

lexian 2016/3/7 02:58
沙文 2016/3/7 22:31
Any textures in particular?
lexian 2016/3/7 23:54
回覆 2# 沙文

No, that pic says it all
沙文 2016/3/7 23:57
OK. what cup size you want it to be?
lexian 2016/3/8 00:05
回覆 4# 沙文

Small. Or maybe medium
沙文 2016/3/8 00:19
they use alphabet to size cups:

lexian 2016/3/8 00:48
回覆 6# 沙文
this cup

cup can fill with condoms

沙文 2016/3/8 00:51
World cup condoms
http://www.eonline.com/ca/news/5 ... hat-they-taste-like
lexian 2016/3/8 01:24
本帖最後由 lexian 於 2016/3/8 01:38 編輯

回覆 8# 沙文
You know modern life female can piss with standing up?
Hurray for the feminism! http://go-girl.com/what-is-gogirl/

沙文 2016/3/8 01:29
No surprise. Men can always piss when sitting down. As a matter of fact, sitting pee is better to your health.

http://www.bladderbowel.gov.au/a ... Pee%20Problems.html
lexian 2016/3/8 01:48
回覆 10# 沙文

So male Urinary System more dangerous?
沙文 2016/3/8 01:53
After all, God's design wasn't that great.

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