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引人入教的,不外乎威逼利誘。入教後,就顛倒傳統禮教,破壞倫常和團結關係,之後殖民政府就更容易操控了。 手段淺白,往往萬試萬靈。 | |
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說得好,請看看傳教士建的是甚麼學校,贈的是甚麼醫: 杜葉錫恩的離教見證 | |
你先睇完, 然後才來話我知佢有乜論點哩. 成篇文咁多唔等使既野, 我點知邊一兩粒字挑起了你的認同? | |
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Thank you for your request to use the last chapter of my book on superstitions. My purpose in writing it was to try to show the falsity of fundamental Christianity, so others would avoid the disillusionament that I faced. Consequently I am happy to give permission for you to use any part you wish. I had the book printed, not published, so there is no copyright. I gave away the books because I was more interested in conveying a message than making money, so you will be assisting me by your website posting. Please feel free to go ahead. Sincerely, Elsie Tu 當年葉錫恩給你的回信, 只指明是不滿 fundamental Christianity: 她所屬的僕斯茅兄弟會的行事作風。 在她行文中指責該教會中不正確所為: (1) so a woman's word was worthless, and she must remain silent in the church "Let your women keep silence in the church". (2) the teaching of Jesus was only for the Jews of this time, while we, the church, must accept the teachings of Paul. (3) we were told that the Brethren would not be happy about that, and that if we did invite our teacher (a chinese teacher), we must sit with her at a separate table. (4) the Brethren have no formal ritual, they do insist on what seems to be totally unnecessary, for example, that women must grow their hair long and wear hats to go to worship. 葉錫恩特別用上了 fundamental christianity 一詞, 當然也暗示了不是一般的 christianity. 她不是指責基督教在信仰上有甚麼不對, 她也不似一般「離教者」咁叫人不要再信耶穌。 耶穌當年也只是指責保守的法利塞人的偽善所為, 不是叫人不要敬拜耶和華。 | |
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佢本書名叫AWAY WITH ALL SUPERSTITIONS! A plea for man to broaden his narrow traditional horizons。咩 ... 暗示你刪去其它部份, 只取用談撲斯茅兄弟會的部份, 可以用來抹黑基督教. 好比那撲斯茅兄弟會, 只取用聖經中的幾句來支持無理的教規. | |
係你有呢個指控之前,係咪應該至少睇過呢本書既目錄咁呢? | |
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