![]() Pastor Kevin Swanson Says 'Frozen' Is The Work of Satan Trying To Make Your Children Gay Did Disney's megahit "Frozen" already convert your child to a life of homosexuality? Well, then the devil's work has already been done! Fundamentalist loon Kevin Swanson (the Colorado Pastor who recently blamed homosexuals for area floods) said the following on his Generations With Vision Radio show (among other things), hypothesizing that the devil himself sent "Frozen" up into theaters: Man, how many children are taken into these things and how many Christians are taking their kids off to see the movie Frozen, produced by an organization that is probably one of the most pro-homosexual organizations in the country? You wonder sometimes, I’m not a tinfoil hat conspiratorialist, but you wonder sometimes if maybe there’s something very evil happening here. If I was the Devil, what would I do to really foul up an entire social system and do something really, really, really evil to 5- and 6- and 7-year-olds in Christian families around America? http://blogs.indiewire.com/bent/listen-pastor-kevin-swanson-says-frozen-is-the-work-of-satan-trying-to-make-your-children-gay-20140312 奧斯卡又衰,畀個獎佢忝 | |
真相其實係報仇咁報 -- 因為Frozen嘅主題曲Let it go得奧斯卡獎, 而本來有一齣基督教爛片 Alone Yet Not Alone 有份提名,教友們滿懷感恩,心諗今次仲唔讚美主? http://www.theglobaldispatch.com ... riginal-song-75198/ 點知啱啱祈完禱,連阿瞞都未噏,該片就惨被奧斯卡踢出局: http://www.deadline.com/2014/02/ ... e-category-reforms/ 牧師有咩法子唔氣頂吖? 其實首歌咁難聽,畀您好采入到圍都冇用啦 | |
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