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哇,明光社果然是曹操,一說就到 香港的宗教萬里火長城真的出來了哩。 我早就說過, 所謂的出版道德管制,一向都是為了政客和他們背後的宗教票源服務,老兄就不要在意了。 | |
你對呢個故仔真係情有獨鐘架o者 等我諗諗點畫先 | |
25# 奧賣葛 真係唔知原來youtube都係佢地地頭 | |
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【主演女優】:男主角狗西李, 女主角奧賣葛 【語言字幕】:粗口,爛舌... 【是否有碼】:無 再次任人閹(再見艷陽天續集)..........對呢個故仔真係情有獨鐘架o者......... 《哲道反思》兩嘢玩殘李天命 《聖經不雅嗎?》一嘢打殘奧賣葛............ | |
你可以試試向YOUTUBE的community上訴 不過Youtube一般連本格的成人成份電影都只會在使用者註明後加上標籤 而美國本土的反宗教映片亦不會刪除 所以這基本上不是有人惡意扭曲投訴內容,就是香港方的政治影響和Youtube的地區政策。 基本上你只要查詢一下就會知道是哪一項。 | |
唐朝最爽的公主,偷情和尚老公放哨… http://www.chilicity.com/cgi-bin ... 20080829054942.html | |
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不可能,我看他是照語言而不是地區BAN的 | |
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僧人在港犯"色戒" 藏色光碟…,被告為一個商業兒童色情網站的會員…在被告房內搜出兩張長69分鐘的光碟,內裏有女童與成年人性交影像,又在被告的電腦硬盤機內找出85張顯示兒童情慾姿勢的圖像,另有長達400分鐘共17段影片,包括有兒童和成年人性交片段。 ... 8-09-03/123896.html 我佛慈悲...佛憐憫我....比我有咁多資源! | |
Former Hunter priest's sex charges doubled A MAGISTRATE broke the news yesterday to former Hunter priest and school teacher John Sidney Denham that police had doubled the criminal charges against him to 134.The 67 new charges, laid yesterday, relate to seven alleged victims. The 66-year-old is now accused of sexually abusing 39 boys across almost two decades. Among the fresh charges are allegations of buggery, that he incited one boy to commit an indecent act with another student, that he fondled boys' penises and kissed a victim, putting his tongue inside the boy's mouth. http://www.theherald.com.au/news/local/news/general/former-hunter-priests-sex-charges-doubled/1389145.aspx 牧師好有愛心,不但冇要求教友摸佢碌嘢,相反,仲摸教友碌嘢。 都可謂學到耶穌來服事人嘞 | |
好片,本人強烈推介 我本人認捐港幣20元給他們 ThANKs [img]http://tbn2.google.com/images?q=tbn:yqFygOs98sSg2M:[/img] | |
what-you-said , are very true , at least , to certain degree , my own take :: at least , it's =====>>>> 基教, who 兩嘢玩臭.... really | |
【影片名稱】:再次任人閹(再見艷陽天續集) 女主角奧賣葛 奧賣葛 , = 女 ?? ThANKs | |
都是口是心非 o yes , 思入非非 | |
那根本就是團體名而不是人名吧? 奧賣葛,很明顯是OhMyGod的音譯啊囧 | |
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