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有 d野做完之後就會失自由, 例如風流完自然就有風流債. 而且想去風流本身會唔會已經唔自由呢? 諗落"自由"呢樣野真係幾麻煩, 不由自主去想風流唔算自由, 好似一塊石頭一樣任由風雨侵蝕就更係完全失去自我, 咁究竟點先算係真我? [ 本帖最後由 龍井樹 於 2007-12-11 09:46 編輯 ] | |
呢啲咁高深嘅辯証,緊係要阿B居士先識解 | |
>在晚上七時三十分的合家歡時間,竟然播放含迷信意識的《福言雋語》,怪力亂神, >更於本星期一(26/11/07)播放廖啟智夫婦的幼兒大聲反覆地說:「我信天父個仔!」 >令觀眾放入口中的晚餐也差點嘔了出來。 > >星期二(27/11/07)李司棋又胡言亂語, >又說信主甚麼甚麼,好像在賣靈芝孢子廣告一樣:我信靈芝孢子,只有它才可醫好我的病。 > >這些都是反覆洗腦的效果,而且似乎正是借電視頻道黃金時段來做,十分可怕 .0. sorry shame on me again for cant type in Chinese ---------------------------------------------------------------- .1. they may be practising an other form of star-advertising , just as those ads of cosmetics e.t.c. --------- .1.a. allmost any form of advertising may be yet an other kind of brainwashing --------- .1.b. they may have been using more and more stars : ::::: Sammy Cheng Sau Man , Cheung Hor Yi , Choi Siu Fan , Gong Wah , Wong Yuk Man , the king of kings in phone-in , --------- 1.b.1. they may even not let the Chinese or Cantonnese traditionnal operas to go away so easily : : Man Chian Shui + his wife Leung Siu Sum in Cantonnese traditionnal operas , for example ---------------------------------------------------------------- .2. it does not take them too many money to brainwash Sammy Cheng Sau Man e.t.c. , 1 way or an other , many many Christian adherents may always be so proud of themselves to be assigned to convert Sammy Cheng Sau Man this kind o' superstars e.t.c. , --------- .2.a. but , once Sammy Cheng Sau Man e.t.c. be successfully converted , then , s/he may may donate to those churches with 7-figures $$$$$$$$$ or even more in order to evidence out her/his faith , as reported by those latest hk's gossips magazines coverring Sammy Cheng Sau Man there4 , those churches could use those donations to move themselves into the grandest + the most luxurious////luxuriouzest houses or apartments dedicated for the big spenders , potentially @round $10,000-per-square-foot , everywhere-marble.... gold-plated .... sea-views .... e.t.c. ---------------------------------------------------------------- .3. the churches in hk have always been being donated by some of the richest people in hk , e.g. Sun-Hung-Kei-Property's Kwok's brothers who'r Christians , its rumoured latestly that they have beaten down Lee-Ka-Shing and become hk's no.1 richest any incorrectness please dont hesitate2correct , cheers ThANKye , pendragon | |
>抗議無線電視翡翠台在黃金時間播放《福言雋語》! >在晚上七時三十分的合家歡時間,竟然播放含迷信意識的《福言雋語》,怪力亂神, >更於本星期一(26/11/07)播放廖啟智夫婦的幼兒大聲反覆地說:「我信天父個仔!」 >令觀眾放入口中的晚餐也差點嘔了出來。 > >星期二(27/11/07)李司棋又胡言亂語, >又說信主甚麼甚麼,好像在賣靈芝孢子廣告一樣:我信靈芝孢子,只有它才可醫好我的病。 > >這些都是反覆洗腦的效果,而且似乎正是借電視頻道黃金時段來做,十分可怕 by 'the way , 2 of the tiptop management of tvb , 'r also Christians : ::::: Chan-Chi-Wan // Chen-Zhi-Yun , Catholic , Lok-Yik-Ling // Le-Yi-Ling , Protestant , there4 , it may be no wonder that more and more Christian stars or starlets [[[[[[[[[ much more than 1x years ago ]]]]]]]]] being allowed to show up in tvb's premium-time-spot or even platinums-time-spot , an other example : ::::: Dang-Shui-Man // Deng-Shui-Men | |
>>抗議無線電視翡翠台在黃金時間播放《福言雋語》! >>在晚上七時三十分的合家歡時間,竟然播放含迷信意識的《福言雋語》,怪力亂神, >>更於本星期一(26/11/07)播放廖啟智夫婦的幼兒大聲反覆地說:「我信天父個仔!」 >>令觀眾放入口中的晚餐也差點嘔了出來。 >> >>星期二(27/11/07)李司棋又胡言亂語, >>又說信主甚麼甚麼,好像在賣靈芝孢子廣告一樣:我信靈芝孢子,只有它才可醫好我的病。 >> >>這些都是反覆洗腦的效果,而且似乎正是借電視頻道黃金時段來做,十分可怕 > >by 'the way , >2 of the tiptop management of tvb , 'r also Christians : ::::: >Chan-Chi-Wan // Chen-Zhi-Yun , Catholic , >Lok-Yik-Ling // Le-Yi-Ling , Protestant , > >there4 , >it may be no wonder that >more and more Christian stars or starlets >[[[[[[[[[ much more than 1x years ago ]]]]]]]]] >being allowed to show up in tvb's >premium-time-spot or even >platinums-time-spot , > >an other example : ::::: >Dang-Shui-Man // Deng-Shui-Men > they may have been creeping in and in , more and more , very extremly extremely silently , very extremly extremely tacittly , very extremly extremely tacticcally , up to the degree which even the exChristians cant detect out , they may have been brainwashing , they may have been silkworm-like eating , biting by a little bit a little bit , although ......... that process may seem to progress too slow , but ......... that's safe , that's unsensorable , that's sure to take all down and become in charge sooner or later , any incorrectness please dont hesitate2correct , cheers ThANKye , pendragon | |
>2 of the tiptop management of tvb , 'r also Christians : ::::: >Chan-Chi-Wan // Chen-Zhi-Yun , Catholic , >Lok-Yik-Ling // Le-Yi-Ling , Protestant , 'the same holds true for the TIPsTOPpest management of hk's government ,;--^), 'the # 's much more , thence , much more discomforting potentially : ::::: ceo Tsang//Zheng , Catholic , Wong-Yun-Lung // Huang-Ren-Long , Catholic or Protestant , unsure , Ma-Si-Heng // Ma-Shi-Heng , Protestant , Lam-Shui-Lun // Lin-Rui-Lun , Protestant , Tin-Bak-Sheng // Tian-Bei-Cheng , Protestant , others : still unknown , to be certified | |
>>抗議無線電視翡翠台在黃金時間播放《福言雋語》! >>在晚上七時三十分的合家歡時間,竟然播放含迷信意識的《福言雋語》,怪力亂神, >>更於本星期一(26/11/07)播放廖啟智夫婦的幼兒大聲反覆地說:「我信天父個仔!」 >>令觀眾放入口中的晚餐也差點嘔了出來。 >> >>星期二(27/11/07)李司棋又胡言亂語, >>又說信主甚麼甚麼,好像在賣靈芝孢子廣告一樣:我信靈芝孢子,只有它才可醫好我的病。 >> >>這些都是反覆洗腦的效果,而且似乎正是借電視頻道黃金時段來做,十分可怕 in English there'r 3 words exActly suitable for this kind o' tacticcally tacit advertising , http://dictionary.com/search?q=insidious&r=66 http://dictionary.com/search?q=insinuation&r=66 http://dictionary.com/search?q=instill&r=66 | |
鄭秀文說好像冤魂般纏著許志安,真是聽到也心寒! | |
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>> 我最憎人傳福音傳到半 lung哽,我都未信佢就掉頭走人,放棄我 | |
無線樂小姐係虔誠基督新教徒 | |
你真係咁認為﹖﹖ tvb 已經被基督徒入侵成為宣揚基督既另一力量喇 多次係對白中穿插關於基督教既野﹐什麼上帝咁仁慈啊﹐什麼祈禱原來有用啊﹐安排詩歌班等 只有基督徒先會用既野 有時對白仲抵毀其他宗教﹐畫面又出現打爛觀音像 多佐基督畫像同十字架飾物﹐亦起佐一佐極宏偉既天主教堂 演員又多佐信教(為保飯碗﹖﹖)﹐ 唔知離開果d演員係咪都非基督徒呢﹖﹖ | |
原帖由 Guest from 218.208.230.x 於 2007-12-31 03:39 發表 when-ever .... 1 power were to invade an other country , e.g. : : japan invading our china , then .... no matter what ever , the very 1st target is : : seize the tv stations , the very 2nd target is : : seize the radio stations .... + tvb's primary audience : ::::: may b ......... guangdong's near 100.000.000 people , chinese people , who , u know , do always favour almost any thing from 'the west ......... >> 亦起佐一佐 >> 極 >> 宏偉既天主教堂 oh My God , God bless us , + , God bless us , the chinese people cheers ThANKye , pendragon [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2007-12-31 05:01 編輯 ] | |
which happens to b sure2happen , + , which happens to b so imminent , + , [[[[[[[[[ My Dear Sir 邵逸夫's just celebrated his 100 years old bday's party ]]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]]] ]]]]]]]]] , then ......... | |
http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%99%B3%E5%BF%97%E9%9B%B2 >> 現職無綫電視的總經理 >> –電視廣播業務。 [[.....]] >> 是虔誠的 >> 天主教徒。 that could b confirmed , 陳志雲 , clarified himself as the 天主教徒 , in the 1st episode of 《事业天梯》, 17:00 - 18:00 , year2007 , 新城财经台 , in which he was the interviewee for 'the whole hour that back issue could b retrieved @ 新城财经台's http://www.metroradio.com.hk , but , first , it takes u to pay handsomely handsomly to b their member [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2007-12-31 04:54 編輯 ] | |
陳志雲和樂易玲都是教徒,這我也知道。 | |
they would explain both happenning to be purely co-incidental or accidental or no conspiracy at all but , its really very hard4me2believe | |
there'r so many circumstances , but , first first class classic classiccal sorries 4 cant type in chinese + that's too demanding for me to recite them in english , + that's too taxing for your audience to read 'the reports in english , sorry ThANKye , pendragon | |
e.g. the tvb's series about the Noah's Ark + about the JeruSalem , e.t.c. , 'r really touching , even touching me hard into 'the deepest heart , they do have successfully suckcessfully suckscessfully SUCcessfully moved + motivated me even me to b more interrested into Christiannity , again + , 'the Christian programmes may have been sponsorred as a kind o' non-advertisinglike-advertising , i.e. : ::::: an other kind of super-marketting , me seems , 8-figures-$$$$$$$$ may not b able to be escaped , but , what concerns me most , is that : :::::::::: since .... 陳志雲和樂易玲都是教徒 , 陳志雲和樂易玲都是 really very `````accidentally"""" `````co-incidentally"""" toppest managements of tvb , so .... would 'the sponsor secure any discount or advantage ?? ?? | |
OK 整理下先﹐相當多 收集佐可以 send 俾報館雜誌爆料嗎 ﹖ |
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