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係囉...篤完屁眼又俾老婆食 咪即係要老婆食屎? 抽水唔會咁對愛妻既 | |
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但是, 其实,圣公会 - 英国国教 , 一直,都是自行委任主教,甚至大主教,en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anglicanism The role of the crown in the Church of England is practically limited to the appointment委任 of bishops主教, including包括 the Arch大 bishop主教 of Canterbury砍特伯雷, and even this role is limited, as the church presents the government with a short list of candidates from which to choose. This process is accomplished through collaboration with and consent of ecclesial representatives (see Ecclesiastical Commissioners). 何故只批评 党国,……欺善怕恶??? |
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