
超短基版FAQ - 英譯工程

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抽刀斷水 2014/3/13 15:25
抽刀斷水 2014/3/13 15:26





The Very Short Christianity
Frequently Asked Questions


There are plenty of lengthy articles debating on Christianity.  To help you understand / misunderstand Christianity quickly, I compiled some FAQs in a very short form.

I cannot include full explanations here because it is a "very short" FAQ, and this is not my intention either. What I am trying to do is to inspire you to contemplate rather than being indoctrinated with some prescribed ideologies.

Note: Hyperlinks in this FAQ will take you to other websites maintained by their webmasters. Contents of these websites do not reflect the positions or opinions of this FAQ.



問:(1) 聖經無誤。
  (2) 聖經就是真理,是神所默示的。
  (3) 聖經經文都互相協調連貫,又毫不矛盾。
答:聖經其實是充滿矛盾錯謬的書。〔錯誤百出的聖經(簡體原版 TXT)(繁體版 HTML)〕〔The Skeptic's Annotated Bible〕





問:天國近了,你們應當悔改! 〔太3:2(和合本)〕

About the Bible

Q: According to the Bible, ......
A: This is only one of the many interpretations.  Exegesis books have many interpretations on same verses.  Which one should be adopted?

Q: (1) Biblical inerrancy.
(2) The Bible is the truth, which is the words inspired by God.
(3) The whole Bible is coherent, consistent and without contradictions.
A: The Bible is full of contradictions and fallacies. [The Skeptic's Annotated Bible]

Q: One found contradictory and evil intepretations in the Bible just because verses were taken out of context.
A: How? What is the true meaning then?

Q: You will really understand if you study the Bible in context and learn about its cultural background.
A: Is residing in Israel for several years a prerequisite for a true understanding of Bible?"

Q: XX version of the Bible has translation problems.  Refer to the original Bible (in Greek & Hebrew) to avoid misinterpretations.
A: Who has the 100% precise translation of all scriptures?  Gee, I never realised I have to learn Greek & Hebrew before falling into this religion.

Q: After reading the entire Bible, you will then fully understand what it means.
A: (1) You won't eat all the bad fruits beared from a tree to recognize the tree is bad.
(2) As you are aware that to read every version of the Bible is extremely time consuming, allow me to call you back in several decades.

Q: Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near. [ Mat 3:2 (NIV) ]
A: It's already two thousand years.  How near it is?
沙文 2014/3/13 17:02
First thing first,

The Very Short Christianity
Frequently Asked Questions

should be:

"The very short Frequently Asked Questions
about Christianity."

because Christianity is not very short, despite the fact that you want it to be.
抽刀斷水 2014/3/13 17:43
唉,如果這主題改,咪連domain name都要改?http://vscfaq.antichristendom.com
沙文 2014/3/13 18:01
唔駛 several years' experience,

years' experience 就係數年經驗咖啦

抽刀斷水 2014/3/13 20:24
沙文 發表於 2014/3/13 18:01


根據呢度:http://www.faqs.org/topRated.html,對某事X既FAQ,係可以話X FAQ既。

咁我係X FAQ之前加個Very Short,指出呢個FAQ係十分短,照理都無錯架喎。
沙文 2014/3/13 20:30
try this:

To help you understand/misunderstand christianity in a very short time, I compiled some FAQs in a very short form.
沙文 2014/3/13 20:33
回覆 6# 抽刀斷水

The Very Short
Frequently Asked Questions about Christianity.
沙文 2014/3/14 03:26
prescribed indoctrination
抽刀斷水 發表於 2014/3/12 23:26

抽刀斷水 2014/3/14 09:54
抽刀斷水 2014/3/14 12:19

答:(1) 幻覺是精神分裂或思覺失調的病徵,另外亦會出現在被催眠者身上,患者會聽到或/及看見一些不存在的事物。
  (2) 既然咁真實,得閒約佢出黎飲茶啦。

問:神是無始無終、自有永有〔Exd 3:18 "I am that I am"(KJV)〕。





About God's Existence

Q: I can feel the real presence of God from my personal experience and during prayer.
A: (1) Hallucination is the sympton of schizophrenia or early psychosis.   It also occurs when one is being hypnotized.   Patients will hear and / or see things that do not exist.
(2) If it is so real, why not ask him out for a drink?

Q: God is eternal, without beginning or end, and is self-existent. [ Exd 3:18 "I am that I am." (KJV) ]
A: Did God create himself?

Q: God is everywhere.
A: Also in Bergen-Belsen and Buchenwald?

Q: Who can disprove God's existence?
A : Unable to prove one's non-existence does not mean its existence has already been proved. [The story of ten doors]

Q: God performed miracles in......
A: The gods of other religions also performed miracles.  Which god should I believe then?

Q: The existence of God has been conclusively documented in the Bible.
A: So, dinosaurs still exist nowadays.  It is documented in my book "Dinosaurs' Scripture" told by the Mama dinosaur and therefore absolutely credible.










問:我們相信三位一體的神,聖父、聖子、聖靈同質、同權、同尊、同榮。 〔三位一體〕

答:(1) 人類的闌尾(位於盲腸末端),除了會發炎而需要切除外,還有甚麼用?
  (2) 請問男人的乳頭有何作用?


About the Attributes of God

Q: For God so loved the world.  God is love.
A: Does God love the children suffering in African famines as well as the earthquake victims?

Q: God uses suffering to test and purify you / your soul.
A: So, being raped is one of the purifying exercises?  So does everyone need to be raped?

Q: God gave the only begotten son's life to wash us from our sins in his own blood.
A: If God knew beforehand that Jesus would be resurrected, the meaning of Jesus' death is at most just a farce!

Q: People cannot understand the wisdom of God. / God is beyond our comprehension.
A: Then how can you know that God really loves you?

Q: God is omnipotent.
A: Can God create a stone so heavy that he cannot lift it?

Q: God is omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent , omnibenevolence.
A: Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God? [ Riddle of Epicurus ]

Q: God's goodness is not equal to human's goodness .
A: If God's goodness is only equal to the human's evilness, it means that he is the devil.

Q: Jesus has fully divine and fully human natures co-existing within one person. [ Person of Christ ]
A: God is omnipotent, human is not omnipotent.  Jesus was both omnipotent and not omnipotent?

Q: We believe that God has three divine persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit.   These three are the same in substance, equal in power and glory. [ Trinity ]
A: Do you really understand what trinity is?  This is not in the Bible, but from the people who tried to explain "Father is God, Jesus is God, but why is there only one God?" and created such a concept which cannot be clearly expressed.

Q: God created mankind in his own image, so human body structures are precise and perfect.
A: (1) Besides inflammation, what is the purpose of Vermiform appendix which might need to be removed?
(2) What is the purpose of men's nipples?

Q: All evildoings of Christians over the years are irrelevant to God.
A: Yes, unless you agree that all good deeds of Christians are also irrelevant to God.  Please don't preach using good deeds of Christians.
沙文 2014/3/14 20:25
For your consideration.
I cannot include full explanations here because it is a "very short" FAQ, and this is not my intention either. What I am trying to do is to inspire you to contemplate rather than being indoctrinated with some prescribed ideologies.
抽刀斷水 2014/3/14 20:57
沙文 2014/3/16 18:35
Note: Hyperlinks in this FAQ will take you to other websites maintained by their webmasters. Contains of these websites do not necessarily state or reflect the positions or opinions of this FAQ.
沙文 2014/3/17 13:35
which one to follow?
抽刀斷水 2014/3/17 15:59
沙文 2014/3/17 18:36
My headache keeps killing me, 唯有逐小逐小黎
Q : Some contradictory and evil intepretations on the bible take the verses out of context.
A: How? What is the true meaning then?

Q: One found contradictory and evil intepretations in the bible just because verses were taken out of context.
沙文 2014/3/18 06:01
Didn't you mean that I need to stay several years in Israel?

Are you suggesting to reside in Israel for several years?
沙文 2014/3/18 22:07
Q: XX version of the bible has translation problems.  Refer to the original bible (in Greek & Hebrew) to avoid misinterpretations .

A: Who has the 100% precise translation of all (original) Scriptures?  Do I need to learn Greek & Hebrew?

Scriptures 本身就係原文,唔加original都得, 加就更強調,your call.
用negative interrogative表示您expecting一個positive嘅答案,應該並非您嘅原意,況且既然本文係想inspires讀者思考,則避免預設答案,open for  讀者自己答較為適宜, 只須用一般問題句就算了。what do u think?
抽刀斷水 2014/3/19 10:26
原句「不是要我去學希臘文、希伯來文吧?」含有「唔通要我去學咩」的含義。的確,信下教就要去學兩種古文,是離譜丫嘛。這「唔通」的意思用英文表達,是否應用negative interrogative呢?

因此前句「Who has the 100% precise translation of all scriptures?」已有inspire讀者思考的意思,後句「不是要我去學希臘文、希伯來文吧?」是用以表達因現存沒有無誤譯本的荒謬。
沙文 2014/3/19 12:02
麻煩就在這裡。用negative interrogative的話,答案就會變咗positive
Q: You can only understand its real meaning by through reading of the entire bible.
A: No man would eat the whole rotten egg to assert it is rotten.
原文有(臭蛋理論), 您冇譯出來,係因為根本冇此theory?
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