基督教天主教,自古反對同性戀,修士神父假清高,說要守清規,不姦淫。結果光羅馬教廷有記載的男童性侵案高達500萬,光一個神父就性侵兩千男童,少女更不用說了。看看 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOnguk492aM&feature=fvwrel 教會自古反同性戀,結果自己卻....看看這就是天主教,神父、主教的虛偽。他們是騙子 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJaaVlyYAfo&NR=1 基督新教也都是變態,好不到哪去! 2011年3月22日 三家保險公司~:教會互助保險有限公司,GuideOne保險有限公司和Brotherhood互助保險有限公司,是美國大多數新教教會投保保險的主要公司,說多年來每年約有260~333個未滿18歲的年輕人遭受牧師、教會工作人員,志工或組織成員性侵害。 新教的人數只能概括,因為教派不像天主教教會那麼集中,事實上,許多會堂成員是獨立的,這使得報告不容易收集。 最大的教會互助保險公司(Church Mutual Insurance Co),報告說在過去的十年,他們公司每年平均要處理約100件涉及性侵未成年人的案子。 客戶規模只有教會互助保險公司一半的 GuideOne保險公司說,過去二十年他們每年平均要處理160 件性侵未成年人的案件, 另兄弟互助保險公司過去十五年來每年平均要處理73件兒童性侵和其他不當性行為問題。 不過,兄弟互助公司沒指明不滿18 歲的受害人數目,所以無法精確的加入計算在未成年受性侵人數內。 GuideOne 保險公司損害賠償總法律顧問兼高級副總裁湯姆法爾Tom Farr說,大多數性侵個案,法庭會下令私下解決。 他說,賠償金可以從數百萬美元下降到只支付受害者賠償金可以從數百萬美元下降到只支付受害者顧問服務費用。 迄今新教教會所涉及的案件中其中一個最大的調解案是德州前路德會牧師Gerald Patrick Thomas Jr陪審團判賠將近3700萬美元。另外早期處理有關Thomas案也花了額外費用3200萬美元FACTS & FIGURES 原文 US pastor admits sexually abusing boys Tue Mar 22, 2011 5:20PM Share | Email | Print A former youth pastor arrested in Iowa on 60 counts of suspicion of sexual exploitation allegedly told teenage boys he was trying to help them gain "sexual purity in the eyes of God." Thirty-one-year-old Brent Girouex, a former youth pastor at Victory Fellowship Church in Council Bluffs, turned himself in to the police in February after four young men came forward with allegations against him, The Daily Nonpareil reported. Girouex has been released on a $30,000 bond and is due back in court on April 21. If found guilty, he faces up to five years on each charge. Court documents show Girouex told investigators he had sexual contact with a teenage boy 25 to 50 times over a four-year period, starting when the boy was 14-years-old. He allegedly told investigators that it was his duty as a youth pastor "to help [the teen] with homosexual urges by praying while he had sexual contact with him." "In my line of work, I get to see the worst of the worst, and this is pretty bad," Pottawattamie County Attorney Matt Wilber told KETV. His office is working with the alleged victims. At least eight people have come forward with accusations against Girouex, ranging in age from 14 to 23. Raw Story FACTS & FIGURESThe three companies Church Mutual Insurance Co., GuideOne Insurance Co. and Brotherhood Mutual Insurance Co. that insure the majority of Protestant churches in America say they typically receive upward of 260 reports each year of young people under 18 being sexually abused by clergy, church staff, volunteers or congregation members. pinoyexchange.com Protestant numbers have been harder to come by and are sketchier because the denominations are less centralized than the Catholic Church; indeed, many congregations are independent, which makes reporting even more difficult. pinoyexchange.com The largest company, Church Mutual, reported an average of about 100 sex abuse cases a year involving minors over the past decade. GuideOne, which has about half the clients of Church Mutual, said it has received an average of 160 reports of sex abuse against minors every year for the past two decades. pinoyexchange.com Brotherhood Mutual said it has received an average of 73 reports of child sex abuse and other sexual misconduct every year for the past 15 years. However, Brotherhood does not specify which victims are younger than 18 so it is impossible to accurately add that to the total cases. pinoyexchange.com Tom Farr, general counsel and senior vice president of claims for GuideOne, based in West Des Moines, Iowa, said most abuse cases are resolved privately in court-ordered mediation. Awards can range from millions of dollars down to paying for counseling for victims, he said. pinoyexchange.com One of the largest settlements to date in Protestant churches involved the case of former Lutheran minister Gerald Patrick Thomas Jr. in Texas, where a jury several years ago awarded the minister's victims nearly $37 million. Separate earlier settlements involving Thomas cost an additional $32 million. pinoyexchange.com SM/KA/MMN | |
Tue Mar 22, 2011 5:20PM Share | Email | Print A former youth pastor arrested in Iowa on 60 counts of suspicion of sexual exploitation allegedly told teenage boys he was trying to help them gain "sexual purity in the eyes of God." Thirty-one-year-old Brent Girouex, a former youth pastor at Victory Fellowship Church in Council Bluffs, turned himself in to the police in February after four young men came forward with allegations against him, The Daily Nonpareil reported. Girouex has been released on a $30,000 bond and is due back in court on April 21. If found guilty, he faces up to five years on each charge. Court documents show Girouex told investigators he had sexual contact with a teenage boy 25 to 50 times over a four-year period, starting when the boy was 14-years-old. He allegedly told investigators that it was his duty as a youth pastor "to help [the teen] with homosexual urges by praying while he had sexual contact with him." "In my line of work, I get to see the worst of the worst, and this is pretty bad," Pottawattamie County Attorney Matt Wilber told KETV. His office is working with the alleged victims. At least eight people have come forward with accusations against Girouex, ranging in age from 14 to 23. Raw Story FACTS & FIGURES The three companies Church Mutual Insurance Co., GuideOne Insurance Co. and Brotherhood Mutual Insurance Co. that insure the majority of Protestant churches in America say they typically receive upward of 260 reports each year of young people under 18 being sexually abused by clergy, church staff, volunteers or congregation members. pinoyexchange.com Protestant numbers have been harder to come by and are sketchier because the denominations are less centralized than the Catholic Church; indeed, many congregations are independent, which makes reporting even more difficult. pinoyexchange.com The largest company, Church Mutual, reported an average of about 100 sex abuse cases a year involving minors over the past decade. GuideOne, which has about half the clients of Church Mutual, said it has received an average of 160 reports of sex abuse against minors every year for the past two decades. pinoyexchange.com Brotherhood Mutual said it has received an average of 73 reports of child sex abuse and other sexual misconduct every year for the past 15 years. However, Brotherhood does not specify which victims are younger than 18 so it is impossible to accurately add that to the total cases. pinoyexchange.com Tom Farr, general counsel and senior vice president of claims for GuideOne, based in West Des Moines, Iowa, said most abuse cases are resolved privately in court-ordered mediation. Awards can range from millions of dollars down to paying for counseling for victims, he said. pinoyexchange.com One of the largest settlements to date in Protestant churches involved the case of former Lutheran minister Gerald Patrick Thomas Jr. in Texas, where a jury several years ago awarded the minister's victims nearly $37 million. Separate earlier settlements involving Thomas cost an additional $32 million. pinoyexchange.com SM/KA/MMN | |
http://reformation.com/ (資料來源網站) ALL Protestant denominations - 838 Ministers 新教牧師性侵害兒童共838例 浸信會147例 基要教派251例 聖公會140例 38 Lutheran Ministers 路德會38例 46 Methodist Ministers 基督教循道衛理會46例 19 Presbyterian Ministers 長老教會19例 197 various Church Ministers 其他不同教派197例 ................................ 天主教醜聞所以震撼全球是因為傳媒的報導﹐但是真正數據反映出﹐其實基督教的淫亂無道不下於天主教 侵犯少年﹑強姦少女﹑狎玩孩童﹐隱瞞或者淡化事情﹐教牧和教眾(除受害人外)把侵犯者轉到另外一個教會﹐甚至到另外一個宗派牧會…… 聽來熟口熟面罷﹖ 基督教校牧會眾合謀隱瞞教牧性侵犯罪行﹗﹗﹗基督教教牧性侵犯的數目字驚人﹗ 教牧性侵犯事件已經達到令人震驚的地步﹗ 2000 report to the Baptist General Convention of Texas 同一報告指出早在一九八零年﹐研究已經估計﹐約有﹕ 百分之十二的教牧和會友發生性關係 百分之四十的教牧和會友﹐有發生“性方面的不當行為” 這些教牧性罪行﹐在美國基督教圈子稱為 Clergy Sexual Abuse﹐或CSA。 CSA受害者組成互助隊伍﹐除了互相醫治﹐也為他們提供法律服務﹐去把一些不悔改的教牧繩之於法﹐和向故意包庇的教會追討賠償。 令人震驚的是﹐基督教處理美國教牧涉及性侵犯﹐往往把涉及暴力的性侵犯罪行稱為“只是一段情”(an affair)﹐或者指那是“你情我願”。 位已為人母的女牧者﹐年輕時候被一個牧師強暴﹐這個牧師同時也強暴過她女兒和其他少女。這個牧師從來沒有受法律制裁﹐相反不同教會一次又一次容野L轉去另外的地方牧養同宗派的會堂﹐一次又一次發生強暴﹐這個牧師都得到復職﹐而完全逍遙法外。 如果天主教醜聞是因為他們神父/聖職統制有機會給神職人員包庇犯性罪行的神父﹐基督教裡面更可怕。因為是教牧﹑執事甚至是會眾﹐都參與包庇﹑把犯罪教牧悄悄地送去不知就裡的會堂。犯罪的是整個教會。 最大的危機是﹐基督教比天主教更糟糕﹕天主教還可以通過他們一個整合的體制互通神職人員有問題的資料﹐但是基督教沒有﹕沒有一個中央檔案資料可以知道那個牧者涉及嚴重罪行﹐等教會可以防備。 當宗派裡面崇尚地方教會自治﹐或者會堂主義﹐情況會更加複雜﹕ 犯事教牧的教會執事對調查自己教牧諸多顧忌﹐不敢張揚。其他教會﹐卻怕干預別的教會自治﹐不可以插手。眾多基督教會﹐崇尚獨立﹐但出事時候﹐卻沒有任何一個訟裁者去處理﹐除非告去法庭。但是傳統美國基督教對教外人的信任不高﹐認為是“世俗”﹐他們連考慮尋求輔導都不會﹐更加不可能會把事件交給警方和法庭。 犯事教牧的教會執事和會友更加怕會友流失﹐影響教會聲譽﹐教會可能一夜倒閉﹐而寧願息事寧人。基本問題﹐大部份地方教會是沒有任何指引和政策去處理教牧涉及性侵犯與性罪行的情況﹐也沒有要求教牧簽署一些操守指引。 最出奇是教會的反應是﹕我們如何避免虛假指控﹑法庭訴訟和醫治牧者﹖反而很少人問﹐我們當如何醫治整個受害的肢體﹖ 1991年﹐科羅拉多州的聖公會教區被法庭判要賠償一百二十萬美元給一位教牧性侵犯受害者。那受害者控告教區隱瞞那個教牧的性侵犯行為導致她受害。 這個案例特點﹐是不論任何宗派或者獨立教會﹐都不可以免責﹐只要那個教牧是他們僱佣的﹐他們不可以說“請錯了人﹑看錯”﹐或者地方教會不夠錢﹐就不需要賠償。 此案例一開﹐一個性侵犯訴訟﹐可以拖垮一個教會。 這個案例令主流宗派訂立防禦政策﹐訓練和指引。但如上文所說﹐獨立堂會往往不會這樣做。 . | |
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Aaaaaaaooooooo | |
杀人狂魔界的 圣 | |
而且ed只係查到有,唔係總數 警察要做既話,做幾年都做唔完 | |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDrn9B2vT9o&feature=feedf | |
乜聖經有話打飛機唔得架咩? | |
太5:28 只是我告訴你們,凡看見婦女就動淫念的,這人心裡已經與他犯姦淫了。 | |
美國基督新教牧師性侵兒童檔案(1987~2003) FIRST FIRST CLASS THANKS AGAIN RECAP: : >>>>>>沒人理我 @A8ANGEL,有,建议小姐可以略略考1考虑如此 : 不快时,可以 看看佛经 0念0念观音,真可减压的, BEST,PRUSSIAN 》》》》》》a82871123: 本來腳就有問題,不方便外出,沒人理我 | |
感激 RECAP:看看佛经 0念0念观音,最重要之作用,是; :静心 :少欲 | |
美國基督新教牧師性侵兒童檔案(1987~2003) RECAP: : 》》》》》》a82871123: 本來腳就有問題,不方便外出, @A8ANGEL,因此更加建议多看佛经ETC, 一来:静心/少欲, 二来:打发时间, TX ,CHEERS,BEST,PRUSSIAN | |
呵呵~贊同 | |