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原帖由 Nomad 於 2008-3-26 06:56 發表 另,特別賭注五千元美金 but , n'o matter whatsoever , i do b so 黑心 to want thee to lose @ here , | |
原帖由 Nomad 於 2008-3-26 06:56 發表 另,特別賭注五千元美金 sorry again , doest thou not feel thy proposition too controversial or arbitrary or impossible ????????? sorry again cheers ThANKye | |
>doest thou not feel thy proposition too controversial or arbitrary or impossible ????????? 哪個? | |
Considering the potential rioter in HK when WTO have their meeting here. It is about training, equipment, persuation skills and morale. According to witness from BBC, Chinese governemnt also stop part of the rioter from reaching the scene by having undercover cops reporting and sending riot police before fellow rioter can get too far from the monastary. 2) But they are always trying to stop the riot in soccer games from starting. Eurpean are not perfect. Riot does occur nonetheless 3) The difference is censorshiip as a national policy, and censorship as a mob policy. Even no one report to to the police, but if you do, it will be a murder case in US. Where as in China, there is no case. Richard Dawkins and el. do not get shot in the south anyway. 4) People working from behind always has a better time catching up. They see our mistakes in advance. 5) For Iraq, occupation and invasion is 2 different choices. If US invade and leave, Iraq will be in chaos. Saddam is not an average depotist anyway. The key here is if the citizen believe it is a wrong decision? The tide is turning just nowadays. If US citizen want him down, the oppuntunity is there (Talk to your local representative if you wish a fast track). If Chinese wants to bring Wen down because they think he did something stupid, how much of a participation do they have? (With no bloodshed) 6) Oh, Canada is a Christian country by Constitution. (Following UK's lead, Anglican Church) By ideal, Canada is nominally Christian. In function, Canada is some-what secular. 7) There are Chinese MP in Canada. Woman PM in history. We have a Chinese governor to represent the Queen before. It is a fair game. Chinese is a minority, ofcourse it will be a minority in the government. (Even with full participation, the PM of China will still be a Chinese simply because the majority is Chinese.) --------------- FYI Riot control - How it can be done http://people.howstuffworks.com/riot-control.htm [ 本帖最後由 dye 於 2008-3-26 10:20 編輯 ] | |
原帖由 Nomad 於 2008-3-26 05:46 發表 道歉了: 德國傳媒承認錯誤報道西藏騷亂表示遺憾 德國一個電視新聞頻道承認 , 對西藏騷亂存在失實報道 , 並表示深感遺憾. 德國的N-TV頻道在上星期四報道西藏騷亂時, 播出照片和短片, 協助講述當時的情況 , 但原來資料是出自尼泊爾, 並不是西藏的實況 . 發言人解釋資料來自國際通訊社, 但電視台疏忽引致今次事件, 事後已抽起錯誤的新聞材料. http://www.metroradio.com.hk/news/news/20080325015501.htm 另外,關於外國的報道,中國的傳媒也作出了回應: 全球華人抗議西方歪曲報道 原始圖(右)中暴徒投擲石塊的畫面,在CNN網站(左)中不見了。 寫著“急救”字樣救護車居然被描述成為“軍事存在”,帶著尼泊爾警察帽子的人士在本國攔截“藏獨”分子居然被報道為“西藏發生新的示威”!自從3月14日拉薩發生打砸搶燒事件以來,這些匪夷所思的內容就這樣黑白顛倒地出現在西方媒體上。…… http://big5.xinhuanet.com/gate/big5/news.xinhuanet.com/herald/2008-03/25/content_7852318.htm | |
This is all too typical of Chinese media. Do you really think they did that intentionally? (The "West" is not a single bloc. It has a diversity of opinion. The media also represent that.) Here is another photo from CNN Are they really trying to protray the protester as "peaceful"? | |
以下連結有很多圖片: http://big5.xinhuanet.com/gate/b ... content_7837849.htm | |
XinHua is Chinese version of CNN. The only difference is that Chinese government probably have more control over Xin Hua than US has on CNN. Comparing the actual bbc link with image. I do not know if they update it quickly or what. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7300312.stm But look at the passage in context and see. [ 本帖最後由 dye 於 2008-3-26 11:46 編輯 ] | |
原帖由 Nomad 於 2008-3-26 07:46 發表 原帖由 Nomad 於 2008-3-26 06:56 發表 [url=redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=16012&ptid=1606][/url] >>>>>>>>> 「共和黨再上場的話五年內會發生核戰。」 o k sorry , , nothing but just justified junx4funx , cheers ThANKye [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-3-28 04:39 編輯 ] | |
原帖由 dye 於 2008-3-25 10:12 發表 谢谢恋恋不捨不弃不离离教家 , when i was here the first time the first moment , i have promised myself very affirmativly to leave 離教者之家 asap as soon as possible , but , 'the result .... o k ye bet it , ye get it , i'm proud to be 'the promise breaker , thou => you => u => => 2me2 cheers ThANKye | |
i find http://news.sina.com.cn/z/xizang08/index.shtml THOU i`m very unpleasant this WEB Bcause word "sina" but.. i`m now just have a break i have so many things... 家教。。毕业设计。。学车。。。 oh~~ 2morrow i must get up at 6 again...so ,have to bath and go to bed... sorry P.S about my girlfriend. we 现在还是老样子吧。。。哎。。 今天看报纸,又看了篇关于男人孤独的文章。。。 深有感触。。。 | |
原帖由 onlyaaaa 於 2008-3-26 21:47 發表 P.S about my girlfriend. we 现在还是老样子吧。。。哎。。 dont worry any , just keep on brushing up thy english competitibility for jobs paying more $$$$ me support thee ,;--^), , cheers ThANKye | |
原帖由 onlyaaaa 於 2008-3-26 21:47 發表 >>>>>>>>> THOU i`m very unpleasant this WEB Bcause word "sina" i guestimate thou mayst////may be////b to mean : ::::: ````` THOUgh i`m very unpleasant with this WEBsite Because of the word "sina" '''' ---------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>>> i have so many things it would b better for thy sentence to b re-phrased as : :::::: ````` i have so many things to do '''' ---------------------------------------------------------------- sorry for my friendly correction/////recommendation////suggestion , sorry cheers ThANKye [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-3-28 04:42 編輯 ] | |
原帖由 onlyaaaa 於 2008-3-26 21:47 發表 >>>> 家教 what's ,,,,,家教'''' ?? cheers ThANKye | |
原帖由 onlyaaaa 於 2008-3-26 21:47 發表 mmmmmmmmm , sorry , please let me speak frankly , mmmmmmmmm i suggest : :::::::::: thou better to re-read thy english posts + + to discuss with thyself or together with thy english-learning friends , - about them , - about the correctness of the english grammar-usage in thy english posts , - about how to improve 'the sentences there-in to conform with grammar draconniannly////draconianly , i did also adOpt 'the similar ,,,,,old-fashions'''' approach in learning english or german e.t.c. , [[[[[[[[[ old-is-gold ]]]]]]]]] by 'the way , i should have been much older than thou ,;--^)), cheers ThANKye [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-3-27 05:36 編輯 ] | |
原帖由 onlyaaaa 於 2008-3-24 14:39 發表 very insightsfully////insightfully , very explanatory , very detailedly , i cant express 'the same ideas////ideaes near as good////well as thou .... just too far away from thee , i cant express 'the same ideas////ideaes near as good////well as thou .... even in chinese language , i do like especially////expecially following food-for-thought : : 4中国人口众多,是个不争的事实,人多,导致的问题就是社会竞争压力大,生存困难,精神压力大,在大陆这里,你想要过好日子,真的是压力很大的,就拿我们毕业找工作说,快毕业了还有5~6个学生没有找到工作,这样的情况下,基督教成了很好的逃避场所,一个小的团体,没有竞争没有勾心斗角,而且在上帝眼里,每个基督徒都是独一无二的个体,受荣耀的。人脆弱的心理,想要受到重视的思想,苟活的目标,在基督教里都被他们找到了。 cheers ThANKye | |
原帖由 onlyaaaa 於 2008-3-24 15:09 發表 >>>>>>>>> 还有关于中华传统文化的事情 中国政府已经开始重视了 .1. too late , .2. ,,,,,开始'''' o yes , agree , i.e. just only 开始 , too late , too little , | |
原帖由 Guest from 221.125.57.x 於 2008-3-25 01:00 發表 first sorries4lateness in replies , sorry having n'o time , If China quit the occupation, where will the Hans that is currently living on the land goes? How much of a chaos it will cause with new currency, new diplomatic relationship, and a ultra-sour feeling between the two neighbours. (Chinese is very unlikely to be tolerant about the seperation,) Whatever the gain they believe people can get, this price tag is expensive. >>>>>>>>> chaos chaos .... o yes , me agree .1. there may always b the opportunities of the civillian wars , .2. xinjiang , taiwan , yunnan , chinghai e.t.c. ..... would 有样学样 , then , all would b busy in running + frontrunning for independency , then , more-n-more inter-wars + intra-wars , just like those taking place in russia with chechnyan e.t.c. currently , just like those taking place among CIS countries , e.t.c. currently , --------- n'o////no 1 [[[[[[[[[ except America e.t.c ]]]]]]]]] would b happy , cheers ThANKye [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-3-27 06:28 編輯 ] | |
原帖由 Guest from 221.125.57.x 於 2008-3-25 01:00 發表 2) Does it follow that people should use violence to solve the issue? Have they tried all the peaceful venue? (For example, get a PR campaign to tell everyone what is good about their culture?) What have the saleswomen did to deserve death? What will killing a couple of innocent civilians achieve? too many girls have sufferred in brutal death in these very few days , | |
原帖由 Guest from 221.125.57.x 於 2008-3-25 01:00 發表 Last time after you told me about the prohibition of preaching in mainland, the next day I switch on the TV.. they are having a "witness" show on how real the Noah's Ark myth is. (IE preaching on TV in Guangzhou) was that from atv or tvb in hk ???? the Christians 'r really all-super talents + all-super riches in realising how to accomplish circumventing cheers ThANKye |
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