

沙文 2009/12/12 06:11

TTC rejects streetcar ad promoting infidelity
The Toronto Transit Commission has rejected an ad for AshleyMadison.com,an online dating company specializing in extramarital affairs. Theeye-catching wraparound streetcar ad, with oversized white print on amauve background, notes “Life is short. Have an affair.” It directsviewers to the company's website, which guarantees “an affair toremember” in three months or your $249 back.
That just doesn't jive with taste or community standards criteriafor public transit ads, the TTC's advertising committee decided Friday.
“What individuals choose to do is what individuals choose to do, butas far as the TTC is concerned, I am never going to support that wepromote infidelity,” said councillor and committee member Suzan Hall.
TTC staff referred the ad to the committee Thursday, which iscustomary practice for anything they think might be problematic. SinceAshleyMadison.com sent out press releases announcing the ad Thursday,“e-mails are coming in hot and heavy” in response, Ms. Hall said – allof them opposed to the ads.
“There hasn't been a single person e-mailing in to say they're in support of this.”
But AshleyMadison.com CEO Noel Biderman says the Toronto-basedcompany, which boasts more than five million members on its site, isjust trying to promote its brand.
“I think there's these notions out there that people think ofinfidelity as quote-unquote ‘wrong,' as quote-unquote ‘immoral,' ” hesaid. “In this day and age and, in this era, creating those moralityjudgments is not equivalent to a tolerant society.”
On Friday, in the face of growing certainty his ad would berejected, he offered to “sweeten the pot” by subsidizing all riders onthe “Affair Line” – paying 50 cents of what will be a $3 cash fare comeJan. 3.
But city staff say that doesn't change anything, as the decision is based on ad content rather than revenue.
In many ways this is déjà vu for AshleyMadison.com: The company hadits Super Bowl ads pulled, and a billboard in New York City's TimesSquare was removed after a hotelier threatened to burn it downotherwise.
But Mr. Biderman said they'd hoped this time it would be different:E-mails apparently from CBS Outdoor, the company that handles all TTCadvertising, had told AshleyMadison.com as late as Thursday the ad hadbeen approved by the city's advertising review committee.
CBS Outdoor declined to comment Friday.
This isn't the first time TTC advertising has come under fire:Earlier this year, the transit commission required Virgin Radio to pullads depicting a radio preparing to commit suicide by jumping ontosubway tracks; in April, atheist bus ads stating, “There is probably noGod. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life” were ultimately allowed tostay after coming under fire from religious groups.
TTC advertising committee chair Anthony Peruzza said he'd be willingto consider allowing AshleyMadison.com to advertise on transit vehiclesif the company comes forward with something less ostentatious.
“If it were something that wasn't as in-your-face, wasn't asblatant, wasn't as direct, I don't know maybe used different imaging,then who knows?”
Although jaded Torontonians don't bat an eye when confronted withsweat-bathed Calvin Klein models or Virgin Mobile users making out withangels, University of Toronto sociologist Adam Green says, the furorsurrounding the AshleyMadison.com ads get to the heart of society'scontinued anxieties around marriage and fidelity.
“It's a violation of the institution of marriage,” he said, addingthat the number of people who think infidelity is wrong has actuallyincreased significantly in the past 20 years.
“[AshleyMadison.com ads] elicit a lot of anxiety in people, and outrage, you know – ‘Have we just gone too far?' ”

抽刀斷水 2009/12/12 10:40
還有最後一句:What some people forget is although we live in this urban post-modern society of Toronto, we at the same time have an enduring romantic tradition we draw from, particularly when it comes to marriage.”

沙文 2009/12/12 20:17
回復 2# 抽刀斷水

抽刀斷水 2009/12/16 21:56

索馬里武裝分子施酷刑 逼村民圍觀 亂石砸死通姦男2009年12月16日

非洲國家索馬里( Somalia)處於無政府狀態,地方執法權力旁落在伊斯蘭武裝分子手上,他們按伊斯蘭教法行刑,謀殺罪是一槍解決,通姦罪卻動輒以最野蠻暴力手段來把干犯者慢慢折磨到死,殘忍程度令人不堪入目。武裝分子周日強迫村民觀看他們行刑,用石頭活活砸死一名通姦男人,殘忍又血腥。

外國通訊社前日(周一)公開一批罕有照片,展示了索馬里一名通姦男子,在首都摩加迪沙西南面約 32公里的阿夫戈耶村( Afgoye)被擲石處死的殘忍場面。這日,伊斯蘭武裝組織「伊斯蘭黨」( Hizbul Islam)下令數百名村民集齊一處草地,見證該組織的「法官」判刑,把兩名分別承認謀殺和通姦罪的男子判處死刑;一名女人承認跟其中一名男罪犯通姦,被判打籐 100下。

行刑有分歧 爆激烈槍戰


接着,是 48歲通姦犯易卜拉欣( Mohamed Ibrahim)。他被武裝分子直立式埋在地下,只露出胸部以上的身體。他在臨行刑前仍苦苦央求武裝分子放他一馬,但不獲理會,武裝分子只是不停將泥土鏟到他身上。

十多人擲石 至犯人氣絕

這是「伊斯蘭黨」首次以擲石方式處死罪犯,以往在索馬里執行這種刑罰的,多數是較強硬的「青年黨」( al Shabaab)武裝組織。

獲西方支持的索馬里政府,只控制到摩加迪沙幾個戰略地點,國內大部份地區由各伊斯蘭武裝組織控制。西方安全專家指,索馬里已成為武裝分子的溫床,擔心當地會成為 911恐怖襲擊前的阿富汗。


刑罰:傳統伊斯蘭律法規定,偷盜者斬手,已婚犯通姦罪者擲石處死,褻瀆神明、叛教和同性戀肛交者判死,未婚犯通姦罪者受鞭刑 100下,酗酒者受鞭刑 80下(圖)






話你知: 6國執行石刑 擲 20分鐘才奪命
石刑( Stoning),是數一數二歷史久遠的行刑方式。現在國際社會普遍視石刑為殘酷野蠻的行為,但古代文獻中不乏有關記載,包括猶太教和回教,《聖經》中也多次提到擲石處死事件,《新約聖經》的《約翰福音》就記載耶穌基督說:「誰沒有罪,誰就可以先拿石頭打他。」可見當時石刑獲公眾接受,而且由公眾一起執行。

現時全球 52個回教徒居多的國家中,有六國確認石刑是合法刑罰,包括阿富汗、伊朗、尼日利亞( 1/3州分)、沙地阿拉伯和阿聯酋。


被判石刑的囚犯,要半身埋在地下,或埋至肩膊,然後忍受被石頭狂砸的極端痛楚,平均要 10至 20分鐘後才會死去。

http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/te ... amp;art_id=13529690

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