〔編譯陳成良/綜合報導〕遭國際刑警組織發布全球通緝令的「變臉」戀童狂魔、三十二歲加拿大男子克理斯多福.保羅.尼爾,不但在網路世界利用電腦技術扭曲自己的臉孔影像,在真實世界中,也具有令人難以捉摸的雙重人格。在同事及友人眼中,尼爾是個風趣且容易相處的人,他的紀錄似乎完美無瑕,到泰國及南韓教英文前,還當過專門輔導軍校入伍生的牧師。 學生眼中的好老師 國際刑警組織確認尼爾就是在網路上張貼自己性侵十二名東南亞男童照片的戀童癖嫌犯後,逐步把他底細查清楚。尼爾來自加拿大溫哥華郊區的楓木山,他的母親及一名兄弟還住在那裡,他們對尼爾涉案感到「極度震驚」,並呼籲他趕快出面投案。 尼爾二○○三年八月至翌年一月任教於泰國曼谷市郊一所基督教學校,但後來因沒有通過教學考核而離職;今年八月開始在南韓光州一家外語學校擔任英語老師,本月十一日失去蹤影。後來警方查出他在當天逃往泰國。據也在該光州學校任教的加拿大老師佛勒說,尼爾是非常優秀的老師,教學有條不紊,準備充分,深受學生喜愛。 警方查出,尼爾在英文教學交流網站「大衛的英語學習咖啡屋」十分活躍,他以「彼得.傑克森」的化名,先後發表三百多則留言,其中一再出現與性有關的主題,例如:口交罹患愛滋的風險、如何刪除電腦中的色情檔案等。尼爾還談到如何規避警方對外籍教師的背景查核,不過從未提到戀童癖好。 雙面性格 親友不敢置信 據尼爾在該網站結識的幾名教師形容,尼爾擅長交際、喜歡唱卡拉OK,幽默風趣,在外籍教師圈子中,無人懷疑他是戀童癖。尼爾在五月八日的留言中回憶說,他首次抵達南韓時,因背包中藏了一本「閣樓」雜誌而十分緊張,於是把那本鹹濕雜誌丟進機場廁所的垃圾桶。 加拿大軍方表示,尼爾一九九八年至二○○○年間,曾在新斯科細亞省一座軍校新生訓練中心擔任牧師,專門輔導十二至十八歲的軍校入伍生。 | |
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Sat Oct 20, 9:41 AM By Boontiwa Wichakul BANGKOK (Reuters) - Canadian pedophile suspect Christopher Neil has denied charges that he molested underage children in Thailand, police said on Saturday, a day after a global manhunt ended with his arrest in a dusty Thai town. A Thai court ordered Neil detained for another 12 days for further investigation. Neil is also accused of raping young boys in Vietnam and Cambodia after being unmasked by clever police computer work and hunted in a unique Internet appeal. The 32-year-old is facing charges of molesting underage children, depriving children of parental care and restraint of freedom, Police Major-General Wimol Powin said. "He denied the charges but has not said much more," Wimol told reporters, who were barred from the court hearing. If found guilty, he could spend up to 20 years in jail. Neil, caught on Friday in the northeast province of Nakhon Ratchasima, 250 km (150 miles) from Bangkok and well off the normal tourist trail, said nothing as he left the court wearing a red-striped T-shirt, cap and sunglasses. In brief comments to Reuters Television, Neil also declined to comment on the charges he faces but asked his family for help. "Just to take care and to make sure I get out of here. That's all. Help me out," Neil said when asked what his message to his family was. Police said Neil had contacted the Canadian embassy and phoned his relatives in Canada where Matthew Neil said he was relieved his brother was in custody. "He looks tired," Matthew said of the pictures of his brother after the arrest. He said he "cannot imagine" what is going through his brother's mind. "I would like to see him come back to Canada, but I understand it involves an international incident and allegations," he told reporters. EXTRADITION? Thai police said Neil could be extradited once he had served his sentence. Cambodia said it also wanted to question Neil and would charge him if police there could put a case together. Vietnam might also want to question him. British Columbia Attorney-General Wally Oppal disclosed that Canadian police had been investigating Neil, who had also worked in the Vancouver area as a teacher and attended seminary school. It was too early to speculate if Canada would attempt to extradite Neil, Oppal said. Oppal's spokesman said that those comments did not mean police were investigating possible incidents in Canada, where no charges have been filed against Neil. It is illegal for Canadians to visit other countries for the purpose of having sex with children, although the five-year-old "sex tourism" law has been rarely used and questions have been raised about its constitutionality. Neil was no stranger to Thailand, having once taught in a Bangkok language school. His hiding place was revealed by a trace on the mobile phone of his 25-year-old Thai boyfriend, identified by transvestites in the seedy beach town of Pattaya. Thai police issued a warrant for Neil's arrest on Thursday, a week after he fled South Korea, after two Thai teenagers accused him of paying for oral sex when they were nine and 14, grounds for prosecution under Thai law. Detectives in various countries had been hunting Neil since German police discovered photographs on the Internet three years ago of a man sexually abusing 12 boys in Vietnam and Cambodia. His face had been scrambled with a digital swirling pattern, but German police computer experts managed to unravel the "Swirly Face" disguise and Interpol issued an unprecedented worldwide appeal through the Internet for information on who the man was. http://ca.news.yahoo.com/s/reuters/canada_interpol_paedophile_col |