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和撒旦對決 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CM24wF7Ucg&feature=topvideos | |
Paramore - Misery Business [OFFICIAL VIDEO] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCyGvGEtOwc&feature=fvw | |
這樂隊是基督徒的??而且重係給撒彈附體的嗎? | |
是基督徒的,並且非常的狂熱! 當你聽到:鼓吹一夜情、領養小孩是時尚、棄養小孩是風潮、吸毒是流行、不要信基督等等什麼的。。。。 其實他是基督徒。 | |
sorry ,英文爛才多口問句 以前不是常說現搖滾樂的都是被撒彈附體嗎 | |
是呀,但自從林肯公園跑出來後各各都是真神付體了! 較偏基督教魔鬼言論的搖滾樂中有各各種種的形式,但是其中並沒有一個主宰的主。 但其實許多偏向表達該人和宗教之間扭曲的心靈,約分為兩種形式,逆子或是反抗者。 一些比較特異的人是屬於多重人格症,但必須要是相信聖經中的記載而後產生的多重人格成形了,撒旦就出現了,他是活生生的! 但不敢保證其中是否與通靈之間完全沒有關西,至於通靈現象與見到靈體是特殊,個人無法完全研究。 | |
上面那首歌吵的我頭都爆了,貼一個我喜歡聽的! 大家聽聽來聽聽,壓一壓上面那些音樂。 Slipknot - Dirlanda http://www.youtube.com/watch?gl=TW&hl=zh-TW&v=n_w0iN_xG0U&feature=related Bandit - Duality (Acoustic Slipknot cover) | |
還有無更多的例子? | |
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據說人家說因該是是西語,我也不肯定。 還有的話大概就是伊凡塞斯和艾薇兒了...... 伊凡塞斯反撒旦一聽究很清楚了。 艾薇兒要慢慢破解他的方盒子。 _ 我有很多欲望,但是,我知道,除非我放下所有,否則就不能夠真正擁有。 一個人,除非放棄征服整個世界,否則,就不會擁有整個世界。 然而,我的知道,讓我體驗到,一種手足無措的無助感,這種無助感讓我學習到,我的方向錯誤了。那種方向並不是字面上的方向而是心裡面那種抽象的方向,就如同施法技術無法言喻一樣。我暫時的逃避了那些來自於心裡面的衝擊和問題。 體驗了,喝酒...或許,只是比平常時候喝得多一杯 體驗了,像瘋子一樣在森林步道、眾人面前學猴子叫+學猩猩舞 (別問我在哪裡瘋...想起來還是有一點點害羞呢) 體驗了,放縱自己內心的渴望,大吃、大喝、對別人的侵犯大發脾氣 還有...還有... 體驗時,發現自己未必一直是覺知的,未必完全知道自己在做什麼,當真的覺知了,我又不想要縱慾了,因為,那些是不必要的、傷身的,也可能傷害自己建立的人際關係或者僅僅是在眾人面前出醜罷了~然而,不需要為自己帶來那些多餘的麻煩。 在那種不覺知的縱慾狀態,我是一隻傻瓜。 覺知而縱慾的狀態,我在體驗我的生命。 活到了現在,我不希望,只是說一句:人生不過如此。 或許,我活得像是老頭子似的,或許,我只是一隻打擾大自然的現代人,在山林嬉戲著,常常靜靜的看著草木自然生長,動物們和我的溝通,礦物們和我的交流。我知道我是他們的一份子,卻常常有著我們是分開的這個感知,放了假,我只想要去山裡抱著大樹,或是,躺在海裡像一隻浮屍一樣的漂浮,偶爾,喜歡熱鬧的大街、氣派的百貨公司。 生命,好像,平淡得像白開水似的,我又忘了,白開水裡還有一氧化二氫,有時候,我失去了生命究竟是為了什麼、失去了那份熱情,因為,我習慣了平淡,然而,當我失去了那份熱情,生命還剩下了什麼呢?或者說,是多出了什麼呢? 在縱慾的那段期間,我拒絕和指導靈溝通,因為我並不覺知,又常常在覺知與不覺知之間浮浮沈沈,總覺得覺知了,就無法享受到那種縱慾的極佳快感,因為覺知了,我的良心、羞恥心、理智來了,我不允許自己飲用烈酒、不允許自己在別人面前歡呼大叫大笑、不允許自己對他人暴怒。 我感受到,指導靈對著我唱:Nobody`s Home(艾薇兒主唱)
She felt it everyday. And I couldn't help her, I just watched her make the same mistakes again. What's wrong, what's wrong now? Too many, too many problems. Don't know where she belongs, where she belongs. She wants to go home, but nobody's home. I's where she lies, broken inside. With no place to go, no place to go to dry her eyes. Broken inside. Open your eyes and look outside, find a reasons why. You've been rejected, and now you can't find what you left behind. Be strong, be strong now. Too many, too many problems. Don't know where she belongs, where she belongs. She wants to go home, but nobody's home. It's where she lies, broken inside. Avril Lavigne - Nobodys Home *LYRICS* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_y9aXaV9mrY | |
個人比較喜歡這個,壓一壓! Stairway to Hell [Stairway to Heaven Reversed] - The Real Lyrics http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-FX_rHGFSE&feature=player_embedded# Stairway to Hell! (Stairway to Heaven Reversed w/ subtitles) "Stairway to Heaven", supposedly, Jimmy Page wrote the song in one afternoon while living in the house of the Boleskine estate - once owned by occultist Aleister Crowley. According to legend, an unseen force guided Page's hand as he scribbled the lyrics on paper. slipknot:duality http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZErZGUTvQQ | |
發現這裡缺乏些什麼了,就是藝術。 鐘樓怪人 A Florence(佛羅倫斯) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFfGE-Jd2oU&feature=related Le Temps des cathedrales(大教堂時代) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qT6Mpkj9Y8Q Ces diamants-la (鑽石般的眼眸) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVLX6kf5T68 B Intervention de Frollo(弗侯洛的介入) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrlhO8tcxr0 La Sorciere(女巫) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stk1D6kwNBY L'Enfant trouve(孤兒) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hApu7i2GB3o C Anarkia(宿命) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcBBNW5rkHE&feature=related A boire(渴求甘霖) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4iPw7pJ0lU&feature=related Belle(美麗佳人) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCprmXOuQf4&feature=related Tu vas me detruire (致命狂戀) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAeYJNGDN6s D Tentative d'enlevement(誘拐) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWoU2QwodwE&feature=related La Cour des miracles(奇蹟之殿) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJo-awLOSKw Le Mot Phoebus(腓比斯的意義) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcWiw42tb4o Beau comme le soleil(君似驕陽) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0OG335TQrU&feature=related Dechire(心痛欲裂) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jga-qRzZmE Ma maison c'est ta maison(以我居處為家) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmqiYGu67w4 E L'Ombre(陰影) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89CZRWrqH3Y Le Val d'amour(愛之谷) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYkgo7wVjaQ&feature=related La Volupte(享樂) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-slvDgsgixE&feature=related F La Monture(坐騎) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXp5LxQtIEw Phoebus(腓比斯) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BlxDHq69C0 Deportes(遣送出境) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkVp6n7IMCA Etre pretre et aimer une femme(身為神父戀紅顏) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SZUQm375do Un matin tu dansais(清晨舞踏) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2RUBc5mHvg Danse mon Esmeralda(舞吧! 艾絲梅拉達吾愛) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9Y2QXCXoYc | |
PRISONER of MISERY (Utada Hikaru & Paramore Mash up) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqFbGVqp-SE&feature=related Utada Hikaru - Devil Inside (Scumfrog remix) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-Qqg_bV99U Utada Hikaru - Devil Inside (Scumfrog Mix) ice http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0EP0fqNiKQ | |
Utada Hikaru FLUXIMATION " Devil Inside" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9pUwSUr5tY&feature=related
Sims 2 Music Video: Devil Inside (UU2006) by Utada http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNKmQFMB4ew UTADA UNITED 2006 - Devil Inside ss http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVk7DWz2Q30 Elfen Lied~Utada Hikaru Devil Inside http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBo3bOo1s9Y&feature=player_embedded Utada Hikaru - Devil Inside http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vk46H5cUQxs
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10樓看不到 ,搞一搞了 youtube不成試下用國內的了 | |
等等!淚兒不是女生嗎?怎麼變男生了? 我本來要發表,淚兒,看完Un matin tu dansais(清晨舞踏),我的心受傷了!我好寂寞,我好冷呀。好險沒有直接點下去.....= = | |
UTADA UNITED 2006 - Devil Inside 繁忙的書籤書頁, 你忽視它的行動在我檯面下 Everybody wants me to be their angel Everybody wants something they can cradle They don't know I burn They don't know I burn They don't know I burn They don't know I burn Maybe there's a devil (or something like it) inside Maybe there's a devil (or something like it) inside of me Devil(or something like it) inside Maybe there's a devil somewhere really deep inside me Devil inside of me Jealous angel deep inside me You don't know cuz you're too busy reading labels You're missing all the action underneath my table I'm waiting for my turn Waiting for my turn Just waiting for my turn Just waiting for my turn Maybe there's a devil (or something like it) inside Maybe there's a devil (or something like it) inside of me Devil (or something like it) inside Maybe there's a devil somewhere really deep inside me Devil inside of me Jealous angel deep inside me Time to make it burn This is how I burn Maybe there's a devil (or something like it) inside Maybe there's a devil (or something like it) inside of me Devil (or something like it) inside Maybe there's a devil somewhere really deep inside me Devil inside of me Jealous angel deep inside me | |
聽說淚兒小時候讀過天主教學校的,不知當時有沒有在校園裡帶著聖經並在聖經底下壓著一本小澤瑪莉亞到處逛逛? 在我印象哩神父都好像滿微捥和藹的,我想他叫你告訴他為什麼,跟他說神 不是說要叫/教我們要愛每一個人,如果當他問你愛耶穌嗎? 你就說也愛呀,不過也愛小澤瑪莉亞,臉色難看的後再馬上反悔改變,沒有沒有我是比較愛耶穌的,然後解釋一番...... 不知是否挺妙的? ===雖則我讀過天主教學校 ,但我學校是不用學聖經的 ,文中己有提及了 ,但壓著一本小澤瑪莉亞到處逛逛 ,我可無做過 ,但全校學生都有做 ,老師不理 ,我愛小澤瑪莉亞 ,不過我更愛葵實野理及川央奈 | |
被回覆了! 等等,這不是我自己的帳號? = = 怎麼在我自己的帳號裡? | |
sorry ,可能我按錯"編輯"鍵 ,才會搞成咁 |
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