這番話聽起來有些荒謬,像是有個和尚,無端端公告天下:「我是個出家人,自從削髮剃度之後,我再也沒有吃過肉喝過酒,睡過女人。」讓我們這些又吃肉又喝酒又有性生活的人,很是慚愧。 不知道那個男人在宣稱自己沒有性生活的時候表情如何,是一副失魂落魄相呢?還是一臉的驕傲?估計是後者居多。他大約是驕傲的,想用這樣的方式宣佈自己是個真漢子,尊重女友的宗教信仰。 宗教信仰是個人自由,受洗信教也好,跟基督徒拍拖也好,都是個人選擇。成年人,必須對自己的選擇承擔責任,身為基督徒(或基督徒的另一半),遵守教規(或陪伴另一半遵守教規)是本份也是義務,沒甚麼值得炫耀的,就像一個奉公守法的好巿民,沒有必要見人就說:「我從來沒在超巿偷廁紙。」即使有婚前性行為,那也是個人私隱,不必告訴天下人,只需自己祈求神的原諒。 我對基督徒沒有偏見,只是不明白基督徒(或基督徒的伴侶)為甚麼要把自己的床上生活公告天下,把我們這些不相干的人拖到他們的臥室床下,逼我們豎起耳朵,聽聽床上一夜無聲。 高慧然 http://appledaily.atnext.com/template/apple_sub/art_main.cfm?&iss_id=20071220&sec_id=38167&subsec_id=38173&art_id=10554578&cat_id=7003949&coln_id=3566275 | |
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仲有Beyond 的 Paul 少,忍左9年喇 : http://magazine.sina.com.tw/chinatimesweekly/1535/2007-07-24/234937018.shtml | |
is My Dear Sir Paul Beyond also Christian ? cheers ThANKye , pendragon | |
原帖由 prussianz 於 2008-1-1 11:43 發表 NEVER!!! 只不過Paul少的女友朱茵,是高調的基督徒。 可憐的Paul少... | |
Just like choosing many other products, people would make their consumption choices by brand (e.g. "Sony" of electronic devices) to ensure their goods bought are of good quality | |
不相信的話,可以問問沙文,看看他和基督老婆在未婚前有沒有試過雲雨? | |
But are there some statistical refutation of this belief (Christian girls are more likely to be virgin), or there is no statistical data on it? Nevertheless, it seems similar as people would buy from some famous brands of some products (since they believe they are of good quality), even if the product are of bad quality (actually).... | |
a little bit too high-profiled[高調] , seemingly to do the free advertising 4 Christiannity .... seemingly , just seemingly , n'o proof | |
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原帖由 weakest 於 2008-1-2 16:47 發表 http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2008-03-11-std_N.htm You will be lucky if you can find one without STD, not to mention virgins. I am not sure what people mean by "no sex". Does the Bill Clinton's style count? [ 本帖最後由 catya 於 2008-3-30 17:20 編輯 ] | |
原帖由 catya 於 2008-3-30 17:19 發表 TANKs o' ThANKs for 'the data which would otherwise b un-available to me , ThANKs again , cheers | |
原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2007-12-31 10:21 發表 They are lying. Just like how most Christians lie about their sex life........ | |
原帖由 GreenMoney 於 2008-7-17 02:09 發表 me seems , Beyond 的 Paul 少 have been married with a girl other than Miss Zhu-Yen , isnt it ?? ThANKs | |
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搞到我現在越來越崇拜他!!! | |
黃貫中 , not Christian ?? ThANKs :跪拜: | |
咁婚前masturbation呀...oral sex呀...anal sex 呀又比唔比呢? 聖經嚮呢一part clear唔clear架? 基仔基女就算冇婚前virginal intercourse都大多數有婚前masturbation掛...有D仲應該有婚前oral sex... 咁第時D人走出黎話自己冇搞過個基女女朋友...我地洗唔洗佢make it clear係講緊邊種intercourse呀又? |