
★★★ 身為基督徒,齊齊杯葛萬聖節 ★★★

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jp1 2010/10/16 22:51

android 2010/10/17 01:54
本帖最後由 android 於 2010/10/17 01:57 編輯

同理 !

抽刀斷水 2010/10/17 18:32
jp1 2010/10/17 22:49

1. 萬聖節是崇拜魔鬼的節日。
2. 神是忌邪的神,神不喜歡萬聖節。
3. 有些人會在萬聖節進行通靈活動,血祭習俗,過去曾有小孩被人誘惑或被有毒的糖果毒死。
4. 我站在神的一邊,不是站在魔鬼那邊。
5. 吃得太多糖果會蛀牙。


android 2010/10/17 23:29
我們已經是主耶穌以重價救贖的人,所以我們不慶祝萬聖節:.... 假若一定要參加,也不一定要扮成鬼怪的樣子,可扮成天使或聖經人物。總之,若不是故意崇拜鬼怪,沒必要打扮成牠們的一份子。
jp1 發表於 2010/10/17 22:49 [url=redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=69988&ptid=6342][/url]


jp1 發表於 2010/10/17 22:49

淚兒 2010/10/17 23:38
方方土 2010/10/18 00:06
回復 4# jp1

要你教導甚麼東西可做, 甚麼不可做?
人家甚樣渡過萬聖節或每一天, 干卿何事?
你自認基徒, 又有否考證耶誕 (十二月二十五日)
和所謂復活節 (春分後之月圓) 之來源?
當你知道真相後, 你還會慶祝嗎?
android 2010/10/18 00:21
jp1 發表於 2010/10/17 22:49

Nomad 2010/10/18 06:31
dye 2010/10/18 10:52
5. 吃得太多糖果會蛀牙

At least there is one point that is correct.
抽刀斷水 2010/10/18 12:50
5. 吃得太多糖果會蛀牙

At least there is one point that is correct.
dye 發表於 2010/10/18 10:52


dye 2010/10/18 13:56
Where do you think the "sweetness" comes from?

And suddenly we are not worried about the health issue associated?
抽刀斷水 2010/10/18 14:39
無事丫,咁多人飲coke zero都未見有咩問題呢。

Nomad 2010/10/18 14:49
Where do you think the "sweetness" comes from?

And suddenly we are not worried about the health iss ...
dye 發表於 2010/10/18 13:56

    Actually, no. Basically, given an adequate amount of exercise and teeth brushing, sugar does not pose a health risk.
Nomad 2010/10/18 14:59
本帖最後由 Nomad 於 2010/10/18 15:02 編輯

One thing however, is that it does strike me as outdated as some Evangelicals STILL believes that people are really out for the candy and Halloween is STILL necessary about dressing up as "scary things" - zombies, vampires, whatsoever they are. As for most parts of the world, including HK for a while, people does all sorts of things from "real" Halloween characters to Animation cosplays to just, fancy clothes that possibly shows their body shape (particularly for girls) or the like.

Even "traditional" Halloween characters, it's like, how "dark" or how "spiritual" are they? To say the least, I never knew any historical portrait of a witch with mini-skirts and short sleeve shirts - That said, I did played Gandolf one year here in Madison when I was a grader for the Math classes, and except the "YOU CANNOT PASS" sign I carried, he has a pretty "realistic" wizard look...
dye 2010/10/18 15:41
本帖最後由 dye 於 2010/10/18 15:43 編輯

Yes, the real sugar never pose any threat to begin with if the person only take a reasonable amount of it.  Replacing it with artificial sweetener does not solve the problem (is you are going to abuse it anyway).  The key here is "吃得太多糖果會蛀牙", "太多", but NOT "吃得糖果會蛀牙".

Besides, Nomad has a point.  In Canada, the most trilling character that I have met is just a witch my class teacher play.  But no, I have not seen mini skirt and the like until I am in HK.  I don't know, perhaps because it is quite cold in Canada?
Nomad 2010/10/18 15:43
Then I think you've never been into a real Halloween Costume party...

By far THE MOST THRILLING Character of Madison, WI each year in my opinion, is MASTER CHEF from HALO. Take that.
Nomad 2010/10/18 15:52
> But no, I have not seen mini skirt and the like until I am in HK.  I don't know, perhaps because it is quite cold in Canada?

From HK to Madison, which is just that little inch from CANADA, I see a horrifying amount of girls wearing all kinds of mini-skirt character, like, leather gothic freaks .. to say the least...
dye 2010/10/18 15:56
本帖最後由 dye 於 2010/10/18 15:58 編輯

I probably never been into a real one.  I am either busy with something else, or taking my cousin(s) around the neighbourhood (for safety reason).

Elementary school party don't have any special characters.  Again, my school teacher who dress up as a witch is the most thrilling character I seen.  I can't realize it is her at the beginning because she really spend the time and effort.

"It is a dupee (boring) country."  My American professor told us repeatedly
Nomad 2010/10/18 16:16
Well but then you DID see a lot other things in HK right? (Ok I hadn't seen Halloween in HK for like, 10 years...)
dye 2010/10/18 16:25
Yes, last year, I bought my gf (soon to be my wife) to Lan Kwai Fong.  It is not my cup of tea because I am still a boring person.  However, there is a lot of what you said going on.

It is different when it is in, say Tsing Yi.  Nothing goes on.

Whereas in Canada, it is weak form of celebration happening everywhere in the neighbourhood, in HK, it is an intense celebration concentrated in some area.
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