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同用一d激進字眼(例如狗之類的人身攻擊) 就算唔係基督徒都對你反感 | |
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不過從中可以間接知道大陸邪教的發展與遺害...... 雖然我都贊成理性討論, 不過我認為如果有地方去讓他們發洩下會更好! 我們需要支持他們, 去與大陸邪基爭戰, 去為中華民族的偉大復興作出貢獻! | |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8BjeBvzw9w 起來,餓寒交迫的奴隸! 起來,全世界受苦的人! 滿腔的熱血已經沸騰, 要為真理而鬥爭! 舊世界打個落花流水, 奴隸們起來起來! 不要說我們一無所有, 我們要做天下的主人! (副歌) 這是最後的鬥爭, 團結起來到明天, 英特納雄耐爾就一定要實現! 這是最後的鬥爭, 團結起來到明天, 英特納雄耐爾就一定要實現! 從來就沒有什麼救世主, 也不靠神仙皇帝! 要創造人類的幸福, 全靠我們自己! 我們要奪回勞動果實, 讓思想衝破牢籠! 快把那爐火燒得通紅, 趁熱打鐵才會成功! (重複副歌) 最可恨那些毒蛇猛獸, 吃盡了我們的血肉! 一旦將它們消滅乾淨, 鮮紅的太陽照遍全球! (重複副歌) | |
壓力越大, 反壓力越大, 自然反應, 自然物理gae反應, sorry , :跪拜::跪拜: | |
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網主註: 以下有殺羊圖像媒體,可能令人感到不安,請自行選擇是否下載 致dye 兄:為符合香港法例及給予版友有足夠心理準備,請在下次張貼時只貼連結、及加上官方警告字句,多謝合作。 警告: 本物品內容可能令人反感;不可將本物品派發、傳閱、出售、出租、交給或出借予年詅未滿18歲的人士或將本物品向該等人士出示、播放或放映 Warning: This article contains material which may offend and may not be distributed, circulated, sold, hired, given, lent, shown, played or projected to a person under the age of 18 years. http://www.nancarrow-webdesk.com/warehouse/storage2/2007-w50/img.90653_t.jpg Jesus wants you to be a sheep. Yea, sure. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7uvkgPDuT0 [ 本帖最後由 dye 於 2008-5-12 14:19 編輯 ] | |
驢 , 以長見稱 , 驢 , 顯不出 thou////thee////thy 的特長。 | |
他们杀羊 我不敢看下去。 阿弥陀佛! 阿弥陀佛! [ 本帖最後由 口琴王 於 2008-5-12 14:25 編輯 ] | |
When Buddha begin his journey to understand life, he visit 4 gates of his castle. At each gate, he sees birth, aging, sickness, and death. He would not be Buddha if he is unable to accept the truth and hide in his little castle. When we have our lamb meat on the table, have we think about the suffering of the lamb? When we have our vegetable on the table, have we think about the suffering of the veggie (All life are equal, even veggie)? [ 本帖最後由 dye 於 2008-5-12 14:39 編輯 ] | |
我也是, 我也是 食素的, 但, 此情緒此境 每一天 每一時 每一分 每一秒 都有 不少 因此, 我們切需佛道素食道 e.t.c. 阿弥陀佛! :跪拜: | |
菜也是有生命的。 我自己本身还没持素, 看到饭桌上的肉, 还会起口腹之欲, 但是想到他们是因为我的口欲而被杀的话, 就觉得很对不起它们。 当我成年后, 有一定的自由后, 我会心甘情愿的持素。 给你贴一段文字, 你看看。 为什么佛要为我们制定一条“不杀生”戒呢? [ 本帖最後由 口琴王 於 2008-5-12 15:27 編輯 ] | |
The key should be reduce, Just as Buddha teaches his disciple not to tample on the grass during spring. Buddha himself also eat meat when they are offered (from what I read of his life). ----------------------- It should make every Buddhist student suffer everytime food is senselessly wasted (like what they do on TVB). Even though I am not a monk, everytime I watch people waste their food, my heart feels heavy. A typical monk dresses and eats simple probably have this philosophy behind. ----------------- 網主 just censored me. If we butchered the animals systematically everyday, how is it disgusting to view it? (There is no intentional torture in the video.) My original intention is to show how simliar it is the relationship between the sheep and the sherperd, and the followers and their priest. The sherperd is not protecting his flock for no reason, he is protecting it only to butcher and eat the sheep in the end. If the 100th sheep managed to escape the the sherperd's hand, it is the sheep's fortune but the sherperd's misfortune. Jesus at least has that right. Ex-christian is like the 100th sheep that manage to escape the hands of the butcher sherperd... We, are the wild animal out there that welcomes it. [ 本帖最後由 dye 於 2008-5-12 15:44 編輯 ] | |
原帖由 dye 於 2008-5-12 15:32 發表 please forgive 網主 為符合香港法例 sorry ThANK ye :跪拜: | |
your text would help me to increase my english level. my english is very bad. forgive me if my text has grammatically errors. before we believe in a religion, we must know the history of that religion first, after that we choose to believe or refuse it. | |
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抽刀! , 抽刀斷水 ,;--^)) 阿弥陀佛! :跪拜: [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-5-12 22:49 編輯 ] | |
原帖由 dye 於 2008-5-12 15:32 發表 Originally Youtube has already issued a warning, but the direct linking doesn't show. The links still exist and I don't think it is a kind of censorship. 孔老夫子說:「君子遠廚庖也。」 孟子在《梁惠王上》中說:「君子之於禽獸也,見其生,不忍見其死,聞其聲,不忍食其肉。是以君子遠皰廚也。」 你依然可以繼續貼,只是希望你為了各版友,請先給予心理準備,也為了法例規定,請先貼出官式警告字句。 | |
咁基基其實都真係狗,唔係人 所以牧師唔係人,係狗公 http://ce.fhl.net/lectionary/year-b/pent13b1.htm |
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