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2 飛天意粉 3 粉紅獨角獸 4 The Flying Teapot 5 宙斯 6 命運女神 7 外星人 8 女媧娘娘 9 玉皇大帝 10 大袞 11 巴力 12 春天女神 13 其他神 我就信涼宮春日,因為佢畫得靚 | |
上面係我 | |
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不過飛天意粉日日都食就會好悶 要條女好過 | |
[ 本帖最後由 devil666 於 2008-4-14 16:34 編輯 ] | |
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原帖由 Guest from 116.48.88.x 於 2008-4-14 14:53 發表 why not having avalokiteshvara i.e. guan-yin 娘娘 ?? she is my favourite !! cheers ThANK ye [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-4-14 18:19 編輯 ] | |
he is male... | |
那麼,就會「拜得神多自有神庇祐」了。 | |
月讀 須佐之男 國津神+天津神 | |
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感謝指正,, cheers ThANK ye | |
#.1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> guan-yin ... he is male... sorry , we 'r////are told that guan-yin being male we 'r////are told that guan-yin being female we 'r////are told that ......... i.e. told , only told , nothing but told , i.e. not yet commonly //// commonnly confirmed as truth , by ' the way , hast thou ever seen by thy own eye////eyes that guan-yin being male ?? if not , then , how couldest thou jump to conclusion that ````````` guan-yin ... he is male... ''''''''' there is a tense in english , indeed indeep , in any caucasian languages , speciallised////specialised/////specialized for these told or or suspected or reported or not-yet-truth circumstances , i.e. : ::::: the subjunctive tense , hence , thence , in thy case , it would b////be better to b////be facelifted as : :::::::::: guan-yin ... the indicative tense , should b////be reserved for truth , just truth , nothing but truth , e.g. : :::::::::: the sun rises from the east cheers ThANK ye [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-4-16 06:25 編輯 ] | |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "基教 不容否認 是 [女巫殺手] so , 現代的女巫 or 女巫的後人 , 可否 因為 ,,,,,,,,,基徒是女巫殺手''''''''' 而 殺戮 蕃" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://m.exchristian.hk/forum/index.php?action=thread&tid=1715&extra=page%3D1&page=2 post#37 or have you ever inspected one of them in person? | |
冇佢...就冇齊國, 就唔會有"齊人" | |
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all japannese////japanese gods ? any goddess ?,;--^), cheers ThANK ye | |
who is My Fair Lady Belldandy ? cheers ThANK ye | |
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many a ThANKye by the way , i have something specificcly////specificly////specificcally////specifically tailorred////tailored made for///4 thee it would b////be released by 22th april 2008 , sorry , i'm again devoured in an other batch of tsunami of deadlines-meeting , cheers ThANK ye [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-4-17 06:08 編輯 ] |
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