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http://www.news.com.au/perthnow/ ... 511-5005375,00.html | |
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If clockwise, then you use more of the right side of the brain and vice versa. Most of us would see the dancer turning anti-clockwise though you can try to focus and change the direction; ...see if you can do it. 真係可以。 | |
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兩個方向都有喎~~ 原帖由 沙文 於 2007-10-31 22:11 發表 | |
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把注意力放在擺動中的腳尖,會容易一點。 | |
如要做轉向,把注意力放在站立的腳裸上較為容易。 這公仔是否在利用某種腦袋中的慣性,正對我們作出愚弄? 那麼我們曰常看見的事物,又有多少是由這種“愚弄”做成的? 我試試能否看見靜止的。 [ 本帖最後由 訪客得得b 於 2008-1-7 01:56 編輯 ] | |
不知為何,我覺得公仔應該不是在轉動中的。 | |
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之後再見到clockwise。 不過看到clockwise之後,再也沒有看到anti-clockwise了..... | |
1. right-click on the pic so that the right-click menu pops up and hides most of the dancer...with only her arm and leg stick out 2. since now you cannot tell when she is facing you and when she is facing away...try to tell yourself that she is facing away when you think she is facing you and vice versa... 3. that being done...now you should think she is turning the other way than before...close the menu when her leg is sticking out the right side if you want to see her turning clockwise...close the menu when her leg is sticking out the left side to see her turning anti-clockwise... 4. if you keeps on right-clicking the menu at the right moment...ie. every time her leg sticks out each side...you can actually see her switching direction every time you click... the logic behind this? the dancer is a shadow and your brain actually cannot tell which side is her front and which is her back...so every time you look at the image your brain tries to figure out which side is front by her hair, her boobs, and the "shadow on the ground"...by blocking out those information that can interfere with your brain...you can tell your brain to see her turning clockwise or anti-clockwise...your choice~ sorry...我用中文的話可能更加難明...所以用英文...請見諒...不明白的話我可以再嘗試解釋... [ 本帖最後由 劈柴 於 2008-11-8 01:38 編輯 ] | |
1. pop up the right-click menu so that it covers all of the dancer but both her legs...just the lower parts 2. try to realize that the image is not actually turning...it's flipping from side to side...ie...the dancer is the doing a circle...she's turning side to side....to the left...then to the right... 3. so...she's actually turning both ways | |
[ 本帖最後由 劈柴 於 2008-11-8 01:53 編輯 ] | |
原帖由 劈柴 於 2008-11-8 17:36 發表 見到 英文,更+暈 更在亂轉 不明白的話我可以再嘗試解釋 but , u'r not needed to explain it again , because , that would waste your time , ThANKs | |
但我將我的方法教交我的朋友,他是不懂的 他將他的方法教我,我也學不會 我和哥哥則是用同一方法轉換方向 我和哥哥都是重點在她轉面的一瞬間你認為她是不是換了腳,就可以自由控制了 可能不同的思考方式影響著圖片轉向的方法? [ 本帖最後由 Login 於 2008-11-9 13:20 編輯 ] | |
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