
monster hunter p2g

Jom 2008/8/18 20:07
阿少奶週年紀念送咗架PSP過我,重要跟隻monster hunter,呢樹有無人有研究過呢隻野,玩咗成個月都無也進展咁....唔玩又好似對住少奶咁...
龍井樹 2008/8/18 20:55
不好意思,我玩 nds沒有 psp。
劈柴 2008/8/19 02:54
i bought one for my girlfriend and she's been bugging me to buy one and play with her....so i will buy one lately too.....once i get the hang of it i'll let you know~
Jom 2008/8/19 11:25
sure, but this game I was more or less give up b'coz really quite hard and take time...

anyhow, my gf just want me to play for her to watch...
抽刀斷水 2008/8/20 00:50

劈柴 2008/9/7 16:42
man...this is no ordinary ARPG...the tutorial itself took me half a day to finish...
i have to stop after the tutorial though because my gf had already started phantasy star...which is way smoother~

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