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沙文 2023/4/13 08:02
Stop drinking only water, but have a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent illnesses.

wine usually means <=15% (approximately)
沙文 2023/4/13 09:29
https://www.drinkaware.co.uk/fac ... arming-your-stomach

但我必須再三提醒教友們,這些所謂“醫學”都唔係屬靈的研究成果。作為真正的基督徒, 對病症的treatment都係務必以聖經為本,千萬不要誤信非屬靈的所謂醫學。


beebeechan 2023/4/13 10:08
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2023/4/13 10:30 編輯
沙文 發表於 2023/4/13 09:29

    唔需要屈, 只係講出你思考唔對既地方

(1) 今日的「酒」,不同古時的酒。
古代至耶穌年代的釀酒技術只生產低 ABV 既酒。

(2) 當年的醫術不是今日的醫術。
20世紀初, 烈酒還是被認為可以對抗流感的口服藥嚟

你就成日用今日既尺嚟量古時既野, 玩穿越咩!

你今日既潛水PADI OWD, 都唔係100年前既款哩
抽刀斷水 2023/4/13 10:14
回覆 2103# 沙文


教宗留院三日出院 笑稱自己還活著 - RTHK
沙文 2023/4/13 10:36

佢揭穿咗水變酒,其實並無什麽難度。猶如今日教宗溝稀咗的信德咁。以及,我從來冇suggested過的“屬靈與醫學屬之可信度隨時代改變此消彼長 ”。我諗都冇諗過,您就四圍唱
leefeng 2023/4/13 10:38
回覆  沙文

抽刀斷水 發表於 2023/4/13 10:14

祈禱病就會好 = 光頭佬賣生髮水!
beebeechan 2023/4/13 21:52
“屬靈與醫學屬之可信度隨時代改變此消彼長 ”
沙文 發表於 2023/4/13 10:36


(你英文都唔差, 用英文噏囉)
沙文 2023/4/14 03:42
beebeechan 2023/4/14 06:02
沙文 發表於 2023/4/14 03:42

沙文 2023/4/14 12:51
Humans cannot cure all illnesses, but God definitely can. Therefore, it's best to entrust any illness to God for treatment, It is always right to stop drinking only water, but have a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent illnesses.
beebeechan 2023/4/14 21:12
Humans cannot cure all illnesses, but God definitely can. Therefore, it's best to entrust any illness to God for treatment, It is always right to stop drinking only water, but have a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent illnesses.
沙文 發表於 2023/4/14 12:51

Please define
(1)how much is 「a little」
(2)wine.....what sort of wine
(3) frequent illness.....what illness?
'entrust any illness to God for treatment'.....does it also include letting one die so one's suffering from illness ends.
沙文 2023/4/14 21:30
I am pretty sure the guy who wrote that got the answers and he would be more then happy to disclose information you are asking.
beebeechan 2023/4/14 21:36
I am pretty sure the guy who wrote that got the answers and he would be more then happy to disclose  ...
沙文 發表於 2023/4/14 21:30

You are the one who wrote #2111.
沙文 2023/4/14 21:48
not the original one.
beebeechan 2023/4/14 21:56
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2023/4/14 21:58 編輯
not the original one.
沙文 發表於 2023/4/14 21:48

The "original' one was written by Paul's epistle in the First Century.
He mentioned specifically that Timonthy was suffering from mild stomach ailment, not serious illness.
Wine....refers to the wine commonly consumed in the First Century, of course not moutai, sake, brandy, whisky, volka.
沙文 2023/4/14 22:05
that is why I encourage you to have something not moutai. whisky....when you got not serious stomach problem. don't just drink water. Always listen to Paul, not your doc.
沙文 2023/4/14 22:09
Did he say"mild" stomach ailment?
beebeechan 2023/4/14 22:10
that is why I encourage you to have something not moutai. whisky....when you got not serious stomach ...

don't just drink water.
沙文 發表於 2023/4/14 22:05

I am one 'old cake', I drink Pu-ur.
beebeechan 2023/4/14 22:17
Did he say"mild" stomach ailment?
沙文 發表於 2023/4/14 22:09

In Paul's epistles, he deployed Timothy to do tasks here and there, it would not be possible if Tim was suffering great illness.
沙文 2023/4/14 22:21
please do include this in preaching. it would be a great help to our faith.
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