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【大公報訊】綜合外電十二日消息:多數人上教堂是為了尋求靈魂的解脫,但一對意大利情侶竟然在教堂的告解室中交換肉體的快感。幸而他們沒有被起訴,而教堂的主教也大人有大量,予以寬恕。 這對情侶雖然是無神論者,卻不是蓄意到教堂搗亂的反宗教分子。他們只是覺得在教堂性交和在別處沒有分別,而且事前狂飲達旦,頭腦不太清醒。切塞納市一座大教堂上周某天早上舉行彌撒期間,信眾赫然聽見音樂中混雜了陣陣呻吟聲,主教也大吃一驚,向警方報案。警員到場後在一個告解室把這對三十多歲、作哥德式打扮的男女逮個正著。 兩人的律師表示,事主已經知道自己的行為太過分,警方最後警告他們不得再於公眾地點做出有礙風化的行為和擾亂宗教活動。該教堂的主教已經為這事件舉行了一場「補過彌撒」。闖禍的情侶日前與他會面,得到了他的原諒。 http://www.takungpao.com/news/08/06/14/YM-919189.htm 抽按:沙文你們這也玩得太過分了吧。最可惡的是,在被發現後竟然求饒?一點風骨也沒有。 ![]() ![]() | |
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http://m.exchristian.hk/forum/index.php?action=thread&tid=2067&extra=page%3D1&page=2 咁,冇理由神俾人的禮品唔可以在教堂使用喎? | |
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中國人習慣收到禮之後,會靜雞雞返屋企先拆禮物。外國人流行當著送禮者面拆禮物,以示尊重。 你是炎皇子孫的話,麻煩尊重一下中國人的習慣啦。 | |
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原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2008-7-2 07:12 發表 不論中西習慣,譬如,小蓮送條呔俾我,咁,我下次見佢,就打嗰條呔俾佢睇。 | |
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原帖由 沙文 於 2008-7-3 04:12 發表 當年軒轅黃帝都有四個正妃啦~ 老大你身為炎黃子孫點可以講冇中西之分架~ ![]() | |
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而她呻吟,亦唔係佢想的,而是情不自禁的宣泄。若是完全不呻吟,我看是不太可能,但我會勸她盡量將音量校低 | |
原帖由 沙文 於 2008-7-2 21:59 發表 似乎有左擁右抱的享受. 但是, 在今日, 你卻說: 原帖由 沙文 於 2008-7-3 20:12 發表 沙老大, 你被誰撇了?? ![]() ![]() | |
這已確定女的不是意蘊了。 ![]() 不過,沙文堅稱自己沒有呻吟,把責任都推給女方,其實我都覺得幾過分。不如被揭發後,說女的自己在叫,你甚麼也沒有做都可以啦。 | |
"為何女性交歡時會發出叫床的聲音呢?倘就醫學的觀點言,性的刺激是與大腦的某些部位有關聯的。譬如說,男性主要是刺激大腦皮質。這地方掌管最高層次精神功能之處。相對的,女性則是在間腦的下視丘,而這裏只是能夠左右原始本能產生興奮度的地方。換言之,當受到性刺激時,男性會產生高次元的反應,女性則只在低次元本能的地方來接受這種刺激。因此,女性會產生強烈的告白欲望。亦即,當性行為達到高潮時,女性會情不自禁發出各種叫床的聲音。由此項研究而感,或許不少男性會認為:這麼說來,女性還是比男性低等羅!其實這也不能全算對,因為據多位風月場所的女子表示,在她們男性客人當中,竟然也有60%會發出類似這種歡愉的叫床聲。總之,聲音和性愛是有絕對密切關係的。" http://tw.18dao.net/%E5%85%A9%E6 ... 4%E7%A7%98%E5%AF%86 | |
你食開邊隻偉哥架 衰鬼 | |
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我好心幫你 你就黎屈我 | |
我而家做嘅頻率都已經幾marginal, 我驚住若然在能力上有所添加的話,就會係縱慾過度了。所以唔敢食咯 | |
Scientists: Watermelon yields Viagra-like effectsBy BETSY BLANEY – 2 hours ago LUBBOCK, Texas (AP) — A slice of cool, fresh watermelon is a juicyway to top off a Fourth of July cookout and one that researchers sayhas effects similar to Viagra — but don't necessarily expect it to keepthe fireworks all night long. Watermelons contain an ingredientcalled citrulline that can trigger production of a compound that helpsrelax the body's blood vessels, similar to what happens when a mantakes Viagra, said scientists in Texas, one of the nation's topproducers of the seedless variety. Found in the flesh and rind ofwatermelons, citrulline reacts with the body's enzymes when consumed inlarge quantities and is changed into arginine, an amino acid thatbenefits the heart and the circulatory and immune systems. "Arginineboosts nitric oxide, which relaxes blood vessels, the same basic effectthat Viagra has, to treat erectile dysfunction and maybe even preventit," said Bhimu Patil, a researcher and director of Texas A&M'sFruit and Vegetable Improvement Center. "Watermelon may not be asorgan-specific as Viagra, but it's a great way to relax blood vesselswithout any drug side effects." Todd Wehner, who studieswatermelon breeding at North Carolina State University, said anyonetaking Viagra shouldn't expect the same result from watermelon. "It sounds like it would be an effect that would be interesting but not a substitute for any medical treatment," Wehner said. Thenitric oxide can also help with angina, high blood pressure and othercardiovascular problems, according to the study, which was paid for bythe U.S. Department of Agriculture. More citrulline — about 60percent — is found in watermelon rind than in the flesh, Patil said,but that can vary. But scientists may be able to find ways to boost theconcentrations in the flesh, he said. Citrulline is found in allcolors of watermelon and is highest in the yellow-fleshed types, saidPenelope Perkins-Veazie, a USDA researcher in Lane, Okla. Shesaid Patil's research is valid, but with a caveat: One would need toeat about six cups of watermelon to get enough citrulline to boost thebody's arginine level. "The problem you have when you eat a lot of watermelon is you tend to run to the bathroom more," Perkins-Veazie said. Watermelon is a diuretic and was a homeopathic treatment for kidney patients before dialysis became widespread. Anotherissue is the amount of sugar that much watermelon would spill into thebloodstream — a jolt that could cause cramping, Perkins-Veazie said. Patil said he would like to do future studies on how to reduce the sugar content in watermelon. Therelationship between citrulline and arginine might also prove helpfulto those who are obese or suffer from type-2 diabetes. The beneficialeffects — among them the ability to relax blood vessels, much likeViagra does — are beginning to be revealed in research. Citrullineis present in other curcubits, like cucumbers and cantaloupe, at verylow levels, and in the milk protein casein. The highest concentrationsof citrulline are found in walnut seedlings, Perkins-Veazie said. "But they're bitter and most people don't want to eat them," she said. http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5hrujpxAzzPMqoWs2aRVWkFYT0yfwD91MK0NO1 |
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