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鳳凰網2019年12月30日 來源:環球網 上月,法國一名91歲的天主教神父,被人發現死在家中,而且死狀很嚇人。 可如今,隨著警方的調查和案情的陸續曝光,不少關注此案的西方網民,反而開始認為這個神父“活該被殺”了。 這到底是怎麼回事呢? 我們先帶大家回顧一下此案的案情。 今年11月4日的時候,這個名叫Roger Matassoli的91歲神父,被發現死在了家中。 根據當時法國媒體的報導,他的死狀頗為恐怖,是被一個十字架直接刺入了喉嚨,導致了窒息而死。他的頭部、腹部和臉部也有被毆打的痕跡。 之後,警方在現場逮捕了一名19歲的青年,此人當時正準備駕駛被殺神父的車子逃離,據媒體報導,這名青年負責平時給神父做一些打雜的工作。 然而,警方並沒有立刻對這位名叫Alexandre的青年進行審問,而是先將他送入了醫院,因為他在被捕後疑似出現了嚴重的心理問題。 直到近日,他才出現在法庭上接受庭審,但他表示自己已經不記得當時發生了什麼了。 不過,據英國《每日郵報》的報導,Alexandre的父親接受媒體採訪時,卻給出了令人震驚的案情資訊:不僅他的兒子——乃至他自己——都曾在童年時遭到神父Matassoli的性侵。 “他毀掉了我們整個家庭”,這位父親說。 英國《新聞週刊》的報導則指出,Alexandre的律師稱該神父曾經要求Alexandre“赤身裸體”地給他打掃房間。 來自法國媒體的報導還進一步指出,自上世紀60年代到2000年左右,神父Matassoli至少疑似性侵過4個男童,有人還因無法承受這種侮辱,已經自殺了。 法國《巴黎人報》就介紹說,那名自殺的受害者名叫Jacques,曾於6到14歲之間遭到過神父Matassoli的性侵,之後就整個人就一直處在精神恍惚的狀態,直到1989年他27歲時投河自盡。 Jacques的家人表示,他們發現如今殺死神父的青年,精神狀態和當年Jacques的情況十分相似,這也令他們決定借此案【再次】將自家親人的不幸遭遇,公佈出來。 這裡我們之所以突出【再次】一詞,是因為這家人其實早在1984年就曾經舉報過神父Matassoli。當時,他們從意外在村莊的垃圾堆發現了這名神父的一張裸照,再加上當時村裡也有傳言說這神父行為不端,他們便詢問了Jacques是不是被神父性侵過。當時22歲的Jacques這才打破沉默,告訴了他曾經被神父性侵的經歷。 可由於當時天主教在當地的勢力頗為強大,“戀童癖”等話題更是禁忌的敏感話題,再加之神父Matassoli本人也很擅長“操弄人心”:一邊否認全部指控,並反過來說是Jacques太過敏感,一邊又說他願意為了社區的和平而擔下對他的指控。所以Jacques家人報警和找教會維權的行為,最後都不了了之。這可能也是導致Jacques最終於27歲選擇投河自殺的一個重要原因。 直到2009年,神父Matassoli才因為被人投訴性侵而被教會解除了職務,但他並沒有因此遭到什麼實質懲罰,反而還能繼續從教會獲得薪水。也有當地媒體的報導稱,他當時並不是因為被投訴而被解職,而是因為他到了退休的年齡。 而直到今年神父Matassoli被殺之前,當地教會才正式開始調查他。但隨著他的死,調查也被中止。 最後,在這番案情被曝光後,許多關注此案的西方線民都認為這名神父被殺“活該”。在英國《每日郵報》的報導評論區,獲得4000多條點贊的一條評論就寫到:“很難同情這名(被殺的)神父”。 一條3000多條點贊的評論寫到:“我希望那個年輕人可以得到同情。在我看來,被傳教的人性侵,這種傷害是加倍的。他們明知這是錯的,卻仍然玩弄人心”。 另外,兩條獲得2000多點贊的評論則呼籲釋放那名殺死神父的年輕人:“放了這個可憐的年輕人吧”。 https://news.ifeng.com/c/7sphA6d2DMQ | |
鬼教會嘅包庇、附逆的妖徒,也應一併扔進歷史嘅垃圾堆﹗ | |
原來外國既傳媒記者都唔好得去邊,為個被神經佬殺害了的神父編來一個「抵佢死」既故事,還顛倒事非,兇手打造成受害人 ,以達到抺黑教會。給讀者一個「我獨家爆料」既報導。 算哩,記者都係為知名度,搵兩餐唶。 | |
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Murdered priest had abused father and son The Bishop of Beauvais did not remove the priest from ministry until last year. Two more cases of clerical sexual abuse have added new twists to the series of accusations that gnaw away at the image of the Church in France. The murder of an elderly priest last month has slowly brought to light a sordid story of the priest's sexual abuse of the suspected killer and his father. The Bishop of Beauvais in northern France has been dragged into the scandal. Fr Roger Matassoli, 91, was found dead on 4 November at his home near Beauvais, choked by a crucifix stuffed down his throat. There were also multiple blows to his body. A 19-year-old suspect named Alexandre was soon arrested but has been held in hospital because he appeared delirious. A month later, the suspect’s father told a newspaper the priest had abused him years ago and still influenced him as an adult. Matassoli later abused Alexandre and had him clean his house while naked. The father, given the pseudonym Stéphane by the daily Le Parisien, said the abuse had worsened Alexandre’s mental problems. Stéphane’s own father – Alexandre's grandfather – took his life on learning his son was abused and Stéphane has attempted suicide himself. “This man has shattered a whole family,” he told Le Parisien. Bishop Jacques Benoit-Gonnin of Beauvais diocese admitted after the murder that he had not removed Matassoli from ministry until 2018. In his official statement, Matassoli said the abusive priest "had no more parish duties" from 2009. However this was because 2009 was his normal retirement date. The bishop then said he "took measures to remove him from public ministry". He didn't give a date for the removal from ministry in the statement, but it was clarified later in questions that he was actually allowed to remain in ministry, although in retirement, for another nine years. The bishop finally removed the multiple abuser after hearing from the two victims. The bishop also later admitted in an interview that two other victims had spoken up and he was sure there were more. Both Church and civil authorities knew about Matassoli’s abuse but their inquiries never led anywhere. The bishop failed to explain why. Successive bishops compounded the problem. One bishop claimed to have warned Matassoli in the mid-1990s, without contacting the police, and informed his successor about the problem in 2003. That bishop denied ever hearing of abuse cases from his predecessor. Benoit-Gonnin said a written accusation against Matassoli in 2002 was apparently filed by mistake in the wrong archive. In another abuse case, the Monastic Fraternities of Jerusalem community has appealed to possible victims of its founder Fr Pierre-Marie Delfieux to come forward after a former nun published a book accusing him. Author Anne Mardon spent eight years with the community and says she was under the spell of Delfieux, a former chaplain at the Sorbonne who died in 2013. The community, founded in Paris in 1975, includes centres at such prominent locations as Mont Saint Michel, Vezelay and Rome, where it is based at Trinità dei Monti church above the Spanish Steps. It has communities in Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Italy and Poland. The current prior has vowed to expose the dark pages of the community’s history. In Lyon, ground zero of the scandal, an online petition for Cardinal Philippe Barbarin to resign has surpassed 100,000 signatures, prompting the priest who launched it to close it at 110,579. Barbarin, whose resignation was refused by Pope Francis last March, will learn on 30 January if his appeal against a suspended sentence for non-denunciation of an abusive priest is upheld. Petition author Fr Pierre Vignon said the appeal was useless because "Philippe Barbarin has already lost his trial in the court of public opinion”. https://www.thetablet.co.uk/news ... used-father-and-son | |
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咁又真係唔難睇出報導經左轉右傳後, 就給改編了來描黑囉. The tablet 在十二月十六日報導此事, 比其他的甚麼『社』,「報」, 網站都早。 就拿呢位旁觀者的一份引述同 Tablet的比一比。 (1) There were also multiple blows to his body. 就變樣了成為: 「他的頭部、腹部和臉部也有被毆打的痕跡。」 (2) Matassoli later abused Alexandre and had him clean his house while naked. 文意本來就不清楚是老神父在家祼體, 還是要做打掃的年青要祼體。 不過, 經引述後, 就變了實牙實齒地說: 「Alexandre的律師稱該神父曾經要求Alexandre“赤身裸體”地給他打掃房間。」 (3) Stéphane’s own father – Alexandre's grandfather – took his life on learning his son was abused 就變了劇情, 說: 有人還因無法承受這種侮辱,已經自殺了。 法國《巴黎人報》就介紹說,那名自殺的受害者名叫Jacques,曾於6到14歲之間遭到過神父Matassoli的性侵,之後就整個人就一直處在精神恍惚的狀態,直到1989年他27歲時投河自盡。 矛盾地方在有父親還記得年少時給這神父性侵過, 為何還在 “他毀掉了我們整個家庭” 的心理重創下容許兒子到這一神父家中當雜工? 一個91歲的老翁有甚麼能力可以逼一個19歲年壯青年祼體? (莫非佢係武當張三豐?) (4)「當時,他們從意外在村莊的垃圾堆發現了這名神父的一張裸照,再加上當時村裡也有傳言說這神父行為不端,他們便詢問了Jacques是不是被神父性侵過。」 呢啲係加插的劇情嚟。 使內容更震憾? (5)「但他並沒有因此遭到什麼實質懲罰,反而還能繼續從教會獲得薪水。」 對天主教熟悉的人, 便知神父就算是年輕在任, 都没有支薪的, 更何況是退休神父。 明顯是講者想加多一兩錢「不公平」來賺取讀者的氣岔。 (我見有人仲要為「反而還能繼續從教會獲得薪水」呢幾粒字加色,整色整水) (6)「4000多條點贊」, 「兩條獲得2000多點贊的評論」 再加群眾壓力, 典型訴諸群眾謬論。 (7)「該死的神父」 更加係疑犯未過堂就被私了。 | |
扭曲事實的, 用妖言惑眾, 也好不到那裡。 | |
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The tablet 在十二月十六日報導此事, 比其他的甚麼『社』,「報」, 網站都早。 就係因為The tablet在十二月十六日報導此事, 比其他的甚麼『社』,「報」, 網站都早。 很多details未知, 要稍後進一步調查才有更詳盡資料 (1) body 包括 trunk 及頭 | |
你認為那些只能靠轉戴,貼,引述...的網上「報」「社」,為這段消息,有財力物力派出記者到當地查探,蒐集資料? | |
(2) 律師同client詳談後confirmed 係client 同基督復活1樣剝光豬 | |
矛盾地方在有父親還記得年少時給這神父性侵過, 大個仔咗, 去邊度做嘢, 老豆都未必知得好詳細。佢只係話「打住家工」,咁老豆估唔到咁黑仔原來事頭係神父。至於點様要Alexandra剝光豬,則有很多可能性,例如 5:40 有人想要告你、要拿你的裡衣、連外衣也由他拿去。 | |
http://www.catholicdigest.com/fr ... parish-priest-make/ https://churchpop.com/2019/04/10/how-much-do-priests-cardinals-and-the-pope-make-the-answer-might-surprise-you/ https://www.ziprecruiter.com/Salaries/Catholic-Priest-Salary | |
以為好很醒既你, 最好先去查查引文中 stipend 呢個字係點解。 教你經文時, 仲要教埋你英文咩! | |
你仲慳哩, 連機票都唔使, 閉門造輪。。。 好似關上門在沖涼房搵五姑娘閒談, 幻想少邊個女神都得, 連雞錢都唔使 | |
咁淺嘅字都要教您, 都叫咗急您求學不是求分數, 搞成您而家咁 https://www.wordreference.com/enzh/stipend | |
至少我試过同老婆body massage係包埋做頭, 所以唔似您咁誤會body有傷即是個頭就冇事 | |
個BB仔滿嘴謊言,鬼徒都可以作大到有33億,還有乜誠信可言呀。 其他都是枝節,問題重點是這「神父」確是做了該死的壞事。 | |
回覆 beebeechan 要查字典, 我都會查啲有水準一啲既 例如: https://www.merriam-webster.com/ | |
摸女人, 好少唔包連頭既。 |
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