>《人生百味》 >> >>新城財經台 >>FM 104 - FM 106 >> >>主持:劉婉芬小姐 >>嘉賓主持:倪啟瑞先生及李師成先生[[[[[[[[[李師成]]]]]]]]] >> >>2006年8月6日起逢星期日 >>上午11:00-12:00 李師成 , the main donator + 1 of the founders of 居士林 , 李師成 , according his own speeches in his own 《人生百味》this program in radio , used to be : ::::: ---------------------------------------------------------------- .1. a investments banker ---------------------------------------------------------------- .2. a boss of a real-estates-brokerage in hk , possibly [[[[[[[[[ my own guestimation ]]]]]]]]] ---------------------------------------------------------------- .3. a devout Christian ---------------------------------------------------------------- in year 2007 李師成 's written 2 or 3 pieces in the hard-covers-buddhist's-magazine 溫暖人間 which can b bought @ 7-11 e.t.c. , --------------------------- there-in , 李師成 's written something about himself + something about why he proselytised himself from Christian to buddhist [[[[[[[[[ sorry , 'the-溫暖人間's-issues-containing-李師成's-pieces have all been gifted out by me , sorry again ]]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]]] --------------------------- 居士林 's been posting its own ads in each-n-every issue of 溫暖人間 up2now since its in-auguration , [[[[[[[[[ 居士林's non-profit , all-fees-collected 'r allocated for its survival ]]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]]] ------------------------------------ from 居士林's ads in the magazine 溫暖人間 , u may feel out that 居士林-or-李師成 's taking 'the approaches somewhat all-brand-new or even break-through ------------------------------------ again as above-mentionned , there may b fraught[full] of faults or incorrectness or subjectiveness in my own words , so , please take my words with salts[discounts] , take care note : ::::: ---------------------------------------------------------------- i'm not affiliated with 溫暖人間 or 居士林 or 李師成 or any celebrity whom i introduce here any way ---------------------------------------------------------------- i do even have not attended 居士林 in any way besides its website , LayBuddhist ---------------------------------------------------------------- i do not have any acquaintance with 李師成 or any celebrity whom i introduce here in any way ---------------------------------------------------------------- i do have never seen them , ---------------------------------------------------------------- they do have never seen me , cheers ThANKye , pendragon [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2007-12-28 04:28 編輯 ] | |
![]() 有些名人,我都知道他們是離教者,但手頭上都缺乏詳細資料,例如林夕,他對很多宗教都十分熟悉,現時向佛。 | |
note : ::::: --------- .1. --------- 李琳琳's exChristian identity can still -n-o-t- b confirmed , up2now , but , it not matters .2. `````` 於是她在滿照法師的帶領下,開始去得很勤。 可惜佛香講堂的住持師父每四年一調,後來滿照法師調到別的地方去, 這個自稱「隨人不隨法」的「門外弟子」,就此又遠離了佛門。 """" [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2007-12-28 11:06 編輯 ] | |
http://buddhistcompassion.org/118coverstory.htm from 'the interview inside , 許月白 , seems to be or have been a fund manager , or , seems to be or have been in top management in finance fields 許月白 , the Nancy Koh , also a artist , of the Siddhi String Society [ a charitable organnisation ] http://www.SiddhiSS.org i'm holding the hard copy of the magzine 溫暖人間 in which 許月白's being interviewed , 4[for] more information or confirmation , please contact me via 'the private messaging function 發短消息 http://exchristian.hk/forum/pm.php?action=send&uid=247 cheers ThANKye , pendragon | |
>> 但手頭上都缺乏詳細資料, >> 例如林夕,他對很多宗教都十分熟悉, >> 現時向佛。 http://buddhistcompassion.org/201coverstory.htm should My Dear Sir 抽刀斷水 ask , i can order 'the corresponding back issue cheers ThANKye , 2w | |
inside http://buddhistcompassion.org/oldstory.htm there'r many many interviews o'[of] many many celebrities + popstars + scholars + doctors[academiccal] + doctors[mediccal] , e.g. 譚詠麟 or 關菊英 or 梅艷芳 or 劉德華 or 梁琤 or 楊紫瓊 or 林燕妮 or 張學友 who 'd like the buddhism in 1 way or an other , + even 江華 http://buddhistcompassion.org/140coverstory.htm just too many for me the extremely extremly busy businessman to search 1by1 to look for who is exChristian cheers ThANKye , 2w [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2007-12-28 11:58 編輯 ] | |
more concrete informations about what-ever celebrities who have been interviewed by 溫暖人間 , then , i can order back 'the corresponding back issues for them to hold 'the hard copies cheers ThANKye , 2w p.s. 溫暖人間 = buddhistCompassion | |
我亦曾去信溫暖人間,問負責人可否轉載林夕的訪問到本網,唯對方並無回應。 ![]() | |
just the-link-from-your-good-site-to-the-respective-part-of-their-site AND/////////OR a-little-bit-of-the-segments-of-'the-interview-etc-being-highlighted-here may b already very o k >> 有些名人,我都知道他們是離教者, >> 但手頭上都缺乏詳細資料, the approach just-above-suggested can also b applied here cheers ThANKye , pendragon | |
hi greeting My Dear Sir 抽刀斷水 , i assume u have agreed my suggestion to order 'the back-issues 4u2hold the hard evidence , havent u ?;--^) cheers ThANKye , pendragon |
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