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原帖由 Guest from 203.218.10.x 於 2008-3-5 03:47 發表 .1. first firstest first-of-first class classic classiccal ThANKs 2 遊客同盟 ---------------------------------------------------------------- sorry cant type ye in chinese , ---------------------------------------------------------------- i have booksmarked thy great site , 2008/03/19 , i must visit there ---------------------------------------------------------------- 一切榮耀盡歸 遊客同盟 + BigStud和一眾GCRU支持者!! ---------------------------------------------------------------- cheers ThANK-ye , pendragon ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- | |
睇吓一個又一個師兄既report,真係往事如煙呀.... [ 本帖最後由 Jom 於 2008-3-5 12:14 編輯 ] | |
hi good afternoon My Dear Jom 仔 , .1. i have visitted http://www.hk9394.hk.com/ , their current black backsground , sorry , i have some allergy against it , there4 , i couldnt delve there-in deeper .2. >>>>>>>>> BigStud放棄gcru.com 域名不用。。。。。 thy humble servant , 's a humble domain expert , GCRU.com 's already been snapped up n re-registerred by some1 else , but , but , but , but , their banner here + the banners @ their own great site + elsewhere , all'r featuring GCRU.com , but , but , the current http://GCRU.com not not not equal2 http://www.hk9394.hk.com/ , i.e. each 1 is a differrent site by itself , ---------------------------------------------------------------- my suggestion : :::::::::: .1. please contact them to take down all those banners_featuring_GCRU.com , .2. re-write those banners to feature hk9394.hk.com or hk9394.com/ , ---------------------------------------------------------------- understand my english , so-called english ??;--^), cheers ThANKye | |
但我可以証實呢個hk9394既內容的確係以既GCRU,我都係啱啱先知佢開番full version,所以要遲一步先考證到係原開發者同意下既開重開,定係有人混水摸魚.無論如何,你都可以先深入D睇吓班師兄既report,真係好正架 | |
原帖由 Jom 於 2008-3-5 13:47 發表 >>>>>>>>> 好正架 o yes , me come along with thee @ here 100.000% , in regard 2[[to]] contents ---------------------------------------------------------------- much-better , if they could show up the link-to-the-latest-updates extremly clearly @ 'the home-page , ---------------------------------------------------------------- regarding my post # 24 @ here http://m.exchristian.hk/forum/index.php?action=thread&tid=1472&page=2#pid14912 mmmm ..... please let me re-state again : :::::::::: all their banners , such as this :------>>>> 'r featuring GCRU.com , but , but , but , GCRU.com 's already been being other-people's property , just click this link ------>>>> http://GCRU.com , then , thou wouldest see my idea any query please dont hesitate2let me know , cheers ThANKye ---------------------------------------------------------------- [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-3-6 02:16 編輯 ] | |
原帖由 Jom 於 2008-3-5 13:47 發表 hi again , thy humble servant 's just contacted them through http://gcru.hk9394.hk.com/contact.html to make them to go hither in order to let them to b aware of their criticcal fundamental problem , cheers ThANKye | |
我就係HKUF【遊客同盟】網絡平台付責人高立 (peter_gcru), 昨晚在網上用"gcru" keyword 係google搜尋看看還有人記得Great China Rescuer Union的存在, 忽看見貴站竟仍提及賤碧(BigStud)及GCRU的名字! 十分恩慰竟仍有網站仍記得一代名網! 於是把GCRU創立十週年記念的大日子資訊在貴站作一通知, 好使一眾失散多年的GCRU一眾會員和CD-ROM能再次共聚一堂, 原意就是這麼簡單。 但今天回貴站時竟發現這麼多的誤解! 實在始料不及~~ 希望貴站能容小弟作一解釋! 1) HKUF 【遊客同盟】= hk9394 【香港九三九四俱樂部】 + 【媾女浦點大搜查】+【小男人天下】 +【情罰、懲佛】 +【大中華沉船俱樂部】(已退出)+【馬交科.林】MACAU forum 於03年7月所組成。 2) BigStud於2004年4月20日授權 HKUF 【遊客同盟】處理Great China Rescuer Union 【大中華救國聯盟】網站內容,HKUF依照協議保留GCRU網站所有內容並重新對外開放。 授權Agreement - We should 'Ai Guo' in the GCRU way! - By BigStud on VOY http://www.voy.com/153067/2/ http://www.hk9394.hk.com/GCRU/join_venture.html http://www.hk9394.hk.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=8030 HKUF係原全有權去處理過去的GCRU網站一切內容,係原開發者(BigStud)同意下重開,並唔混水摸魚!HKUF亦是唯一的授權者! 3) 雖然gcru.com domain被放棄後已被他人取去!但GCRU仍是一個不能抹摋的名字!歷史就是歷史!有關的東西就是保留,無必要去修改歷史(如logo or banner)。 4) 舊年12月1號並唔係重開日期!只係剛好12月1號修復所有死link和內容!.直至今年2月19日十週年才低調地重開,但人流太多並避免不必要痳煩。 5) 現在的【復刻版】確實是GCRU website被關閉前的full version!可是仍是冰山一角!手上BigStud's FTP Server (私家後花園)的四年內從未公開的精彩report / photo / movie!光是report已超過二千五百份!處理時間要以年計。 6) 小網的Style(風格)從一開始就是這樣子!並避免使用Discuz一類forum program!免得如discuss.hk.com or uwant.com etc 一模一樣!當然art work好看與否因人而異! 謝謝觀看! 高立 / peter_gcru 送一段歷史movie給各朋友 | |
而且就看各師兄的報告,妙筆生花的細膩刻劃出其樂而不淫,淫而不靡之情操,確實教人心折;而且除風月情報外,幾位專業人仕更經常就風月中所面對法律,醫學,交通,通訊及倫理等等作出尊業及恰當的意見及解決方案.當日貴網被封,誠憾事也.今日得見重開,再見江前總苦口錃心的幾張相,回首前塵,著實勾起不少輕狂歲月的回憶. 請別誤會細佬存心猜疑,惟這些年來GCRU的消息常常空穴來風,而年前的GCRU.net亦令人不由得小心起來;誠如黎重得大師常言道:"大膽假設,小心求證.".如果有令高兄不悅者,細佬在此深感抱歉.亦誠祝貴網各位: 出入平安,歡天喜地 欲仙欲死.長滾長起 晚些兒細佬便會歸隊,再候師兄教誨. 莊齋醜男 | |
實不相瞞~ BigStud早巳專主於工作和女友身上~ 不再參予網站管理! 網上世界始終是虛擬的! 人必終要面對現實生活! 小弟搞了UF網站六年有多! 深感明白當初BigStud為何放棄GCRU的原因! 藉著GCRU十週年推出復刻版! 亦算圓了小弟的一個心願~ 另一個目的就是以正視聽! 好使這一代明白何謂嫖品! 成人資訊網站亦必需有底線! 但橫觀D記U記吹雞搖頭索K團等比目皆是! 真是一代不如一代~ 所謂報告白字百出!全無結構可言! 希望他們能有機會看看一代名站! 好使他們明白報告是甚麼的一回事! 另不知Jom兄在G記時代是用什麼網名? 高立弟字 | |
時代係不停咁轉既,正如父執輩既或多或少都會對自己既行為置喙一樣,出黎玩樂風流一吓其實無傷大雅,就算玩到點家破人亡都好,既然攞到身份証就應該對自己既為負責.只期望班小朋友有日終會發現,賭可以借,嫖可以賒,唯獨是毒則如宗教一樣萬劫不復也. 高兄亦無需介意,火星文橫行既今日,環觀四週,就算搞出版既亦無筆墨可言.但就係為一句"約定俗成",乜野都夠膽印出黎,再加上教育制度既成功.白字錯字就算就邊個都有,更何況結構中既起承轉合呢? 細佬當然明白作為一個網站既管理員係幾咁痛苦,網友聽話守規舉既由自可,唔係就真係鑊鑊新鮮鑊鑊甘.但兄你忠人之事既態度,實在係叫細佬汗顏.保留返"賤碧遺書"都好,俾班小朋友有個機會睇吓乜野係"滾亦有品",話唔定就此聚集力量,有日可以重樹昔日大中華救國聯盟既雄風. | |
原帖由 Guest from 203.218.0.x 於 2008-3-6 04:06 發表 ---------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- .1. sorry cant type u in chinese ---------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- >>>> 過程有如螞蟻般慢! >>>> 畢竟有志者事竟成! >>>> 於去年底修復成功! >>>> 我相信必定有人會問:「所做為何?」 >>>> 我的答案很簡單:「重現GCRU乃小弟夢想之一!」 1st ThANKs , ---------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- >>>> 3) 雖然gcru.com domain被放棄後已被他人取去! >>>> 但GCRU仍是一個不能抹摋的名字! >>>> 歷史就是歷史!有關的東西就是保留, >>>> 無必要去修改歷史(如logo or banner)。 ---------- ---------- ---------- .3.a. i admire your inclination to wallow in nostalgia ---------- ---------- ---------- .3.b. from the very practiccal brand-building stance , when-ever any person/////////people glance over anything like following : ::::: , then , your humble servant could guarantee 100.000.000% : :::::::::: all these people i.e. all your potential visittors must type in their own net-browsers the `````````GCRU.com''''''''' + not your great china site !!!! ---------- ---------- ---------- + the more successful the contents of your great china site , thence , the more serious is this problem of leakage of visittors traffics , in my own humble guestimation , up to 9x %, [[[[[[[[[ your humble servant has over 11 years expertise @ here ]]]]]]]]] ---------- ---------- ---------- .4. solution : :::::::::: .4.a. u better to take down all your banners e.t.c. e.t.c. e.t.c. which feature `````````GCRU.com''''''''' .4.b. u better to redraft all your banners e.t.c. e.t.c. e.t.c. to feature hkuf.com or hk9304.com .4.c. u better to explain to all your visittors or members extremly extremely prominantly clearly that your great china site must/////////MUST not b accessible via GCRU.com , + other complete details as complete as u put down @ here .4.d. u better to do it from 'the very beginning , as soon as possible , .4.e. the later , thence , the more unrevertible is//////////IS 'the problem , .4.f. your visittors , expecially those novice , must b confused , such as : ::::: i , even up2now ---------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- .5. all-what-i-have-just-said 's just nothing but suggesting @ most , sorry , please forgive me my direct frankly speaking , ---------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- .6. i have just joined u , 'the iD : : prussianz , , 晚些兒細佬便會歸隊,再候師兄教誨. ---------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- .7. 亦誠祝貴網各位: 出入平安,歡天喜地 ---------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- .8. 一切榮耀盡歸 遊客同盟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本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-3-7 03:58 編輯 ] | |
I've enable your account by manual. You can login now | |
At that time i m still using ICQ, talking to you guys happily. Dunno if I can have the account?? The opening account seems blocked. | |
原帖由 Guest from 61.244.150.x 於 2008-7-24 23:33 發表 h: please contact hkuf.com or hk9304.com any way , ThANKing morning , |
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