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大個咗之後講番自己细個尐嘢,好平常啫 | |
再者,長阿含經來歷不明「各經出自何派傳本,已無可稽考。」(見百度百科) https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E9 ... /2003571?fr=aladdin | |
《孟子滕文上》今也父兄百官不我足也,恐其不能盡於大事 http://www.360doc.com/content/12/0502/11/26141_208071570.shtml ---------------------------------------------------------- 《大唐西域記》 菩薩生已,不扶而行於四方各七步,而自言曰:「天上天下,唯吾獨尊。今茲而往,生分已盡。」隨足所蹈,出大蓮花。二龍踴出,住虛空中,而各吐水,一冷一暖,以浴太子。 https://zh.wikisource.org/zh-han ... 5%9F%9F%E8%A8%98/06 《大唐西域記》來歴: https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E ... F%E5%9F%9F%E8%A8%98 -------------------------------------------------------------- 《修行本起經》現變品第一 十月已滿。太子身成。到四月七日。夫人出遊。過流民樹下。眾花開化。明星出時。夫人攀樹枝。便從右脇生墮地。行七步。舉手而言。天上天下。唯我為尊。三界皆苦。吾當安之。 《修行本起經》來歴:https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E4 ... C%E8%B5%B7%E7%BB%8F | |
「菩薩初下,化乘白象,冠日之精。因母晝寢,而示夢焉,從右脇入。夫人夢寤,自知身重,王即召問太卜,占其所夢。卦曰:『道德所歸,世蒙其福,必懷聖子。』菩薩在胎,清淨無有臭穢。於是群臣諸小國王,聞大王夫人有娠,皆來朝賀。菩薩於胎中,見外人拜,如蒙羅縠而視,陰以手攘之。攘之者意,不欲擾人也。自夫人懷姙,天為獻飲食,自然日至,夫人得而享之,不知所從來,不復饗王厨,以為苦且辛。到四月八日夜明星出時,化從右脇生墮地,即行七步,舉右手住而言:『天上天下,唯我為尊。三界皆苦,何可樂者?』 http://tripitaka.cbeta.org/ja/T03n0185_001 《佛說太子瑞應本起經》來歴: http://yinshun-edu.org.tw/en/book/export/html/3454 | |
沙文 發表於 2018/10/3 19:54 [/quot 這個"其"是百官對他(世子)的看法 | |
譯成白話應該係: 佛告訴比丘、過去的、現在的、未來的佛、 毗婆屍菩薩,當他出世之時....... 對應《大唐西域記》、《佛說太子瑞應本起經》、《修行本起經》, 咁就通晒啦 即係譬如我咁寫:李澤鉅告訴旁觀者:「我出世時含著一條銀匙。」 又可以咁寫: 李澤楷告訴旁觀者, 他出世時含著一條銀匙。 兩種寫法都 十分通順, 點会冇可能呢? | |
《長阿含經》來路不明,這些話只是作者個人的敍述,並非絕對出自佛祖之口。 | |
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《四福音》全部來路不明, 历史真實性備受質疑 https://zondervanacademic.com/blog/who-wrote-gospels/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hi ... lity_of_the_Gospels 所以, 经中所記耶穌噏乜只是作者個人的敍述,並非絕對出自耶穌之口。 咁, 所以基督教就唔係邪教, 佛教先至係 | |
http://www.jonahome.net/files03/sjzs9/sjzs1/8/1.htm 而且信徒教對聖訓遵行不悖: 「上帝將他們(異族)交給你(以色列人)擊殺,那時你要把他們滅盡,不可與他們立約,也不可憐恤他們。不可與他們結親,……。」《申命記》7:2 「凡栽種的物,若不是我天父栽種的,必要拔出來。」《馬太》15:13 本人並没說佛教是邪教或不是邪教。看看人類歷史,對人類造成極度傷害的是一神教,那個是邪教﹖請大家自己評說。 | |
The gospel now known as Matthew's Gospel was originally anonymous. According to Eusebius, writing in the fourth century, Papias attributed a gospel to Matthew early in the second century, but some scholars are uncertain whether the gospel of which Papias spoke was the same gospel as is now widely attributed to Matthew. As Matthew was a disciple of Jesus, we can at least determine whether our gospel was written by an apostle by establishing whether it shows signs of having been written by an eyewitness to the events portrayed. The late second century Church Fathers not only decided that Matthew's Gospel was really written by Matthew himself, but that it was written in the Hebrew language, which would help establish apostolic authorship. Modern scholars say that the gospel was definitely written in the Greek language, and that it could not have been written by an eyewitness to the events portrayed. Whenever quoting or alluding to the Old Testament, the gospel uses the Septuagint (LXX) and not the Hebrew text. When a Greek version is laid in parallel with Mark's Gospel and Luke's Gospel, it soon becomes apparent that both Matthew and Luke were substantially based on Mark, with Matthew copying some ninety per cent of Mark, often using exactly the same words in the Greek language. Uta Ranke-Heinemann says in Putting Away Childish Things, page 218, it is incomprehensible that an eyewitness (the Apostle Matthew) would choose to depend so radically on a non-eyewitness (the author of Mark). She adds that the real author of Matthew is unknown. https://christianity.stackexchange.com/questions/35858/did-matthew-the-tax-collector-author-the-gospel 您先前定義邪教: (凡教主自稱為神或其他超出人類能力的,如先知、上帝兒子之類,必是邪教) 又唔包"對人類造成極度傷害", 卻包咗佛教喎 https://book.douban.com/review/5889461/ http://enlight.lib.ntu.edu.tw/FULLTEXT/JR-BJ011/bj011379634.pdf | |
趕絶基督教的政權卻不是因為「極度傷害」。 | |
但係,這個國度話要統治貴國嘅時候,您又唔制喎。打生打死,卒之打到依家咁,結果周圍仍然都係有基督教督眼督鼻,又要鬼屌咁聲。 您話貴國係咪有尐犯賤吖 | |
那是因為馬丁路德與卡爾文更會玩啦! | |
其實基督教能夠持續存在咁耐,證明佢所造成的「極度傷害」仍在人類的可接受水平,而佢带來的好處足以彌補這些傷害,所以從來冇一個政權會因為這些極度傷害而取缔基督教。包括世界公認最尊横的政權都容許基督教。 基督教管治了西方世界千多年,而且伴隨著帝國主義的發展,該教散播到大多數國家,成為一種世界性的邪教。 任何國家都有紅眼症,若有一新興國家興起,它們都不會想你蒲頭,基督邪教是對國家的興起是種牽制力量。所以若有國家要取締基督教,它們都會反對,即使「最專橫的國家」也不敢公然面對那麼多國的圍攻﹖ 以前法國曾拆毀一個基督教邪教教主曼達羅姆像,美國有組織便以「人權」指責法國政府。南韓引入基督教,是因為文化上的自卑,要擺脫中國文化的影響。這些都是基督教能够存在的部分原因。 基督教鼓勵人類相殺、啜吸百姓的膏血、令信徒產生精神病,本人就看不到它有何「好處多於壞處」。 | |
愛滋神父強姦幾十名女孩被判無罪; 神父肏數千男童屁眼亦無事; 妖酋可以有私人飛機等等。 | |
因為您唔係在朝廷辦事, 目光未及全局就當然看不到。朝廷深明箇中奥妙, 所以同妖酋有偈傾 中國主教抵梵蒂岡參加會議 教宗:熱烈歡迎 | |
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