
Luk 22:38應驗了!

沙文 2009/10/12 02:56
Ky. pastor who promoted guns in church quits
(AP)–3 days ago
LOUISVILLE, Ky. — A Kentucky pastor who hosted a rally celebratingGod and guns a few months ago has resigned his ministry to promote gunrights and church security.
Ken Pagano held the "Open CarryCelebration" at New Bethel Church in south Louisville in June. But heis now working part time at a local gun range and helped form theInternational Security Coalition of Clergy. He formed the group with aNew York rabbi who and they are promoting the use of armed and trainedsecurity at houses of worship.
Pagano told The Courier-Journalthe church supported the rally, but he felt like a liability and hebrought too much attention to the small congregation. He also said hewas burned out with the ministry.

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