
研究:離棄信仰 健康易走下坡

抽刀斷水 2010/10/6 15:30
【台灣醒報╱記者莊瑞萌╱台北報導】        2010.09.28 09:40 am






本次調查樣本來自美國「全國社會調查」共30523位民眾進行研究,研究結果同時刊登在最新一期《Journal of Health and Social Behavior》期刊。


Sherlock, M.D. 2010/10/6 16:37
Alice 2010/10/6 18:44
『在信仰內可以保持正面思考能力』 <--- 何謂"正面" ?    把教會以外的世界視為魔鬼掌權的世界是正面嗎?
"魔鬼" 和 "神" 都無所不在, 正面嗎?     如果有鬼神, 要法律來幹什麼?    叫那隻鬼或全能的神去罰他/她吧.

要裁判處, 司法機構來幹什麼? 叫神審判吧~~~
當有煩惱時, 什麼也不做, 只祈禱 , 正面嗎?

和一班無思想, 只懂祈禱及怕不信神就被火燒人在一起, 健康嗎?
抽刀斷水 2010/10/6 18:56

weiyan 2010/10/7 14:40

weiyan 2010/10/7 14:44
Mat 4:8  魔鬼又帶他上了一座最高的山,將世上的萬國與萬國的榮華都指給他看,

Mat 4:9  對他說:「你若俯伏拜我,我就把這一切都賜給你。」

抽刀斷水 2010/10/7 14:56
回復 5# weiyan

Sherlock, M.D. 2010/10/7 17:14
weiyan 2010/10/7 18:03
回復 7# 抽刀斷水

weiyan 2010/10/7 18:32
回復 8# drsherlock


Dr.Sherlock 2010/10/7 21:37
抽刀斷水 2010/10/7 21:46
回復 9# weiyan

weiyan 2010/10/7 22:08
回復 11# Dr.Sherlock

抽刀斷水 2010/10/8 10:32
【網主註:與本版無關的討論,已移至 http://m.exchristian.hk/forum/index.php?action=thread&tid=6298&extra=page%3D1
dye 2010/10/10 18:15
a) It does not say which religion the sample member is changing from or changing to.
b) The health condition is self proclaim.  The actual condition is not measured.
c) It NEVER matters what benefit there is for a religion since the premise is not true.  It is immoral to build any system on a system of lies.

For the rest of the discussion in the thread,
As evolutionist points out, human as a species has a lot of "blind spots".  Although we are unable to change this matter of fact at the moment, we are not totally helpless.  The fact is, we have EACH OTHER to look after each other's back.  

The real problem of believing a religion, as I see it, is that theist is misled into looking for a solution in a wrong location.
抽刀斷水 2010/10/10 19:01
a) It does not say which religion the sample member is changing from or changing to.


The real problem of believing a religion, as I see it, is that theist is misled into looking for a solution in a wrong location.

dye 2010/10/10 23:26
本帖最後由 dye 於 2010/10/10 23:36 編輯

I think you may be reporting this


Previous research has devoted significant attention to understanding the link between health and personal religious beliefs and practices, typically finding that more religious people tend to have better health. However, almost no attention has been given to how switching religious groups or leaving religion altogether is related to self-reported health. Due to selection and causation mechanisms, switching from high-cost groups that are theologically and culturally exclusive could be associated with poor health more than switching from other religious groups. Using data from the 1972 through 2006 General Social Surveys, we examine the relationship between health and religious switching as moderated by the religious tradition of origin. We find that people who are raised and stay in high-cost sectarian groups, such as the Latter-day Saints and Jehovah’s Witnesses, have better self-reported health than those raised and staying in other religious traditions. However, people who leave such groups are more likely to report worse health than those who leave other groups.

It seems that it is not exactly Christian but fundamentalist in general.

If you read further online about the article, you will see that Weiyan is correct.  Poor health causes people to leave religion.  
On the other hand, the typical explanation for better health in staying in a religion is the "strictness" of the religion.

The key here is not quiting the religion,but better self reported health in stricter religion (quiting religion altogather will be least strict)
抽刀斷水 2010/10/11 00:56


dye 2010/10/11 09:39
本帖最後由 dye 於 2010/10/11 09:43 編輯

I take an alternative.  Besides feel-good factor (fake pill effect), routine life makes a healthier life.  By being stricter, life gets more routine.

I suspect it is also healthier to live in prison than outside for drug addicts.  If you are to measure the health (the actual health) before and after the prisoner leaves prison, I suspect you will also find "quitting" prison has an averse effect on health.

In fact, it is observable truth that pets that quit their prison into the wild has terrible health compare to time when they are in.

I see no one suggestion that we should all live in prison, or all the animal should be domesticated.

Yes, we are goats living in the wild and they are sheeps in a ranch.  I guess freedom and truth counts for something for some people.

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