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以下是網上找到的水上福音英譯本目錄 The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ By Levi H. Dowling Introduction by Eva S. Dowling [1920] This book is an extensive reworking of the Jesus story with strong Theosophical and Spiritualist influences. Of interest is the attempt to fill in the two decade gap in the Jesus's traditional biography. According to Dowling, Jesus spent a lot of time in the mystical East where he learned esoteric methods from the masters, while rebelling against the caste system. The narrative, unfortunately, has numerous historical inconsistencies, including Jesus meeting historical figures who lived hundreds of years before or after the first century, e.g. Mencius. The book has Jesus studying in India in the Orissa area; while this is an historically important ceremonial area, it didn't come into prominence until nearly a millenium later. In addition, this work appears to be derivative of The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ. None of this lessens the charm or the esoteric insight of this book. Nor should its subterranean impact on popular spirituality in the United States be underestimated. The Aquarian Gospel was rediscovered during the spiritual ferment of the 1960s; a beat-up paperback copy of this book was de rigeur in every hippie pad, and it no doubt played an unsung role in naming the 'Age of Aquarius'. The Aquarian Gospel was probably one of the catalysts for the 'Jesus freak' movement. Although they would never admit it, many a staid evangelical Christian probably had their spiritual awakening while browsing this book in a head shop. Title Page Contents Who was Levi? Introduction Section I: Aleph: Birth and Early Life of Mary, Mother of Jesus Chapter 1 Section II: Beth: Birth and Infancy of the Harbinger, and of Jesus Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Section III: Gimel: Education of Mary and Elizabeth in Zoan Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Section IV: Daleth: Childhood and Early Education of John the Harbinger Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Section V: He: Childhood and Early Education of Jesus Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Section VI: Vau: Life and Works of Jesus in India Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24 Chapter 25 Chapter 26 Chapter 27 Chapter 28 Chapter 29 Chapter 30 Chapter 31 Chapter 32 Chapter 33 Chapter 34 Chapter 35 Section VII: Zain: Life and Works of Jesus in Tibet and Western India Chapter 36 Chapter 37 Section VIII: Cheth: Life and Works of Jesus in Persia Chapter 38 Chapter 39 Chapter 40 Chapter 41 Section IX: Teth: Life and Works of Jesus in Assyria Chapter 42 Chapter 43 Section X: Jod: Life and Works of Jesus in Greece Chapter 44 Chapter 45 Chapter 46 Section XI: Caph: Life and Works of Jesus in Egypt Chapter 47 Chapter 48 Chapter 49 Chapter 50 Chapter 51 Chapter 52 Chapter 53 Chapter 54 Chapter 55 Section XII: Lamed: The Council of the Seven Sages of the World Chapter 56 Chapter 57 Chapter 58 Chapter 59 Chapter 60 Section XIII: Mem: The Ministry of John the Harbinger Chapter 61 Chapter 62 Chapter 63 Chapter 64 Section XIV: Nun: The Christine Ministry of Jesus--Introductory Epoch Chapter 65 Chapter 66 Chapter 67 Chapter 68 Chapter 69 Chapter 70 Chapter 71 Section XV: Samech: The First Annual Epoch of the Christine Ministry of Jesus Chapter 72 Chapter 73 Chapter 74 Chapter 75 Chapter 76 Chapter 77 Chapter 78 Chapter 79 Chapter 80 Chapter 81 Chapter 82 Chapter 83 Chapter 84 Chapter 85 Chapter 86 Chapter 87 Chapter 88 Chapter 89 Chapter 90 Section XVI: Ain: The Second Annual Epoch of the Christine Ministry of Jesus Chapter 91 Chapter 92 Chapter 93 Chapter 94 Chapter 95 Chapter 96 Chapter 97 Chapter 98 Chapter 99 Chapter 100 Chapter 101 Chapter 102 Chapter 103 Chapter 104 Chapter 105 Chapter 106 Chapter 107 Chapter 108 Chapter 109 Chapter 110 Chapter 111 Chapter 112 Chapter 113 Chapter 114 Chapter 115 Chapter 116 Chapter 117 Chapter 118 Chapter 119 Chapter 120 Chapter 121 Chapter 122 Chapter 123 Section XVII: Pe: The Third Annual Epoch of the Christine Ministry of Jesus Chapter 124 Chapter 125 Chapter 126 Chapter 127 Chapter 128 Chapter 129 Chapter 130 Chapter 131 Chapter 132 Chapter 133 Chapter 134 Chapter 135 Chapter 136 Chapter 137 Chapter 138 Chapter 139 Chapter 140 Chapter 141 Chapter 142 Chapter 143 Chapter 144 Chapter 145 Chapter 146 Chapter 147 Chapter 148 Chapter 149 Chapter 150 Chapter 151 Chapter 152 Chapter 153 Chapter 154 Chapter 155 Chapter 156 Chapter 157 Chapter 158 Section XVIII: Tzaddi: The Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus Chapter 159 Chapter 160 Chapter 161 Chapter 162 Chapter 163 Chapter 164 Section XIX: Koph: The Trial and Execution of Jesus Chapter 165 Chapter 166 Chapter 167 Chapter 168 Chapter 169 Chapter 170 Chapter 171 Section XX: Resh: The Resurrection of Jesus Chapter 172 Section XXI: Schin: Materialisation of the Spiritual Body of Jesus Chapter 173 Chapter 174 Chapter 175 Chapter 176 Chapter 177 Chapter 178 Chapter 179 Chapter 180 Section XXII: Tau: Establishment of the Christine Church Chapter 181 Chapter 182 | |
詳情可見 The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ By Levi H. Dowling Introduction by Eva S. Dowling [1920] http://www.sacred-texts.com/chr/agjc/ This book is an extensive reworking of the Jesus story with strong Theosophical and Spiritualist influences. Of interest is the attempt to fill in the two decade gap in the Jesus's traditional biography. According to Dowling, Jesus spent a lot of time in the mystical East where he learned esoteric methods from the masters, while rebelling against the caste system. The narrative, unfortunately, has numerous historical inconsistencies, including Jesus meeting historical figures who lived hundreds of years before or after the first century, e.g. Mencius. The book has Jesus studying in India in the Orissa area; while this is an historically important ceremonial area, it didn't come into prominence until nearly a millenium later. In addition, this work appears to be derivative of The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ. None of this lessens the charm or the esoteric insight of this book. Nor should its subterranean impact on popular spirituality in the United States be underestimated. The Aquarian Gospel was rediscovered during the spiritual ferment of the 1960s; a beat-up paperback copy of this book was de rigeur in every hippie pad, and it no doubt played an unsung role in naming the 'Age of Aquarius'. The Aquarian Gospel was probably one of the catalysts for the 'Jesus freak' movement. Although they would never admit it, many a staid evangelical Christian probably had their spiritual awakening while browsing this book in a head shop. 目前我已經全部抄錄完成(抄至第182章) 還有 Early Christian Writings http://www.earlychristianwritings.com 亦是不可忽視的 | |
你說的無錯, 耶穌的話是給人纂改了, 改成了水徒福音囉! 所以.....被剔出正典書目. 合理! | |
正典經書你就忽視.... 旁門左道的經書你卻重視 | |
遲些我會寄電子抄本給網主抽刀斷水兄,好讓他節省抄錄之力。 | |
A TRUE ACCOUNT OF THE BIRTH OF 'JESUS CHRIST' by N. Huntley http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~noelh/BirthofJesus.htm 關於“耶穌基督”這一非凡事件有著許多概念與理解,對大眾來說是極其難以置信的。這並不令人驚奇,因為我們的教育系統就用來限制及壓制人的。通常並未意識到的是,現代人的頭腦已充塞了大量的客觀知識(脫離自身的知識),形成了一種依賴演繹的心智,欠缺直覺與直接領悟,那本應是存有的心智與精神的自然經驗。越是重視基於客觀的左腦意識,越是與這些基本經驗及思想分離(因此著重於(3D的)邏輯),只要求理性理解,只基於實在的外部3D世界的現象。在這些客觀條件下,事實上經驗變得更為無意識,以感知與心理資料為代表(客觀)。感知頻譜被縮減降低,超常經驗不再是日常生活的自然部分。與較高知覺相關聯的感知與理解的能量模式被濾出與轉移,帶來的是被固定的思想編程、受制於思想控制的心智。沒有主觀聯繫存有認知的客觀心智將益發與機器相似。僅基於客觀理解而建立的文明,將自以為是先進的,特別是,因為幾乎其所有的知識都處在客觀可證的層面,在此頻譜之外的任何事物都不被感知且被認為是不存在的。在此確定疆域之外的任何知識都被無視或嘲弄了。生命的內在工作(inner-working)與真正的知識得由擴展而平衡的意識來經驗。 這種對感知特性的直接簡化,也包括了意識的共鳴與擴展,使得當今的我們受限,不能發現超出客觀限制頻率帶之外的現象,以及使得共同知識(來自古代的),比如地球門戶(Earth portals),在當今不能被認出。地球事實上有著數不清的電磁/乙太通道通向內地球。這並不是中空的地球,而是一個頻率調製區,在我們的地球與其反宇宙配對物(被稱為平行地球或反粒子地球)之間形成的分離的“內在”地球。 以下是一個摘要,對由Ashayana Deane從守護者那裏轉譯的關於“耶穌”誕生資料的一個簡化描述。 耶穌(Jesus)的真正名字是“Jesheua”,儘管宗教史學家更願寫作“Yesheua”(或類似的拼寫)。很明顯有少量希伯來字母被改變了,特別是“J”被換成了“Y”。因此耶穌這位靈性阿凡達——我們通過名字來辯認——的原初名字是“Jesheua”。 Jesheua的父母也不是Joseph和Mary,那是《聖經》版本的描述。這很明顯不是自然的混淆,而是有意製造的,為了編造一個不同的故事。另一個有著發音類似但拼寫不同的名字“Jeshuwua”的宗師,才是Joseph和Mary生的,更進一步,與Mary Magdeline結婚的也是這位,而被謠傳說成是耶穌。由此辨認:Jesheua-12與Jeshewua-9。數字表明了他們的DNA及維度特性。 [Jeshewua-9屬於希克索斯先覺者血統(Hyksos Illuminati lineage),有著在守護者監督之下的生物再生復活合約。] 現今任何有計劃的誕生都是由牽涉了許多存有的複雜程式來完成的。這在阿凡達的降生上更為明顯,特別是,在重要的任務之中。此次安排了包括Jesheua-12在內的6個從高維王國(higher realms)而來的重要化身。這些被稱為Eckars,三對精神雙生,表示了他們起源的揚升層級。施洗約翰(John the Baptist)與其雙生是最先到來的。John在西元前46年,其雙生Merigedra在西元前34年。下一對Eckars是Immanuelle,西元前23年;Ashridari,西元前14年。最後是Jesheua-12,西元前12年;其雙生Marahari(而後被改寫成了“Mary”),稍早一點的西元前13年。所有這些都是靛藍——很可能都是T1靛藍,獻身於克裏斯托重組任務。 我們的日曆時間系統(西元紀年)並非從Jesheua的誕生開始,而是開始於他12歲的時候。這與阿凡達靈魂化身進入此密度的高度技術化的過程相關。從星系第四(頻率)密度區間而來的實體,被稱為阿凡達層級或克裏斯托意識,直到12歲時才能安全地完全 walk-in 入肉身(因身體物理結構限制),由此高階DNA(完好無損地)被啟動與整合。 所有這6個Eckars其DNA與藍圖中都攜帶了必要的代碼(頻率點陣),以將它們錨定入地球的藍圖及場域系統來校準地球的能量,為下一個2000-2017年間的揚升週期(行星啟動週期)作準備。這三對雙生作為Eckatic三元組被知曉,與144000個在基督紀化身而來的靛藍相關。這些靛藍僅僅是存在,就可以加強Eckar頻率對人類種族DNA的向下相容性。 在西元前12年的11月22日,Jesheua-12通過自然受孕出生,其父母是Jeudi和Joehius,都是艾賽尼(Essene)祭司,在伯利恒(Bethlehem)週邊的Ben-Yumen(《聖經》上的Benjamin)家裏,Jesheua和他的母親Jeudi在留在那裏躲避希律王(Herod)。直到12月20日,他們帶著孩子一起回到了他們在伯利恒的家。 三位國王(三賢士)同樣在阿凡達嬰兒的DNA與意識整合的準備中扮演了重要角色。如上所說,必須得有複雜程式來實行特定進展,直到12歲時第四密度存有才能完全進入身體。 那三位國王,已收到他們將要出席Jesheua的誕生的預言,從一個內地球的存有那裏得知了他們的角色及他們所要進行的協助。這些國王分別來自印度、西藏、埃及。他們怎麼能進行這麼遠距離的旅行?我們當今社會上被隱匿起來的一個主要的秘密就是,在地球上存在著許多內在空間門戶,能夠去揭露其他文明的存在,並且通向宇宙內地球門戶。這就是為何像Admiral Byrd這樣的探險家的報導會被壓制。 那個內地球來訪者為國王們提供了門戶旅行安全代碼(頻率點陣,或是DNA中自有,或是被嵌入,或是通過對聲音與符號的冥想與頻率點陣共鳴)。這意味著他們能夠進入在他們自己的國境內的門戶,在很短的時間內到達伯利恒的門戶。那個內地球存有也就是“指路者(The Way-Shower)”與“光之嚮導(Shepherd of the Light)”,聖誕老人的傳說也由此而來。 沒想到,國王們通過門戶進入伯利恒被希律王的衛兵探知了。這樣,與已知的預言聯繫起來,使得Jesheua的下落被希律王探知,面臨生命危險。三個國王帶來了他們的藥草、礦產與神聖的禮物,在《聖經》中被描繪成乳香、沒藥和黃金。“黃金(Gold)”事實上不是貴重金屬,而是一種金色粉末,稱為“藍色星塵(Stardust Blue)”或“黃金藍粉(Blue-powder-gold)”。這是從一種被稱為天藍晶體(Celestalline)的強力藥品乾燥而來的;那是一種在穿越星門(內地球的主要門戶,需要身體形變來穿越維度頻率帶)或肉身死亡而精神揚升時,皮膚上分泌的液體。天藍晶體一接觸氧氣就乾燥,最終退化為黃金白粉(White-powder-gold)。 要注意,黃金白粉在最近似乎被重新發現,作為意識擴展的刺激物來出售。不幸的是,這些白粉創造的“高頻”最終結果是心理與精神損害及徹底瘋狂,就像是埃及法老與Anunnaki ET,後者創造了尼安德特人種族(Neanderthal-man race)在被白粉污染的空氣中掘金,此後他們最終發現了這一後果。 在極少的神聖場合,“藍色星塵”可被安全地使用其優點。給嬰兒咽下一點點黃金藍粉,就可以臨時觸發12股DNA啟動,錨定神聖藍圖。在完成了被稱為Jesheua攝政任命(Jesheua's Regent Ordination)的這一過程後,嬰兒、三位國王、以及靛藍們仍然面臨其下落被希律王探知的風險。 “指路者”在Ben-Yumen的幫助下準備了一條安全通路,使國王們能夠回到他們的國土,通過來自伯利恒的Joehius家的駱駝和驢子。11歲的Immanuelle被給予了一個鼓和兩個擊鼓代碼:“安全通路(Safe Passage)”與“守衛警告(Guard Warning)”,並在馬廄裏暗察。當地區上的守衛被清除,“安全通路”信號使國王們能逃離,在內地球訪問者的指引下跟隨“最明亮的星星(Brightest Star)”——那是一艘太空船,進入沙漠等待被護送回伯利恒門戶。 內地球存有接著回去收管Immanuelle,使其能夠安全返回Ben-Yumen家。當士兵出現時,進一步的危險來臨了。Immanuelle敲起了“守衛警告”來提醒內地球存有,結果這使得年輕的男孩反而陷入了被士兵發現的危險之中。Immanuelle對此任務極為重要;而那時又沒有靛藍在場。在試著保住Immanuelle時,他們發現自己在馬廄裏被希律王的人包圍了,他們縱火燒掉馬廄。為了保護男孩,內地球存有將他放在了水槽中,自己留在上面。然而屋頂塌陷了,他們雙雙犧牲。必須制訂一個新的計畫讓他們重新化身。特別是,Immanuelle得儘快重新化身來完成他在任務中的角色。同時,三位國王還留在沙漠裏等待返回。 施洗者約翰與Merigedra被此後的內地球存有告知,他們是Immanuelle的理想父母。不幸的是,Merigedra沒有生育能力。Merigedra及其雙生暨丈夫,獻身于此任務,同意她必須物理死亡,重新化身入另一個身體。雖然這很不幸,但最終完成了。 Immanuelle與內地球存有進行了幾次精神探訪,告知了他們新的計畫,包括Immanuelle的重新出生,而嬰兒Jesheua必須被帶到內地球來保護直到12歲。沙漠中的三個國王也收到了精神探訪,內地球存有指引他們偽裝成乞丐,回到伯利恒門戶,使他們能夠返回各自的國土。接下來,Merigedra得到了Immanuelle所給的一束金色鼠尾草枝條(a cluster of golden-sage twigs),那是一種來自內地球的療愈植物,並被告知將其弄成類似黃金王冠的花圈。 西元前12年12月22日,靛藍Eckars與家族團體在Ben-Yumen處會面來慶祝。這包括了來自Immanuelle與“指路者”的第四次探訪,金色花圈被戴在了嬰兒Jesheua的頭上,而“指路者”通過觸摸花圈,將位於吉薩的盟約之弧門戶訪問安全代碼(the access security codes of the Arc of the Covenant portal passage at Giza)輸入了Jesheua的DNA。這使得Jesheua成年後能夠通過大金字塔的盟約之弧來進行揚升。 6年後,離開了其肉身的Merigedra在Jeudi(她現在是Ben-Yumen的妻子)那裏重新出生。Joehius,同樣是Ben-Yumen的妻子,已經逝世。Merigedra在西元前5年作為“Miriam”重新出生,在西元10年與施洗約翰再次結婚。一年後,Immanuelle出生了,名為Jeremiah-Immanuelle。現在可以完成任務的第一階段了。 第一個目標,之前已提過,是將6個Eckars各自的代碼送入地球柵格。不幸的是,這對此行星上的科學家與普通人類是完全陌生的領域。我們現今的知識不足以解釋這些技術流程。人類也必須適應這些新概念;除此之外還欠缺理解。甚至在兩千多年前,“耶穌”也能夠理解這些力學以及宇宙的本質,勝過今天的任何科學家(但不是通過方程與圖表之類的方式);對歷史的改寫實在是太徹底了。 將代碼傳入地球柵格是通過每個個體分別被帶入盟約之弧——位於大金字塔的一個門戶橋樑——來達成的。因而通過這種方式,位於Eckars的DNA中的代碼通過盟約之弧通路被送入地球。 Eckars任務的第二部分則未能成功。此目標是消除在巨石陣啟動的Nibiru二極晶體的編程,它來自Wormwood——位於其Anunnaki的控制行星Nibiru的軌道上的相反點,現在大約處於昴星團系統,也就是其距離我們的最遠點,有著圍繞我們的太陽的3600年軌道週期。為了切斷Wormwood,需要靛藍團隊使用特定門戶訪問工具與人工製品。Anunnaki臨時背叛了守護者,沒能履行他們歸還第11片CDT全息盤(被透特盜走)的承諾,那是此任務所必需的。 巨石陣被建在Nibiru二極晶體之上,當石圈完整無損時,可以阻擋其能量。此Anunnaki全球嵌植系統近期已部分失效。 誰又是Jeshewua-9?他有著ET祖先的血統,Elohim並未對人類種族透露此點,而是編造了“童女受孕”的故事。Jeshewua-9的父母雙親,Mary與Joseph,都是Nephilim。Joseph的父親是耶和華(Jehovah)實體的一部分,他涉入了Anunnaki物種的創造並與Elohim工作。 要注意,有趣的是,Jesheua-12的父母,Jeudi與Joehius,有著不同的祖先血統。Joehius是大衛王之子所羅門王的後裔,大衛王有著希克索斯先覺者血統,而所羅門的母親,拔示巴(Bathsheba),則屬於靛藍聖杯血統。因此,靛藍血統通過所羅門被帶入了希克索斯先覺者血統,來對墮落的希克索斯血統進行生物再生——這也是守護者暗中策劃的。 —————————————— WHO WAS JESUS AND WAS HE CRUCIFIED? 外篇:耶穌是誰,他真的受刑了嗎? http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~noelh/NuAge/Jesus.htm 絕大多數管道通靈認為耶穌確實在十字架上受刑了,比如說,所謂的揚升大師Hilarion提及,某些業力通過耶穌之死而得到化解。《地球之書(The Urantia Book)》以及許多其他來源(儘管我們或許會發現它們是可疑的或扭曲的)也同意此點。然而,也有少量不同意見。塞斯資料說,耶穌並未受刑,而是一個受愚弄的麻木的傢伙,相信他自己是耶穌,而被釘死了(有三個人被捲入此基督形象中)。Barbara Marciniak從Pleiadian集體意識中通靈而來的書則聲稱,黑暗勢力有著先進的全息投影技術,有時會在我們的時間線上進行全息插入。他們聲稱受刑就是一個這樣的插入——非常複雜的一個,消耗了大量的能量。他們所聲稱的耶穌是被廣泛接受的。 最令人信服的消息來自Anna Hayes(Ashayana Deane)的書,《異邦者·第二卷(Voygers II)》。它與塞斯資料一致。三個人曾經的資訊融合形成了耶穌的故事。第一位,一個有著12股DNA的阿凡達(12-D),前來修復阿蒙提球體,即一條精神通道(《聖經》裏提到的“天國之大門”),以及修復希伯來人的遺傳譜系的完整性(因而是“猶太的救主”)。第二位,一個9-D阿凡達,同樣也是一個靈性導師,但此人被困於羅馬。Elohim為使羅馬人轉移注意力,誘捕了一個靈魂自願犧牲。此人靈魂(更高級的片斷)的較低級自我名為Arihabi,被編程認為他就是耶穌,這才是受刑的那位。9-D阿凡達的“復活”是通過全息技術而上演的。而Arihabi則因其犧牲而被復活且度過了另外的30年。12-D阿凡達成功完成任務,在39歲時通過大金字塔的盟約之弧(以及阿蒙提球體)離開,他並未死亡。 現在我們還有個問題,誰/什麼是耶穌形象?這意味著耶穌僅僅是“三個基督”故事中的三個角色合成的產品?未必。 以下是作者關於何為“耶穌”形象的觀點。墮落的ET覺知到了“三個基督”情境的真實事件,決定利用這些情況來加強他們的人群控制議程。他們逐步小心翼翼地以各種手段將這些“知識”滲入社會,對大眾編程,編造故事說有一個名叫耶穌的靈性先驅者被釘死了,他自願這樣來為人類贖罪。這裏強調的是,人是有罪的,必須為此愧疚——必須持續感覺愧疚。要注意“愧疚”是最具破壞力的情緒之一。事實上,墮落的ET創造了一個被大眾廣為接受的觀念,大眾通過不停地沉思與祈禱,觀想受刑這一情境,創造了一種思維模式。一種強有力的心理構想——此錯誤的故事中所蘊含的一切能量表達:愧疚、悲傷、罪惡,而去稱揚崇拜被臆想出來的耶穌,以及與他聯繫起來的一切優異品質。 更進一步地,墮落的精神實體——意識片斷、子人格、沒有與之相應的載具(肉身)的存有——與此思維模式融合,將之強化,形成了一種更為強大的集體意識。這樣一種思維模式在其編程管制之下的有了自己的生命:觀念、想法、資訊,都被投入其中。這些實體被這一基本思維模式(由墮落的ET開始的)所吸引,因為它們由此可從虔誠的教徒那裏得到稱揚、歸屬、同情等等。這大大滋養了它們的小我,特別是,給了它們持續的能量供應——這是退化的物種(原因是負面行為)面臨的最大問題。 以上解釋無疑會使虔誠的基督徒不悅。但事實上,此解釋理應被歡迎。最起碼,發現並無精神存有被釘死是個大好消息。再說,這也解釋了某些教徒沉迷于此類描述的原因,他們是陷進這一強有力的思維模式中了。 再進一步,“耶穌”並不等於“基督”。基督(Christ)不是一個人,而是指克裏斯托意識(Christos consciousness):處於9D-12D的第四密度頻率帶(三個維度為一組,共四組)。這是此時間矩陣(12維)中能夠出離的最高級,因此負面勢力對此也有特定的目標——迷惑個體且封鎖此層級。事實上一切人類均有其意識的基督層級(現在就存在著),因此也全被“釘死”了,或者我們可以說,在這種意義上,基督是被釘死了。 資料來源: Ascending & Descending http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!KsQbI2GVEQOQo_m7hbqXZLKCww--/ | |
August, 2005 N. Huntley Many of the concepts and understandings involved in this extraordinary event of the birth of 'Jesus Christ' will be found too astounding to believe by most. On the basis of our limiting and suppressive educational system this is unfortunately not surprising. What is not realised, though considered normal, is that modern man now has a mind structured quantitatively on objective knowledge (knowledge separate from self), forming a context-dependent mind, deficient in intuition and direct knowingness, which is experiential through the mind and spirit and is of the nature of beingness. The more emphasis there is on objectivity and left-brain consciousness, the more separated are the elements of experience and thought (hence the emphasis on (3D) logic), requiring intellectual understanding only, and based on concrete external 3D-world phenomena only. Under these objective conditions experience actually becomes more unconscious as perceptive and mental data become representational (objective). The spectrum of perception reduces to the lower end and paranormal experiences no longer form a natural part of everyday life. Energy patterns of perception and understanding relating to qualities and higher perception are being filtered off and diverted, bringing about a programmed mind with fixed thinking and subject to thought control. An objective mind without the subjective link being recognised will simulate more a machine or robot. A civilisation operating on objective understanding only, will consider itself advanced, in particular, since nearly all its knowledge is at the objectively-provable level and anything outside this spectrum is not perceived and is considered nonexistent. Any knowledge outside this establishment territory is ignored or ridiculed. The inner-workings of life and true knowledge can be experiential with an expanded and balanced consciousness. This dumbing down of qualitative perceptions, which are direct, and involve resonance and expansion of consciousness, prevents us today from detecting phenomena outside the objectively enforced band of frequencies, and common knowledge (from periods of ancient history), such as Earth portals, are not recognised today. The Earth apparently has countless such electromagnetic or etheric gateways which lead to Inner Earth. This is not hollow Earth, but a frequency modulation zone between our Earth and its anti-universe pair, referred to as parallel Earth or antiparticle Earth, forming a separate 'Inner' Earth. The following is a brief and simplified rendering of material transmitted from the Guardians by Ashayana Deane on the birth of 'Jesus'. The correct name for Jesus was 'Jesheua', though religious historians will refer to 'Yesheua' (or similar spelling). Apparently several letters of the Hebrew alphabet were changed, in particular, 'J' was changed to 'Y'. Thus the original name of the spiritual avatar that we recognise by the name, Jesus, was 'Jesheua'. Jesheua's parents weren't Joseph and Mary, as depicted in the Biblical version. This is apparently not a natural confusion but a deliberate fabrication to present a different story. Another priest by the similar sounding name 'Jeshewua' but slightly different spelling, was born to Joseph and Mary, and furthermore this spiritual leader married Mary Magdeline, hence the rumour that it was Jesus. These spiritual figures are distinguished thus: Jesheua-12, and Jeshewua-9. The numbers signify their qualification in relationship to dimensions and DNA. [Jeshewua-9 was of the Hyksos Illuminati lineage and was on a bio-regenesis rehabilitation contract under the supervision of the Guardians.] Now any planned birth will be fulfilled through a complex programme involving many beings. This would be even more pronounced in the case of the birthing of an avatar and, in particular, on an important mission. On this occasion a group of six significant incarnations were arranged, including Jesheua-12, from higher realms. These were called Eckars, three pairs of spiritual twins, denoting their ascended level of origin. John the Baptist and his twin were the first to arrive. John in 46 BC and his twin Merigedra in 34 BC. The second pair of Eckars were Immanuelle, 23 BC, and Ashridari, 14 BC. Finally Jesheua-12 in 12 BC, and his twin Marahari (later changed to 'Mary') earlier in 13 BC. All were Indigos---probably all type-1 Indigo, who were dedicated to the Christos Re-alignment Mission. Our calendar time system was not started at Jesheua's birth but when he was 12 years old. This relates to the highly technical process by which an avatar soul incarnates into this density. This entity came from the 4th (frequency) density level of this sector of the galaxy, referred to as the Avatar level or Christos consciousness, and could not with safety (to the body's physical structure) fully 'walk-in' until the age of 12 years, whence the advanced DNA (fully intact requirement) was activated and integrated. All six Eckars were carrying required codes (frequency patterns) in their DNA and blueprint, with the purpose of anchoring them into Earth's blueprint and field system to align Earth's energies in preparation for the next ascension cycle (Stellar Activation cycles) between the years 2000 and 2017. These three pairs of twins were known as the Eckatic Trinity and were related to the incarnated 144,000 Indigos during the Christ period. The mere presence of these Indigos, down-stepped the Eckars' frequencies for DNA compatibility of the human race. On November 22, 12 BC, Jesheua-12 was born of natural conception to parents Jeudi and Joehius, Essene priests, in the home of Ben-Yumen (Benjamin in the Bible) on the outskirts of Bethlehem, where Jesheua and his mother Jeudi remained in hiding from Herod. Then on December 20 they took their child to their home in Bethlehem. The three kings (three wise men) also played a significant role in the preparation of the avatar infant for a proper integration between DNA and consciousness. As stated, a complex procedure with specific developments was necessary, and it wasn't until the age of 12 that the full 4th density being could enter the body. The three kings, whose attendance at Jesheua's birth was prophecised, were informed of their role and their assistance requested by an Inner-Earth being. The kings were from India, Tibet, and Egypt respectively. How did they travel such great distances? One of the major and hidden, guarded secrets in our modern society is the existence of many inner-space portals on Earth, which would reveal the presence of other civilisations and lead to universal Inner-Earth portals. This is why explorers'---such as Admiral Byrd---accounts have been suppressed. The Inner-Earth visitor provided the kings with portal security access codes (frequency patterns, which either are inherent or are embedded in the DNA, or meditated upon visually or by oral sound, in the form of symbols resonant to the frequency patterns). This meant they could enter portals in their own country and exit a portal in Bethlehem a short time later. This Inner-Earth being became known as 'The Way-Shower', and the 'Shepherd of the Light', and also 'Father Christmas' from which the legends were built. Unexpectedly the kings entrance into Bethlehem through the portal was spotted by Herod's guards. This, combined with knowledge of the prophecy, endangered still further Jesheua's whereabouts being found out by Herod. The three kings brought with them herbs, minerals and sacred preparations described in the biblical version as frankincense, myrrh and gold. The 'gold' was in fact a transmutation of the hard metal gold into gold powder, known as 'stardust blue' or 'blue-powder gold'. This was a dried form of a powerful chemical called celestalline; a liquid secreted through the skin either during so-called 'stargate' passage (major portals in Inner Earth requiring body transmutation to the dimensional frequency beyond) or at death of the body when of sufficient ascension status. Celestalline dries on contact with oxygen and eventually degenerates into white-powder gold. Note that this white powder gold has apparently been rediscovered more recently and has been sold as a stimulant for the enhancement of consciousness. Unfortunately the 'high' created by this white powder eventually results in mental and spiritual impairment and ultimately insanity, as the Pharaohs of Egypt and the Anunnaki ETs eventually found out after the latter created the Neanderthal-man race (see article on Neanderthal Man and the Illuminati) to mine for gold and infuse the white powder product into their atmosphere. On rare and sacred occasions the 'stardust blue' can be used safely and to advantage. A small quantity of the blue-powder gold was given to the infant and ingested to trigger a temporary burst of the 12-strand DNA for anchoring the Divine blue print. After Jesheua's Regent Ordination, as it was called, there was still the imminent threat from Herod discovering the whereabouts of the baby, the three kings, and the Indigos. The 'Way-Shower' with the help of Ben-Yumen made preparations for the safe passage of the return of the kings to their homelands by camel and donkey from the house of Joehius in Bethlehem. Eleven-year old Immanuelle was given a drum and two drum-beat codes: 'safe passage' and 'guard warning' and positioned himself on watch by the stables. When the grounds were clear of guards the 'safe passage' signal enabled the kings to escape and with instructions from the Inner-Earth visitor to follow the 'brightest star', which was a spacecraft, into the desert and await to be escorted to the Bethlehem portal. The Inner-Earth being then returned to collect Immanuelle to safely return him to Ben-Yumen's house. Further danger arose as the soldiers again appeared on the scene. Immanuelle drummed the 'guard warning' to alert the returning Inner-Earth being, who in turn saw that the young boy was in danger of being found by the soldiers. Immanuelle was vital to the mission; it was also essential none of the Indigos were located. In attempting to save Immanuelle the two of them found themselves in the stable surrounded by Herod's men who set fire to the stables. In an attempt to protect the boy the Inner-Earth being placed him in a trough of water and lay down on top. Nevertheless the roof caved in and they both left their bodies. A new plan had to be initiated for their reincarnation. In particular, Immanuelle had to reincarnate as soon as possible to fulfill his role in the mission. Meanwhile the three kings waited in the desert for their escort. John the Baptist and Merigedra were next informed by further Inner-Earth beings that they would be ideal to serve as parents for Immanuelle. Unfortunately Merigedra was infertile. Both Merigedra and her twin, then her husband, dedicated to the mission, agreed that she must physically die and reincarnate in another body. Unfortunate as this was, it was carried through. Several spiritual visitations were made by Immanuelle and the Inner Earth being, informing them of the new plan, which included Immanuelle's rebirth, and further that the baby Jesheua would have to be taken to Inner Earth for safety until the age of 12. Also the three kings received a spiritual visitation in the desert from the Inner-Earth being who directed them to disguise themselves as beggars, and guided them to the Bethlehem portal, enabling them to return to their respective homelands. Furthermore, Merigedra was given a cluster of golden-sage twigs by Immanuelle; a healing plant from Inner Earth and told to make a wreath like a golden crown. On December 22, 12 BC the Indigo Eckars and family group met at Ben-Yumen's for a celebration. This involved a fourth visitation from Immanuelle and the 'Way-shower' It was on this occasion that the golden wreath was placed around the baby Jesheua's head, and the 'Way-shower', by placing his hand on the wreath, transmitted the access security codes of the Arc of the Covenant portal passage at Giza into the DNA of Jesheua. This enabled Jesheua, when an adult, to conduct ascensions through the Arc of the Covenant in the Great Pyramid. Six years after Merigedra left her body she was reborn to Jeudi, who had now married Ben-Yumen, Joehius having passed away and also Ben-Yumen's wife. Merigedra returned in 5 BC as 'Miriam' and in 10 AD was again married to John the Baptist. A year later Immanuelle was born, with the name Jeremiah-Immanuelle. The first part of the mission could now be completed. This first objective, already mentioned, was to transmit the respective codes of the six Eckars into the Earth's grid. Unfortunately this is a completely unfamiliar area to scientists and humans in general on this planet. Our current knowledge is inadequate to handle these technical procedures. Also humans have to get used to new concepts; this is in addition to lack of understanding. Even 2000 years ago 'Jesus' would have understood these mechanics and also the nature of the universe better than any scientist today (but not through equations or graphs, etc.); rewriting of history has been so thorough. This transfer of codes into the Earth's grid was achieved through the process of each individual, on separate occasions, being brought into the Arc of the Covenant---a portal bridge in the Great Pyramid. Thus by this means the codes within the Eckars' DNAs were transmitted through the passage of the Arc of the Covenant into the Earth (see article on Arc of the Covenant). The second part of the Eckars' mission did not succeed. The aim was to cancel the programme which activated the Nibiru Diodic Crystal under Stonehenge from wormwood---a planet and relay station on the opposite orbit point of its controlling Anunnaki planet Nibiru, now approximately at is furthest point from us in the Pleiades system, with orbital period 3,600 years around our Sun. To disconnect Wormwood required the team of Indigos to utilise special portal access tools and artifacts. Anunnaki, temporarily having defected to the Guardians, failed to carry out their promise of returning one of these (stolen by Thoth), referred to as CDT holographic plate 11, which was necessary for the task. Stonehenge was apparently built over the Nibiru Diodic Crystal to block its energies, when the circle of stones was intact. This Anunnaki global implant system has partially been deactivated more recently. Who was Jeshewua-9? He had ET ancestry which the Elohim didn't want revealed to the human race and thus fabricated the 'Immaculate Conception' story. Both parents of Jeshewua-9, Mary and Joseph, were Nephilims. Joseph's father was part of the Jehovah entity, which was involved in the creation of an Anunnaki species and worked with the Elohim. (See the role Jeshewua played in the crucifixion of Christ in the article, Who was Jesus?) It is interesting to note that the parents of Jesheua-12, Jeudi and Joehius, had different ancestral lineages. Joehius was descended from King Solomon, son of King David of the Hyksos Illuminati line and Solomon's mother, Bathsheba, of the Indigo Grail line. Thus the Indigo line was carried into the Hyksos Illuminati through Solomon for bio-regenesis of the fallen Hyksos lineage---deliberately planned by the overseeing Founders. | |
Most channellings assume Jesus was crucified, for example, so-called Ascended Master Hilarion has referred to some karma being alleviated by Jesus's death in this manner. The Urantia book agrees with this and many other sources (though we may find these are dubious, biassed sources). However, a few disagree. Seth stated that Jesus was not crucified, but that a deluded, drugged person, who believed he was Jesus, was crucified (and three persons were involved in the Christ image). The books by Barbara Marciniak channelled from a Pleiadian group of collective beings assert that the Dark forces have advanced holography and sometimes put holographic inserts into our time track. They state that the crucifixion was such an insert--a very complex one involving a great deal of energy. They stated that Jesus was well accepted. The most convincing information comes from Anna Hayes' book, Voyagers II. It agrees with the Seth material. Past information from three persons were merged to form the Jesus story. The first one was a 12-strand DNA avatar (12-D) who came to restore the Sphere of Amenti, a spiritual gateway (Bible: the pearly gates of Heaven), and restore the integrity of the Hebrew genetic lineage (hence, 'the saviour of the Jews'). The second person was a 9-D avatar, also a spiritual leader, but this one was in trouble with the Romans. The Elohim, to distract the Romans, acquired a volunteer soul to make a sacrifice. The human lower-self of this soul (higher fractal level), named Arihabi, was programmed to think he was Jesus, and this is the one who was crucified. The resurrection (of the 9-D avatar) was played out using holographic technology. Arihabi, however, because of his sacrifice, was resurrected and lived for another 30 years. The 12-D avatar completed a successful mission and left the planet at the age of 39 via the bridge portal of the Arc of the Covenant (and Sphere of Amenti) in the Great Pyramid; he did not die. Now we are left with the question, Who, or what is the Jesus image? Does it simply mean that Jesus is the product of the three personages of the "three Christs" story? Not necessarily. This is the author's version of what the "Jesus" image is. The fallen ETs perceiving the true events of the "three Christs" scenario, decided to exploit these circumstances to add to their control agenda for the human population. They gradually, subliminally and by any means of infiltrating knowledge into society, programmed the population with the story that a spiritually advanced being called Jesus was crucified, who basically allowed this to happen to save man from his sins. Thus there was an emphasis on the idea that man had sinned and must be guilty---and must continue to feel guilty. Note that "guilt" is one of the most destructive emotions. In effect then, the fallen ETs had created an idea which was agreed upon by the masses, who by perpetual thought and prayer, in accordance with this scenario, created a thought form. A powerful mental construct---an energy expressing all the implications of this false story: guilt, sadness, sin, but praise and worship to this imaginary figure Jesus, including all the great qualtities associated with Jesus. Further to this, degraded spiritual entities---consciousness fragments, subpersonalities, beings who no longer have a suitably structured vehicle (body)---would merge with this thought form, strengthening it, and forming a still more powerful collective thought form. Such a thought form has a life of its own governed by its programming: the ideas, thoughts, information, which have been put into it. These entities are attracted to the basic thought form (which the fallen ETs started) since they would experience all the praise and validation, sympathy, etc. from the religious population. This is a huge boost to their egos and, in particular, gives them a continuous supply of energy---the big problem with a decaying species (caused by negative actions). The above explanations no doubt will be disturbing to devout Christians. But in fact, rationally, the explanation ought to be welcomed. Surely it would be great news to find that no spiritual being was crucified after all. In addition, it explains why some religious people become obsessed through some kind of realisation as they tune into this powerful thoughtform. A further point is that 'Jesus' was not 'Christ'. Christ is not a person but refers to the Christos consciousness: the 4th frequency density level (4 groups of 3 dimensions) at 9D - 12D. This is the highest level prior to leaving the time matrix (of 12 dimensions) and thus is a particular target of the negative forces---to confuse individuals and to block this level. Thus in truth all humans have this Christ level of consciousness (existing now) and consequently all have been 'crucified', or we can say that Christ was crucified but on this basis. | |
要注意,黃金白粉在最近似乎被重新發現,作為意識擴展的刺激物來出售。不幸的是,這些白粉創造的“高頻”最終結果是心理與精神損害及徹底瘋狂,就像是埃及法老與Anunnaki ET,後者創造了尼安德特人種族(Neanderthal-man race)在被白粉污染的空氣中掘金,此後他們最終發現了這一後果。 喉,他們帶海洛因(白粉)來,我要告他們! | |
呵。。。。 那看你怎樣作比較, 功夫去到那裡了。。。 是時候你來表演一下。。。。 不要只吹虛你怎麼地功夫了得。 | |
硬將垃圾掉在人門前, 有點不好罷? ![]() | |
寄俾抽刀斷水兄,唔單止俾佢一個人睇,而係俾佢一班兄弟姐妹睇。中意就睇,唔中意就暫時擱下。它僅是一本書,如此而已。 | |
原來你都未比較過。 為何妄下判語: 四福音便是旁門左道? 甚至, 你只是把水徒福音『抄』了下來, 不等同你是看了, 看了, 也未必明白了 , 不然, 也不會說『眼花繚亂』。 有些人總是愛在街上拾荒, 堆得一屋都是垃圾。 | |
福音書一堆,票選截取出來的東西。 你們天主教的聖經也有基督教不承認的,評比為之垃圾雷同被人家從聖經中刪去了。 | |
就是從正宗的刪走了一部份經書, 所以, 新教變得不正宗矣。 一本雜誌, 內頁有七頁精彩插圖給人撕走了, 你為甚麼仍要買? | |
正教會聖經有77卷,夭主教都係唔正宗啫 | |
劃蛇添足也是不好的。 | |
帶頭偷工減料兼且50步笑百步就至係最衰格 | |
帶頭? 那原本原汁原味的一張清單是怎樣的? | |
兄台此言差矣。小弟係試下係古代商船中尋寶。希望搵出金銀珠寶。而唔係係街頭撿垃圾。 呵呵。 | |
這本水徒福音,早百年前便給打撈過了。有寶也給掏空。 |
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