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但即使他老人家仍然健在,我也不好要他向我道歉吧? Canada examines abuses of church-run schools By ROB GILLIES – 2 days ago TORONTO (AP) — A truth and reconciliation commission is examining a decades-long government policy that required Canadian Indians to attend schools where students were forced to lose their cultural identity and routinely were subjected to abuse. The commission's five-year mandate began Sunday and its work starts Monday. Members will eventually travel across Canada to hear stories from former students, teachers and others. The goal is to give survivors a forum to tell their stories and educate Canadians about a grim period in the country's history. "It's the darkest, most tragic chapter in Canadian history and virtually no one knows about this," Phil Fontaine, the national chief of the Assembly of First Nations, told The Associated Press. From the 19th century until the 1970s, more than 150,000 aboriginal children were required to attend state-funded Christian schools in a painful attempt to rid them of their native cultures and languages and integrate them into Canadian society. The federal government admitted 10 years ago that physical and sexual abuse in the schools was rampant. Many students recall being beaten for speaking their native languages and losing touch with their parents and customs. That legacy of abuse and isolation has been cited by Indian leaders as the root cause of epidemic rates of alcoholism and drug addiction on reservations. Canada's more than 1 million aboriginals remain the country's poorest and most disadvantaged group. The commission was created as part of a $5 billion class action settlement in 2006 — the largest in Canadian history — between the government, churches and the 90,000 surviving students. About $60 million will fund the commission, which will be granted access to government and church records. Under the settlement, students who attended residential schools are eligible to receive $10,000 for the first school year and $3,000 for every year after. Victims of physical and sexual abuse are eligible for more on top of that. On June 11, Prime Minister Stephen Harper will deliver a public apology to Canada's aboriginals. "Never has the leader of the country apologized. It's seen as very symbolic," Indian Affairs Minister Chuck Strahl said. In February, Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd made a formal apology in Parliament to the so-called Stolen Generations — thousands of Aborigines who were forcibly taken from their families as children under assimilation policies that lasted from 1910 to 1970. But unlike in Canada, Rudd has resisted calls to compensate Australia's Aborigines for the abuse and injustice they suffered. Today, Canada's aboriginals continue to face major adversity. Their high school graduation rate is just over half the national average, and their life expectancy is five to seven years lower than for non-aboriginals. Suicide rates are threefold and teen pregnancies are nine times higher than the national average. The commission's goal is to write the missing chapter in Canadian history, said Fontaine, who was subjected to sexual abuse while attending the state-funded schools. "I'm just one of many," he said. Michael Cachagee, president of the National Residential School Survivors' Society, attended three different residential schools in Ontario over 12 1/2 years beginning in 1944 when he was four years old. He, too, was physically and sexually abused, he said. "They took away some of my language and cultural identity and the effects were pronounced," he said. "I had problems with alcohol and problems with marriages and relationships and my children. When I came home my mother didn't even know who I was." Cachagee said Canadians don't know what natives endured. "They just say 'Ah, those Indians are getting a bunch of money again,'" Cachagee said. Aboriginal Judge Harry LaForme, who will oversee the commission, will issue a report in a few years. A memoir or an archive and an educational facility is expected to be created. "people expect we are going to hear horrific stories of physical and sexual abuse," LaForme said. "What's going to be revealing to the general public is the breadth and width of the emotional harm that was done to generations of people." http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5j5TTtKUMVW69ZssdYs2_1XbbgbzwD911CSR80 | |
![]() 在此希望沙文能儘快放下過去的不快經歷吧。 | |
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本來的"大好青年", 結果變成了怎樣的青年?? | |
若然我用讀聖經的時間修習別的科目,可得Nobel Prize嘛。 他們須負責是項損失 | |
加拿大一個名為“真相與和解委員會”的機構2日正式運作,以調查該國印第安人兒童被強迫接受基督教教育,並在宗教學校遭到性侵犯的“歷史遺案”,加拿大總理哈珀也將於本月11日對這一問題公開道歉。 五年內做出總結 據“真相與和解委員會”相關人員透露,他們已經開始調查和研究加拿大歷史上持續數十年的“印第安人政策”,改政策把印第安原住民兒童從他們家中“領走”,並強迫他們接受基督教教育。“真相與和解委員會”將在五年的任期內對這段“歷史遺案”做出總結。 “真相與和解委員會”將邀請多位印第安原住民、宗教學校的老師和其他相關人員,講述他們的親身經歷或者所見所聞。此項調查旨在澄清加拿大印第安人的真實遭遇。據悉,從19世紀70年代一直到20世紀70年代,在加拿大超過15萬印第安人兒童被要求到國有基督教學校上學,在這裡他們無法接觸到本民族的語言和文化,政府希望用這種辦法讓這些原住民兒童融入基督教社會。 政府撥款60億支援調查 “印第安人政策”自實施以來就爭議不斷,加政府在10年前就已經承認在宗教學校的印第安人兒童經常遭到體罰和性虐待比較普遍。針對這一問題,加拿大政府在2006年時與9萬名曾被強迫接受宗教教育但還在世的印第安人達成協定,承諾將撥款60億美元成立專門機構調查印第安人所經歷的真實遭遇。 加總理哈珀計劃在本月11日向印第安人公開道歉。政府印第安事務部長楚克·斯特拉合爾稱:“加拿大的領導人還沒有對這一問題道歉,因此哈珀的道歉將是歷史性的。” 澳大利亞政府也曾因“偷走”土著兒童並強迫他們接受基督教教育而備受指責,澳政府於今年2月已對此表示道歉,並承諾向土著人進行賠償。(張樂) http://big5.chinabroadcast.cn/ga ... 03/[email protected] | |
係我就告佢地啦,仲係度等乜? | |
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sorry , who is 蔣巨峰 ?? cheers ThANK ye | |
(請問哪裏可以看慈濟的賬?) | |
please contact 慈濟 http://www.tzuchi.org.tw/ cheers ThANK ye ![]() ![]() | |
為什麼不公佈呢?還是公佈在什麼地方呢? 上市公司公佈,政府公佈,有名的慈善機構公佈…… | |
講緊proposal和回報,不是核數,請勿歪曲。 | |
就是要您先講講您所受的災害嘛,請詳述至今對您的影響。 (不要把您和四川災民比較吧,好嗎?) | |
不如沙文說一句「有利可圖」算了。 | |
即是,好似病,有急性、慢性,先顧急性是對的,但亦不能將慢性病置之不理,當急病的救治到了某種程度,亦要籌集一些資源來應付慢性病。 例如,若然可以將讀經所浪費的時間用來研究地震,則災情未必會如此嚴重啦。難道咁都要詳述您先明白? |
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