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沙文 2023/2/23 23:19
beebeechan 2023/2/23 23:43
所以詳情係咁:二人扑嘢時,靈魂先捐入老母tunnel中stand by. 見有蟲破蛋即迅速隨蟲而入。
沙文 發表於 2023/2/23 17:05

beebeechan 2023/2/23 23:54
沙文 發表於 2023/2/23 23:19

    我都無擺過乜theory 出嚟
沙文 2023/2/24 03:40
沙文 2023/2/24 04:02

所以應該係出世時才注入靈魂。因為果時男定女都已confirmed. 受精前則係男精蟲入定女精蟲入又好難講,不確定factor甚多。
若果女靈魂入咗男人身or  vice versa聖教會又多嘢講矣。因此每次房事,天主都要預備24個靈魂(可能12個全男/12個全女呢?who knows)
beebeechan 2023/2/24 09:55
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2023/2/24 10:08 編輯
若果女靈魂入咗男人身or  vice versa聖教會又多嘢講矣。因此每次房事,天主都要預備24個靈魂(可能12個全男/12個全女呢?who knows)
沙文 發表於 2023/2/24 04:02

咁你係咪某男某女扑完用唔哂既二手靈魂嚟? 餓狗搶屎咁爭咗你老荳同老媽扑野時個slot?
真係魂多胎少, 手快有,  手慢無....要做無主孤魂
沙文 2023/2/24 10:11
唔記得。好似話靈魂唔係open box即ready to use. 起碼要三、四歲先養得熟識記住嘢。
beebeechan 2023/2/24 22:53
唔記得。好似話靈魂唔係open box即ready to use. 起碼要三、四歲先養得熟識記住嘢。 ...
沙文 發表於 2023/2/24 10:11

好似買咗個手機 啲「鴨屎」同鹹濕卜麥都要日後自己慢慢加上去
沙文 2023/2/25 01:54
買嗰陣冇memory, 要自己加
邊個牌子嚟㗎, 華為冇咁渣
beebeechan 2023/2/25 02:27
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2023/2/25 02:28 編輯
買嗰陣冇memory, 要自己加
邊個牌子嚟㗎, 華為冇咁渣
沙文 發表於 2023/2/25 01:54

soul....係魂, spirit 係靈
每個人都有個魂, 不過靈氣就人人不同, 有啲心正氣, 有啲人邪氣, 鈍氣

好比手機啲 memory.....256G, 128G....
但到了用家手上, 裝上了甚麼apps, 有咩鹹相。。。就部部機都唔同勒

你同我都有個魂, 靈氣就好唔同
沙文 2023/2/25 02:35
九唔搭八, 冇memory裝乜L嘢app
beebeechan 2023/2/25 05:38
九唔搭八, 冇memory裝乜L嘢app
沙文 發表於 2023/2/25 02:35

apps 唔係hardware 嚟.
靈魂亦唔係身體既 physical entity

沙文 2023/2/25 05:45
梗係雞同鴨講喇, 你啲定義係自己老作出嚟嘅
UK  /səʊl/ US  /soʊl/
soul noun (SPIRIT)

B2 [ C ]
the spiritual part of a person that some people believe continues to exist in some form after their body has died, or the part of a person that is not physical and experiences deep feelings and emotions
沙文 2023/2/25 05:51
點解你話holy ghost係聖神, 乜唔係聖鬼咩?
沙文 2023/2/25 06:15
everybody has spirit?
Yes, according to Catholic doctrine, every person has a spirit, which is the deepest part of our being and enables us to be in relationship with God. The spirit is created and sustained by the Holy Spirit, and it is through the spirit that we can know God and communicate with him through prayer and worship.

The spirit is created and sustained by the Holy Spirit
如果我嘅spirit邪氣, 都係佢整㗎啫, 關我叉事
beebeechan 2023/2/25 07:11
點解你話holy ghost係聖神, 乜唔係聖鬼咩?
沙文 發表於 2023/2/25 05:51

    咁油炸鬼, 衰鬼, 鹹濕鬼又係「鬼」嚟咩
沙文 2023/2/25 07:16
我都係鬼啦, 佢成日話我冤氣鬼
beebeechan 2023/2/25 07:16
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2023/2/25 07:17 編輯
The spirit is created and sustained by the Holy Spirit
如果我嘅spirit邪氣, 都係佢整㗎啫, 關我叉事
沙文 發表於 2023/2/25 06:15

“The moral life of Christians is sustained by the gifts of the Holy Spirit. These are permanent dispositions which make man docile in following the promptings of the Holy Spirit. The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. They belong in their fullness to Christ, Son of David.109 They complete and perfect the virtues of those who receive them. They make the faithful docile in readily obeying divine inspirations (1830-31).”

係「the moral life of Christians」先係聖神照住既
沙文 2023/2/25 07:20
the moral life of Christians係聖神照住, spirit就係人都有
“Soul” when distinguished from “spirit” means that which gives life to a body. “Spirit” when contrasted with “soul” simply means those aspects of human life and activity that transcend our bodily limitations and so open the soul toward the supernatural life of grace. As the Church adds, “‘Spirit’ signifies that from creation man is ordered to a supernatural end and that his soul can be raised beyond all it deserves to communion with God” (no. 367).
beebeechan 2023/2/25 07:26
the moral life of Christians係聖神照住, spirit就係人都有
“Soul” when distinguished from “spirit” ...
沙文 發表於 2023/2/25 07:20

英文咁深, 唔識解喎
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